- Implement an A* algorithm.
- Implement 3 admissibles heuristics.
- Reach the 'snail solution' as 'goal solution' (see below)
- Handle any puzzle size without crashing.
- Grid loader (from file) and generator.
- Ouput some data from the solving phase.
- Solve an 8-puzzle in less than 5 seconds.
- Use approriate containers for A*.
- Provide an uniform-cost search.
- Provide a greedy search.
- Opportunity to write our libftui(TODO: LINK!) (80% of our project), providing an high-level UI for this project and the next ones.
- Opportunity to use OCaml in a real project, for the first time.
- Disjoint Pattern Databases Heuristic(see below), allowing us to solve any 15-puzzles in less than 5 seconds.
- Careful study of graph traversal algorithms.
- IDA* implementation. (as extra)
- Database for linear conflict results
curl -O http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.3.1.tar.gz &&
tar -zxf lua-5.3.1.tar.gz &&
cd lua-5.3.1 &&
make linux &&
make test &&
sudo make install &&
cd .. &&
rm -rf lua-5.3.1.tar.gz lua-5.3.1
- https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mdr/teaching/modules04/java2/TilesSolvability.html
- https://youtu.be/NuGDkmwEObM?list=PLB7540DEDD482705B&t=861
- A grade of 85 was required to validate the project.
- A maximum grade of 125 was reachable.
- Second sessions are organised for failed projects.