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Who I am |
About me, mission statement, blog posts, answers to common questions |
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Hello! I am Kendra Chalkley. I use kchalk on as my web handle where I can, and kd.chalkley in the few places where I can't.
I am a linguist, a computer scientist, an academic, and a nerd. I prefer syntax and morphology over phonetics, machine learning over software development, data over guesswork, and boardgames over hikes. Historically I am also the kind of person whom my classmates have mistakenly assumed is a TA and who considers getting a PHD to be a strong backup plan. I am currently looking for my first technical professional position, and I would really love the chance to fill a few gaps in the basics that I missed by jumping straight into an MS CS without any undergraduate coding experience.
I have a few projects to show off, all of which are available on my github. As I write more interesting introductions to each of them, I'll post them here. Meanwhile here are some links to:
My masters' research project
- A notebook showing t-SNE clusters of subreddits based on word use
- Git repo
- A downloadable PowerPoint explaining t-SNE (presentation notes to come)
Profile information
- My resume (including contact info)
- My LinkedIn profile
My undergraduate thesis
- In pdf
- Some snippets to spark your curiousity:
I know I said this page would also include a mission statement, blog posts, and answers to common questions... It doesn't yet. If you've read this far, though, you've invested enough time that we should probably connect anyway. Here is the begining of a draft blog post though...