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427 lines (371 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

427 lines (371 loc) · 12.6 KB

MongoDB Database Design


One-to-One - Prefer key value pairs within the document

One-to-Few - Prefer embedding

One-to-Many - Prefer embedding

One-to-Squillions - Prefer Referencing

Many-to-Many - Prefer Referencing

Users Collection

Users (Basic and Professional Account)

    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "phone_num": Binary("+6512345678"),
    "email": "",
    "username": "User 1",
    "display_name": "user1",
    "verified": true,
    "mirai_plus": false,
    "password": Binary("password_hash"),
    "content_moderation": {
        "sexual_images": true,
        "violent_images": true,
        "meme_images": false,
    "profile": {
        "image": {
            "url": " 1", 
        "banner_image": {
            "url": "",
            "blob_name": "blob.webp",
            "bucket": "mirai-public",
        "bio": "I like pancakes!",
        "location": "New York, NY",
        "url": "",
    "privacy": {
        "send_direct_messages": "private",
        "be_follower": "request_needed",
        "see_posts": "followers",
        "search_indexed": "followers",
        "profile_location": "public",
        "profile_url": "public",
        "profile_banner": "public",
        "last_updated": 1671875292.9930356,
    "blocked_users": [
        ObjectID("1..."), ObjectID("2..."), ObjectID("3..."), ...
    "social": {
        "followers": [ObjectID("1..."), ObjectID("2..."), ObjectID("3..."), ...],
        "following": [ObjectID("1..."), ...],
        "pending":   [ObjectID("2..."), ...],
        "requests":  [ObjectID("3..."), ...],
    "security": {
        "role": ["user", "pro"],
        "sms_2fa": true,
        "sms_code": {
            "code": "123456",
            "created_at": 1671875292.9930356,
            "expiry": 1671875692.9930356,
        "backup_code": Binary("..."),
        "secret_totp_token": Binary("..."),
        "last_login": 1671875292.9930356,
        "last_accessed": [
                "location": "Singapore, SG",
                "datetime": 1671875292.9930356,
        "email_tokens": ["4qpIbofF9xbbzTAT"],
        "exported_data": {
            "requested_at": 1671875292.9930356,
            "task_name": "projects/ispj-mirai/locations/asia-southeast1/queues/export-user/tasks/4746893477261137613",
    "oauth2": [
    "sessions": [
            "session_id": "random_string", 
            "expiry": Date("2022-01-03"),
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "os_name": "Windows 10",
            "location": "New York, US",
            "remember_chat": true,
            "ip_address": "",
            "user_agent": "user_agent",
            "session_id": "random_string",
            "expiry": Date("2022-01-20"),
            "browser": "Mobile Safari",
            "os_name": "iOS 5.1",
            "location": "Singapore, SG",
            "ip_address": "",
            "user_agent": "user_agent",
    "posts": [
    "chat": {
        "online": false,
        "message_timer": 60,
        "hide_online_status": false,
        "password_protection": Binary(...),",
        "authenticated": [
    "created_at": Date("2022-01-01"),
    "banned": false,

For the sessions.remember_chat, the user would be able to view the chat without entering the password every time the user views the chat for the current session.

The session also has a ip_address field for the user to see the IP address of the session and revoke the unauthorised session if the user suspects that their account has been compromised.

The user_agent field is to reduce the risk of a session hijacking.


See "src\app\schemas\"

"public" "followers" "disabled" "close_friends"
Send Direct Messages
Be follower inherits inherits
See Posts inherits inherits

Be follower and See Posts inherits from See Profile.

close_friends is a low priority feature.

For chat message_timer, it is the time in seconds before the chat message is deleted. (disappearing messages)

For images, we might use dicebear API again. For friends_only, default is false


Below is an example of a text message

    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "message": Binary("Message Text Content"),
    "sender": ObjectID("1..."),
    "receiver": ObjectID("2..."),
    "timestamp": 1671875292.9930356,
    "type": "text",
    "read": false,
    "expiry": 1671875293.9930356,

Below is an example of a file message

    "_id": bson.ObjectId(),
    "sender": bson.ObjectId(),
    "type": "file",
    "receiver": bson.ObjectId(),
    "timestamp": 1671875292.9930356,
    "message": "Message Text Content",
    "expiry": null,
    "read": false,
    "files": [
            "blob_id": bson.ObjectId(),
            "type": "image/png",
            "filename": "example.png",
            "file_size": 1024,
            "spoiler": false,
            "treat_image_as_file": false,
            "bucket_name": "ispj-confidential",
            "blob_name": "chat/sender_id/random_id/filename",
            "compressed_blob_name": "chat/sender_id/random_id/filename",
            "safe_search_annotation": {
                "adult": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
                "spoof": "UNLIKELY",
                "medical": "POSSIBLE",
                "violence": "LIKELY",
                "racy": "VERY_LIKELY",

treat_image_as_file is to mitigate image decompression bomb attacks (DoS) which can lag the client's browser which affects availability of the user's chat messages. The check is done server-side using the PIL Python library.

compressed_blob_name is the blob name to the compressed version of the file. So far, only images are compressed and is done server-side using the PIL Python library.

Safe search annotation is from Google Cloud Vision API:

The meaning of each safe search annotation:

Deleted Chats

    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "sender": ObjectID("1..."),
    "deleted_at": Date("2022-01-01"),

_id is actually the chat message _id.

File Analysis

    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "identifier": "sha3-256_hash | url",
    "malicious": null,
    "safe_search_annotations": {
        "adult": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
        "spoof": "UNLIKELY",
        "medical": "POSSIBLE",
        "violence": "LIKELY",
        "racy": "VERY_LIKELY",
    "contains_passport": false,
    "contain_sensitive_data": false,
    "created_at": Date("2022-01-01"),

Either url or file_hash must be provided.

This is to optimise the file analysis process. If the file has been analysed before, we can just retrieve the analysis result from the database instead of sending the file to Google Cloud Vision API or VirusTotal again.

malicious is true if the file is malicious using VirusTotal API, if null, the file has not been analysed yet.

contain_sensitive_data is true if the image/PDF file contains sensitive data using Google Cloud Vision API.

safe_search_annotations is the safe search annotations for the image/PDF file using Google Cloud Vision API.


    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "description": "Post Text Content",
    "images": [
            "blob_id": ObjectID("1..."),
            "type": "image/png",
            "bucket_name": "ispj-public",
            "blob_name": "posts/post_id/image_id.png",
            "filename": "image.png",
            "file_size": 1024,
            "safe_search_annotations": {
                "adult": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
                "spoof": "UNLIKELY",
                "medical": "POSSIBLE",
                "violence": "LIKELY",
                "racy": "VERY_LIKELY",
            "spoiler": false,
            "treat_image_as_file": false,
            "compressed_blob_name": "posts/post_id/image_id.png",
    "user_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "likes": [
    "created_at": Date("2022-01-01"),


    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "post_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "description": "Post Text Content",
    // "images": [
    //     {
    //         "blob_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    //         "type": "image/png",
    //         "bucket_name": "ispj-public",
    //         "blob_name": "posts/post_id/image_id.png",
    //         "filename": "image.png",
    //         "file_size": 1024,
    //         "safe_search_annotations": {
    //             "adult": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
    //             "spoof": "UNLIKELY",
    //             "medical": "POSSIBLE",
    //             "violence": "LIKELY",
    //             "racy": "VERY_LIKELY",
    //         },
    //         "spoiler": false,
    //         "treat_image_as_file": false,
    //         "compressed_blob_name": "posts/post_id/image_id.png",
    //     },
    // ],
    "user_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    // "likes": [
    //     ObjectID("1..."), 
    //     ObjectID("2...")
    // ],
    "created_at": Date("2022-01-01"),

Upload Ids

    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "purpose": "chat",
    "created_at": Date("2022-12-24T13:30:16.466+00:00"),
    "created_by": ObjectID("6..."),
    "bucket_name": "mirai-confidential",
    "message": "Message Text Content",
    "number_of_files": 3,
    "files": [
            "upload_url": "<gcp_upload_id>",
            "blob_name": "folder/blob.png",
            "mimetype": "image/png",
    "uploaded_files": [
            "blob_id": bson.ObjectId(),
            "type": "image/png",
            "filename": "example.png",
            "file_size": 1024,
            "spoiler": false,
            "treat_image_as_file": false,
            "bucket_name": "ispj-public",
            "blob_name": "chat/sender_id/random_id/filename",
            "compressed_blob_name": "chat/sender_id/random_id/filename",
            "safe_search_annotation": {
                "adult": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
                "spoof": "UNLIKELY",
                "medical": "POSSIBLE",
                "violence": "LIKELY",
                "racy": "VERY_LIKELY",
    ... // extra fields depending on the purpose of the upload

uploaded_files is the list of files that have been uploaded to the bucket.

Extra fields for chat: receiver - ObjectID of the receiver

Note that the message is also encrypted.


    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "user_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "type": "follow",
    "created_at": Date("2022-01-01"),
    "read": false,
    "partial_message": "has followed you",
    "other_user": ObjectID("1..."),
    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "user_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "type": "like_post",
    "created_at": Date("2022-01-01"),
    "read": false,
    "partial_message": "has liked your post",
    "post_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "other_user": ObjectID("1..."),

A time to live index is created on created_at field such that the notification will be automatically deleted after a week.


    "_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "user_id": ObjectID("1..."),
    "checkout_session": "cs_test_a1AFjoWL7bTEo492rpLzwc5yHQB5l14YrcreBCsCFNREwZZpzgCVY0B1jk",
    "subscription": "sub_1MZC1qEDzhQbsrhHDfLWSTDk",
    "start_date": Date("2022-01-01"),
    "end_date": None,