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XGBoost JSON Schema, Version 1.0


This document contains an exhaustive description of the XGBoost JSON schema, a mapping between XGBoost object classes and JSON objects and arrays. We aim to store a complete representation of all XGBoost objects.

Representation of dmlc::Parameter objects

Every object of subclasses of dmlc::Parameter are to be represented as JSON objects. We will create a bridge method to seamlessly convert dmlc::Parameter objects into JSON objects, such that proper value types are used.

For example, consider the parameter class

struct MyParam : public dmlc::Parameter<MyParam> {
  float learning_rate;
  int num_hidden;
  int activation;
  std::string name;
    DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD(activation).add_enum("relu", 1).add_enum("sigmoid", 2);

and an object created by the following initialization code:

MyParam param;
param.learning_rate = 0.1f;
param.num_hidden = 10;
param.activation = 2;  // sigmoid = "MyNet";

This collection is naturally expressed as the following JSON object:

  "learning_rate": 0.1,
  "num_hidden": 10,
  "activation": "sigmoid",
  "name": "MyNet"


In the following sections, the schema for each XGBoost class is shown as a JSON object. Fields whose keys are marked with italic are optional and may be absent in some models. The hyper-linked value indicate that the value shall be the JSON representation of another XGBoost class. The italic value indicate that the value shall be a primitive type (string, integer, floating-point etc). Every mention of floating-point refers to single-precision floating point (32-bit), unless explicitly stated otherwise. Every mention of integer refers to 32-bit integer unless stated otherwise.

Full content of the schema

Note: Click :ref:`here <example>` for a minimal example of the current schema.

This is the root object for XGBoost model.

  "version" : [1, 0],
  "learner" : Learner
  "learner_train_param" : LearnerTrainParam,
  "gradient_booster" : GradientBooster,
  "eval_metrics" : [ array of Metric ],
  "objective" : Objective

The learner_train_param field stores (hyper)parameters used for training.

The gradient_booster field stores an gradient boosted ensemble consisting of models of certain type (e.g. tree, linear).

The eval_metrics field is used to store evaluation metrics.

The objective field stores the objective (loss) function used to train the ensemble model.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "seed": integer,
  "seed_per_iteration": boolean,
  "dsplit": string,
  "tree_method": string,
  "disable_default_eval_metric": boolean,
  "base_score" : floating-point,
  "num_feature" : integer,
  "num_class" : integer,
  "gpu_id": integer,
  "n_gpus": integer

The dsplit field indicates the data partitioning mode for distributed learning. Its value should be one of auto, col, and row. The value should be set to auto when only a single node is used for training.

The tree_method field is the choice of tree construction and its value should be one of auto, approx, exact, hist, gpu_exact, and gpu_hist. The value should be set to auto when the base learner is not a decision tree (e.g. linear model).

The num_class is used only for multi-class classification task, in which it indicates the number of output classes.

The gpu_id and n_gpus fields are used to set the GPU(s) to use for training and prediction. If no GPU is used, the fields should be omitted. Note: after the planned refactor of GPU device management facilities, we should have only one copy of gpu_id and n_gpus across the whole XGBoost codebase, namely one residing in LearnerTrainParam.

Currently, we may choose one of the three subclasses for the gradient boosted ensemble:

  • GBTree: decision tree models
  • Dart: DART (Dropouts meet Multiple Additive Regression Trees) models
  • GBLinear: linear models

We can determine which subclass was used by looking at the name field of each subclass.


For the time being, every metric is fully specified by a single string. In the future, we may want to add extra parameters to some metrics. When that happens, we should add subclasses of Metric.

The string must be a valid metric name as specified by the parameter doc.

Currently, we may choose one of the 10 subclasses for the objective function:

The GBTree class stores an ensemble of decision trees that are produced via gradient boosting. It is a subclass of GradientBooster.

  "name" : "GBTree",
  "num_boosting_round" : integer,
  "gbtree_train_param" : GBTreeTrainParam,
  "updater_train_param" : TreeTrainParam,
  "updaters" : [ array of TreeUpdater ],
  "model" : GBTreeModel

The num_boosting_round field stores the number of boosting rounds performed. This number is different from the number of trees if num_parallel_tree of GBTreeTrainParam is greater than 1.

The gbtree_train_param field is the list of training parameters specific to GBTree. The updater_train_param field gives the training parameters that are common to all updaters in the updaters field.

The updaters field is the sequence of tree updaters that were used in training the tree ensemble model.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "num_parallel_tree": integer,
  "updater_seq": [ array of string ],
  "process_type": string,
  "predictor": string

The num_parallel_tree field denotes the number of parallel trees constructed during each iteration. It is used to support boosted random forest.

The updater_seq field stores the list of updater names that was provided at the beginning of training. This field may not necessarily match the sequence given in the updaters field of GBTree or Dart.

The process_type field denotes whether to create new trees (default) or to update existing trees (update) during the boosting process. The field's value must be either default or update. Keep in mind that update is highly experimental; most use cases will use default.

The Dart class stores an ensemble of decision trees that are produced via gradient boosting, with dropouts at training time. This class is a subclass of GBTree and hence contains all fields that GBTree contains. It is a subclass of GradientBooster.

  "name" : "Dart",
  "gbtree_train_param" : GBTreeTrainParam,
  "dart_train_param" : DartTrainParam,
  "updater_train_param" : TreeTrainParam,
  "num_boosting_round" : integer,
  "updaters" : [ array of TreeUpdater ],
  "model" : GBTreeModel,
  "weight_drop" : [ array of floating-point ]

In addition to gbtree_train_param, this class also has dart_train_param, the set of training parameters specific to Dart.

The num_boosting_round field stores the number of boosting rounds performed. This number is different from the number of trees if num_parallel_tree of GBTreeTrainParam is greater than 1.

The updaters field is the sequence of tree updaters that were used in training the tree ensemble model.

The weight_drop field stores the weights assigned to individual trees. The weights should be used at training time.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "sample_type": string,
  "normalize_type": string,
  "rate_drop": floating-point,
  "one_drop": boolean,
  "skip_drop": floating-point,
  "learning_rate": floating-point

The meaning of these parameters is to be found in the parameter doc.

The sample_type field must be either uniform or weighted.

The normalize_type field must be either tree or forest.

Currently, we may choose one of the nine subclasses for the tree updater:

  • ColMaker: corresponds to grow_colmaker in the updater sequence
  • HistMaker: corresponds to grow_histmaker in the updater sequence
  • QuantileHistMaker: corresponds to grow_quantile_histmaker in the updater sequence
  • GPUMaker: corresponds to grow_gpu in the updater sequence
  • GPUHistMaker: corresponds to grow_gpu_hist in the updater sequence
  • TreePruner: corresponds to prune in the updater sequence
  • TreeSyncher: corresponds to sync in the updater sequence
  • SketchMaker: corresponds to grow_skmaker in the updater sequence
  • TreeRefresher: corresponds to refresh in the updater sequence

We can determine which subclass was used by looking at the name field of each subclass.

Note: DistColMaker has not been maintained for a while and thus excluded.

The GBTreeModel class is the list of regression trees, plus the model parameters.

  "model_param" : GBTreeModelParam,
  "trees" : [ array of RegTree ],
  "tree_info" : [ array of integer ]

tree_info is a reserved field, retained for the sake of compatibility with the current binary serialization method.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "num_trees": integer,
  "num_feature" : integer,
  "num_output_group" : integer

The num_output_group is the size of prediction per instance. This value is set to 1 for all tasks except multi-class classification. For multi-class classification, num_output_group must be set to the number of classes. This must be identical to the value for num_class field of LearnerTrainParam.

Note. num_roots and size_leaf_vector have been omitted due to deprecation.

  "tree_param" : TreeParam,
  "nodes" : [ array of Node ],
  "stats" : [ array of NodeStat ]

The first node in the nodes array specify root node.

The nodes array specify an adjacency list for an acyclic directed binary tree graph. Each tree node has zero or two outgoing edges and exactly one incoming edge. Cycles are not allowed.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "num_nodes": integer,
  "num_deleted" : integer
  "num_feature": integer

The num_deleted field is optional and indicates that some node IDs are marked deleted and thus should be re-used for creating new nodes. This exists since the pruning method leaves gaps in node IDs. When omitted, num_deleted is assumed to be zero. This field may be deprecated in the future.

Note. num_roots and size_leaf_vector have been omitted due to deprecation. max_depth is removed because it is not used anywhere in the codebase.

We may choose one of the two subclasses for the node class:

  • LeafNode: leaf node (no child node, real output)
  • TestNode: non-leaf node (two child nodes, test condition)

We distinguish the two types of node by whether the node representation is a JSON array (test node) or a single floating-point number (leaf node).

Each leaf node is represented as a single floating-point number:

floating-point (leaf_output)

The leaf_output field specifies the real-valued output associated with the leaf node.

Each test node is represented as a JSON array of a fixed size, each element storing the following fields:

  integer (child_left_id),
  integer (child_right_id),
  unsigned integer (feature_id),
  floating-point (threshold),
  boolean (default_left)

The feature_id and threshold fields specify the feature ID and threshold used in the test node, where the test is of form data[feature_id] < threshold. The child_left_id and child_right_id fields specify the nodes to be taken in a tree traversal when the test data[feature_id] < threshold is true and false, respectively. The node IDs are 0-based offsets to the nodes arrays in RegTree. The default_left field indicates the default direction in a tree traversal when feature value for feature_id is missing.

Statistics for each node is represented as a JSON array of a fixed size, each element storing the following fields:

  floating-point (loss_chg),
  floating-point (sum_hess),
  floating-point (base_weight),
  64-bit integer (instance_cnt)

Note. leaf_child_cnt has been omitted because it is only internally used by the tree pruner. For serialization / deserialization, leaf_child_cnt should always be set to 0.

The GBLinear class stores an ensemble of linear models that are produced via gradient boosting. It is a subclass of GradientBooster.

  "name" : "GBLinear",
  "num_boosting_round" : integer,
  "gblinear_train_param" : GBLinearTrainParam,
  "model": GBLinearModel,
  "updater": LinearUpdater

The num_boosting_round field stores the number of boosting rounds performed.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "updater" : string,
  "tolerance" : floating-point

The updater field is the name of the linear updater used for training. Its value must match that of updater in GBLinear.

The tolerance field is the threshold for early stopping, in which iterations were terminated if the largest weight updater is smaller than the threshold. Setting it to zero disables early stopping.

Note. max_row_perbatch is omitted because it is deprecated.

  "model_param" : GBLinearModelParam,
  "weight" : [ array of floating-point ]

The weight field stores the final coefficients of the combined linear model, after all boosting rounds. Currently, the linear booster does not store coefficients of individual boosting rounds.

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "num_feature" : integer,
  "num_output_group" : integer

The num_output_group is the size of prediction per instance. This value is set to 1 for all tasks except multi-class classification. For multi-class classification, num_output_group must be set to the number of classes.

Currently, we may choose one of the three subclasses for the linear updater:

We can determine which subclass was used by looking at the name field of each subclass.

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "SoftmaxMultiClassObj",
  "num_class" : integer,
  "output_prob" : boolean

The num_class field must have the same value as num_class in LearnerTrainParam.

The output_prob field determines whether the loss function should produce class index (false) or probability distribution (true).

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "HingeObj"

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "RegLossObj",
  "loss_type" : string,
  "scale_pos_weight": floating-point

The loss_type field must be one of the following: LinearSquareLoss, LogisticRegression, LogisticClassification and LogisticRaw.

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "LambdaRankObj",
  "num_pairsample": integer,
  "fix_list_weight": floating-point

The num_pairsample specifies the number of pairs to sample (per instance) to compute the pairwise ranking loss.

The fix_list_weight field is the normalization factor for the weight of each query group. If set to 0, it has no effect.

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "PairwiseRankObj",
  "num_pairsample": integer,
  "fix_list_weight": floating-point

The num_pairsample specifies the number of pairs to sample (per instance) to compute the pairwise ranking loss.

The fix_list_weight field is the normalization factor for the weight of each query group. If set to 0, it has no effect.

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "LambdaRankObjNDCG",
  "num_pairsample": integer,
  "fix_list_weight": floating-point

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "LambdaRankObjMAP",
  "num_pairsample": integer,
  "fix_list_weight": floating-point

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "PoissonRegression",
  "max_delta_step": floating-point

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "CoxRegression"

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "GammaRegression"

This class is a subclass of Objective.

  "name" : "TweedieRegression",
  "tweedie_variance_power" : floaing-point

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "ColMaker",
  "split_evaluator" : [ array of SplitEvaluator ]

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "HistMaker"

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "QuantileHistMaker",
  "split_evaluator" : [ array of SplitEvaluator ]

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "GPUMaker"

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "GPUHistMaker",
  "single_precision_histogram": boolean,
  "gpu_batch_nrows": integer

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "TreePruner"

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "TreeSyncher"

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "SketchMaker"

This class is a subclass of TreeUpdater.

  "name" : "TreeRefresher"

This class is a subclass of dmlc::Parameter.

  "learning_rate": floating-point,
  "min_split_loss": floating-point,
  "max_depth": integer,
  "max_leaves": integer,
  "max_bin": integer,
  "grow_policy": string,
  "min_child_weight": floating-point,
  "reg_lambda": floating-point,
  "reg_alpha": floating-point,
  "default_direction": string,
  "max_delta_step": floating-point,
  "subsample": floating-point
  "colsample_bynode": floating-point,
  "colsample_bylevel": floating-point,
  "colsample_bytree": floating-point,
  "opt_dense_col": floating-point,
  "sketch_eps": floating-point,
  "sketch_ratio": floating-point,
  "parallel_option": integer,
  "cache_opt": boolean,
  "refresh_leaf": boolean,
  "monotone_constraints": [ array of integer ],
  "split_evaluator": [ array of string ],
  "sparse_threshold": floating-point,
  "enable_feature_grouping": boolean,
  "max_conflict_rate": floating-point,
  "max_search_group": integer

The grow_policy can either be depthwise or lossguide and dictates how the tree should grow. This option is only relevant for QuantileHist_ updater.

The default_direction field must be either learn, left, or right. The value indicates how to handle missing values in splits. The learn option (default) will assign missing values to either the left child or right, whichever with lower loss.

The parallel_option field must be 0, 1, or 2. If set to 0, the ColMaker updater will assign different features to threads. If set to 1, the updater will assign different thresholds within each feature to threads. If set to 2, a heuristic will automatically choose the best of the two parallelization strategy. Note that this parameter is only meaningful when ColMaker updater is used (i.e. tree_method is set to exact).

The cache_opt field will enable cache optimization in ColMaker and HistMaker updaters.

The split_evaluator field is the sequence of split evaluators used in training. The current available split evaluators are elastic_net, monotonic, and interaction. For most uses, the field should be set to ["elastic_net", "monotonic", "interaction"]. Note that this field is only available for updater types ColMaker and QuantileHistMaker.

Currently, we may choose one of the three subclasses for the split evaluator:

We can determine which subclass was used by looking at the name field of each subclass.

This is a subclass of SplitEvaluator.

  "name" : "ElasticNet",
  "reg_lambda" : floating-point,
  "reg_alpha" : floating-point

This is a subclass of SplitEvaluator.

  "name" : "MonotonicConstraint",
  "monotone_constraints" : [ array of integer ]

This is a subclass of SplitEvaluator.

  "name" : "InteractionConstraint",
  "interaction_constraints" : string,
  "num_feature" : integer

See this document for the meaning of interaction_constraints field.

This class is a subclass of LinearUpdater.

  "name" : "CoordinateUpdater",
  "train_param" : CoordinateTrainParam

This class is a subclass of LinearUpdater.

  "name" : "GPUCoordinateUpdater",
  "train_param" : CoordinateTrainParam
  "learning_rate": floating-point,
  "reg_lambda": floating-point
  "reg_alpha": floating-point,
  "feature_selector": string,
  "top_k": integer,
  "reg_lambda_denorm": floating-point,
  "reg_alpha_denorm": floating-point

The feature_selector must be one of the following: cyclic, shuffle, random, greedy, and thrifty.

This class is a subclass of LinearUpdater.

  "name" : "ShotgunUpdater",
  "train_param" : ShotgunTrainParam
  "learning_rate": floating-point,
  "reg_lambda": floating-point
  "reg_alpha": floating-point,
  "feature_selector": string,
  "reg_lambda_denorm": floating-point,
  "reg_alpha_denorm": floating-point

The feature_selector must be one of the following: cyclic, shuffle, random, greedy, and thrifty.

Minimal example

  "version" : [1, 0],
  "learner" : {
    "learner_train_param" : {
      "seed": 0,
      "seed_per_iteration": false,
      "dsplit": "auto",
      "tree_method": "hist",
      "disable_default_eval_metric": false,
      "base_score": 0.5,
      "num_feature" : 126
    "gradient_booster" : {
      "name" : "GBTree",
      "num_boosting_round" : 2,
      "gbtree_train_param" : {
        "num_parallel_tree" : 1,
        "updater_seq" : [ "grow_quantile_histmaker" ],
        "process_type" : "default",
        "predictor" : "cpu_predictor"
      "updater_train_param" : {
        "learning_rate": 0.1,
        "min_split_loss": 0.0,
        "max_depth": 6,
        "max_leaves": 0,
        "max_bin": 256,
        "grow_policy": "depthwise",
        "min_child_weight": 1.0,
        "reg_lambda": 1.0,
        "reg_alpha": 0.0,
        "default_direction": "learn",
        "max_delta_step": 0.0,
        "subsample": 1.0,
        "colsample_bynode": 1.0,
        "colsample_bylevel": 1.0,
        "colsample_bytree": 1.0,
        "opt_dense_col": 1.0,
        "sketch_eps": 0.03,
        "sketch_ratio": 2.0,
        "parallel_option": 0,
        "cache_opt": true,
        "refresh_leaf": false,
        "monotone_constraints": [],
        "split_evaluator": [ "elastic_net", "monotonic", "interaction" ],
        "sparse_threshold": 0.2,
        "enable_feature_grouping": false,
        "max_conflict_rate": 0.0,
        "max_search_group": 100
      "updaters" : [
          "name" : "QuantileHistMaker",
          "split_evaluator" : [
              "name" : "ElasticNet",
              "reg_lambda" : 1.0,
              "reg_alpha" : 0.0
              "name" : "MonotonicConstraint",
              "monotone_constraints" : []
              "name" : "InteractionConstraint",
              "interaction_constraints" : "",
              "num_feature" : 126
      "model" : {
        "model_param" : {
          "num_trees" : 2,
          "num_feature" : 126,
          "num_output_group" : 1
        "trees" : [
            "tree_param" : {
              "num_nodes": 9,
              "num_feature" : 126
            "nodes" : [
              [1, 2,  28,  0.0,  true],
              [3, 4,  55,  0.5, false],
              [5, 6, 108,  1.0,  true],
              [7, 8,  66, -0.5,  true],
            "stats" : [
              [200.0, 1635.2,  0.2, 4000],
              [150.2,  922.8,  1.1, 2200],
              [300.4,  712.5, -1.5, 1800],
              [  0.0,  808.3,  0.0, 2000],
              [  0.0,  114.5,  0.0,  200],
              [100.1,  698.0, -1.8, 1600],
              [  0.0,   14.5,  0.0,  200],
              [  0.0,  686.8,  0.0, 1500],
              [  0.0,   11.2,  0.0,  100]
            "tree_param" : {
              "num_nodes": 3,
              "num_feature" : 126
            "nodes" : [
              [1, 2, 5, 0.5, false],
            "stats" : [
              [335.0, 135.2,  0.6, 4000],
              [  0.0,  88.3,  0.0, 3000],
              [  0.0,  46.9,  0.0, 1000]
    "eval_metrics" : [ "auc" ],
    "objective" : {
      "name" : "RegLossObj",
      "loss_type" : "LogisticClassification",
      "scale_pos_weight": 1.0