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152 lines (77 loc) · 3.44 KB

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152 lines (77 loc) · 3.44 KB


Tag Name: Description 👋

git Commit Convention

🎉Start: Start New Project

✨Feat: 새로운 기능을 추가

🐛Fix: 버그 수정

🎨Design: CSS 등 사용자 UI 디자인 변경


🚑HOTFIX: 급하게 치명적인 버그를 고쳐야하는 경우

♻️Refactor: 코드 리팩토링

⚙️Settings: Changing configuration files

🗃️Comment: 필요한 주석 추가 및 변경

📝Docs: 문서 수정

💻Test: 테스트 코드, 리펙토링 테스트 코드 추가, Production Code(실제로 사용하는 코드) 변경 없음

🔧Chore: 빌드 업무 수정, 패키지 매니저 수정, 패키지 관리자 구성 등 업데이트, Production Code 변경 없음

🚀Deploy: Deploying stuff

🔄️Rename: 파일 혹은 폴더명을 수정하거나 옮기는 작업만인 경우

🪚Remove: 파일을 삭제하는 작업만 수행한 경우

💡 PR Convention

아이콘 코드 설명 🎨 :art Improve structure / format of the code.

🎉 :tada Begin a project.

⚡️ :zap Improve performance.

🔥 :fire Remove code or files.

🐛 :bug Fix a bug.

🚑️ :ambulance Critical hotfix.

✨ :sparkles Introduce new features.

📝 :memo Add or update documentation.

🚀 :rocket Deploy stuff.

💄 :lipstick Add or update the UI and style files.

✅ :white_check_mark Add, update, or pass tests.

🔒️ :lock Fix security or privacy issues.

🔐 :closed_lock_with_key Add or update secrets.

🔖 :bookmark Release / Version tags.

🚨 :rotating_light Fix compiler / linter warnings.

🚧 :construction Work in progress.

💚 :green_heart Fix CI Build.

⬇️ :arrow_down Downgrade dependencies.

⬆️ :arrow_up Upgrade dependencies.

📌 :pushpin Pin dependencies to specific versions.

📈 :chart_with_upwards_trend Add or update analytics or track code.

♻️ :recycle Refactor code.

➕ :heavy_plus_sign Add a dependency.

➖ :heavy_minus_sign Remove a dependency.

🔧 :wrench Add or update configuration files.

🔨 :hammer Add or update development scripts.

✏️ :pencil2 Fix typos.

💩 :poop Write bad code that needs to be improved.

⏪️ :rewind Revert changes.

🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows Merge branches.

📦️ :package Add or update compiled files or packages.

👽️ :alien Update code due to external API changes.

🚚 :truck Move or rename resources.

📄 :page_facing_up Add or update license.

💥 :boom Introduce breaking changes.

🍱 :bento Add or update assets.

♿️ :wheelchair Improve accessibility.

💡 :bulb Add or update comments in source code.

💬 :speech_balloon Add or update text and literals.

🗃️ :card_file_box Perform database related changes.

🔊 :loud_sound Add or update logs.

🔇 :mute Remove logs.

👥 :busts_in_silhouette Add or update contributor(s).

🚸 :children_crossing Improve user experience / usability.

🏗️ :building_construction Make architectural changes.

📱 :iphone Work on responsive design.

🥚 :egg Add or update an easter egg.

🙈 :see_no_evil Add or update a .gitignore file.

📸 :camera_flash Add or update snapshots.

⚗️ :alembic Perform experiments.

🔍️ :mag Improve SEO.

🏷️ :label Add or update types.

🌱 :seedling Add or update seed files.

🚩 :triangular_flag_on_post Add, update, or remove feature flags.

🥅 :goal_net Catch errors.

💫 :dizzy Add or update animations and transitions.

🗑️ :wastebasket Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up.