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How to use the Dockerfile

It should be assumed that all commands should be run from the project root, unless otherwise noted. Additionally, depending on your platform and how you've setup Docker, docker commands might need to be run as the root user or prefaced with sudo to work properly.



Admin Credentials: admin:development

User Credentials: user:development

Install Docker

See for instructions on installing Docker for your platform.

Configure, Build, and Run

The launch script will automatically copy the config.ini.example, alembic.ini.example and logging.ini.example to config.ini, alembic.ini and logging.ini, respectively. If you wish to provide your own, copy them like below and edit as you will.

cp config.ini.example config.ini && cp alembic.ini.example alembic.ini && cp logging.ini.example logging.ini

To create all the required containers and startup SpaceDock, run


This will automatically link ./ to /opt/spacedock in the backend container, as well as ./spacedock-db into the database container and ./storage into the frontend container. This means that changes you make locally to files in your project folder will be instantly synced to and reflected in the container (however CSS and JS files need to be rebuilt before the changes take effect). This will also forward port 5080 of the nginx container to port 5080 of your host, so you'll be able to browse to your local server.

The following containers will be started:

docker-compose service name container name function
backend spacedock_backend_1 Flask development server
db spacedock_db_1 PostgreSQL database
redis spacedock_redis_1 Redis in-memory Key-Value store (required for Celery)
frontend spacedock_frontend_1 NGINX frontend acting as proxy to the backend and serving static files
adminer spacedock_adminer_1 Database management UI for development and debugging

To interact with a container using the docker command, you need to use the container name. To interact using docker-compose, you need to use the service name and be in the repository directory or any subdirectory.


If you are on macOS or another environment that requires the use of docker-machine, then you must connect to the local server via that docker machine rather than localhost.

To find out the correct IP to use in your browser, use docker-machine ip. You can then browse to port 5080 of that IP and all should be well.

There are two default accounts, an admin and a regular user: Admin Credentials: admin:development User Credentials: user:development

Starting and Stopping

If you want to stop your container without losing any data, you can simply do docker-compose stop. Then, to start it back up, do docker-compose up.

Odd and Ends

docker-compose exec backend /bin/bash # Start a bash shell in the backend container