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360 lines (291 loc) Β· 44.6 KB

License: MIT Java CI with Gradle README Checker

Algorithms & data structures project

Algorithms and data structures are fundamental to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. This repository's goal is to demonstrate how to correctly implement common data structures and algorithms in the simplest and most elegant ways.

DD2480 - Group 2 Paragraph

DIY Branch Coverage tool

Use the BranchCoverageAnalyser to mark all the branches in you function. See the getTreeDisplay() in for a full example how it should be used (The example is not perfect however, many branches are not checked). Remember to also put all the branch ids that you create in the diy-branch-coverage-control.txt file.

Pro tip! In order to also cover conditional expression, you can use the BranchCoverageAnalyser.markCoveredValue() function. See line 100 in getTreeDisplay().

To see the statistics report run gradle build first and then execute com.williamfiset.algorithms.utils.CoverageStatistics.main(). The report will be generated in build/reports/DIY-Coverage-Report.txt

Lizard Results

NLOC CCN token PARAM length location
58 17 551 1 81 TreeIsomorphismWithBfs::encodeTree@63-143@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/graphtheory/treealgorithms/
55 23 469 0 69 TspDynamicProgrammingIterative::solve@55-123@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/graphtheory/
26 17 399 0 26 SubstringVerificationSuffixArray::SuffixArray::construct@56-81@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/strings/
26 17 399 0 26 LongestCommonPrefixArray::SuffixArray::construct@54-79@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/strings/
26 17 399 0 26 LongestRepeatedSubstring::SuffixArray::construct@58-83@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/strings/
22 31 290 3 66 Solution::f@15-80@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/dp/examples/domino-and-tromino-tiling/
35 20 593 4 68 LineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection::lineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection@41-108@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/geometry/
113 91 1384 4 150 QuadTree::Node::knn@166-315@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/datastructures/quadtree/
30 17 442 0 31 SuffixArrayFast::construct@32-62@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/datastructures/suffixarray/
83 24 468 3 93 GenericSegmentTree::GenericSegmentTree@165-257@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/datastructures/segmenttree/
58 16 318 0 68 GenericSegmentTree2::GenericSegmentTree2@177-244@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/datastructures/segmenttree/
82 27 736 1 97 TreePrinter::getTreeDisplay@23-119@./src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/datastructures/utils/
72 21 611 0 101 GenericSegmentTreeTest::testAllFunctionCombinations@222-322@./src/test/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/datastructures/segmenttree/
Total nloc Avg.NLOC AvgCCN Avg.token Fun Cnt Warning cnt Fun Rt nloc Rt
28870 9.4 2.5 84.5 2696 13 0.00 0.03

Statement of contributions

  • Lara: chose lineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection() in and construct() in, manually counted CC of lineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection(), wrote four tests for lineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection(), created a refactoring plan and refactored lineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection(), documented the process of this assignment.
  • Adam Jonsson: chose getTreeDisplay(), in
    • Created 4+ tests to increase coverage
    • Manually counted CC
    • Create a refactoring plan and refactored
    • documented the process of this assignment.
    • Did also create the DIY coverage analyser
  • Isak: chose encodeTree() in TreeIsomorphismWithBfs. Manually counted CC of encodeTree(). Wrote four tests for encodeTree(). Wrote a refactoring plan for encodeTree(). Contributed to the assignment report.
  • Tony: Improved GenericSegmentTree() in by writing 4 tests and a refactoring plan, as well as manually counted the CC for that method and knn() in
  • Hovig: chose knn() in
    • Created 4+ tests to increase coverage.
    • Manually counted CC for this function and two other.
    • Create a refactoring plan and refactored achieving complexity reduction of >35%.
    • Developed the statistic tool for the DIY coverage analyser.
    • Documented the usage of the DIY tool in
    • Implemented the DIY coverage tool.


This repository is contribution friendly πŸ˜ƒ. If you'd like to add or improve an algorithm, your contribution is welcome! Please be sure to checkout the Wiki for instructions.

Other programming languages?

This repository provides algorithm implementations in Java, however there are other forks that provide implementations in other languages, most notably:

Running an algorithm implementation

To compile and run any of the algorithms here, you need at least JDK version 8. Gradle can make things more convenient for you, but it is not required.

Running with Gradle (recommended)

This project supports the Gradle Wrapper. The Gradle wrapper automatically downloads Gradle at the first time it runs, so expect a delay when running the first command below.

If you are on Windows, use gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew below.

Run a single algorithm like this:

./gradlew run -Palgorithm=<algorithm-subpackage>.<algorithm-class>

Alternatively, you can run a single algorithm specifying the full class name

./gradlew run -Pmain=<algorithm-fully-qualified-class-name>

For instance:

./gradlew run -Palgorithm=search.BinarySearch


./gradlew run

Compiling and running with only a JDK

Create a classes folder

cd Algorithms
mkdir classes

Compile the algorithm

javac -sourcepath src/main/java -d classes src/main/java/ <relative-path-to-java-source-file>

Run the algorithm

java -cp classes <class-fully-qualified-name>


$ javac -d classes -sourcepath src/main/java src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/search/
$ java -cp classes

Data Structures

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming Classics

Dynamic Programming Problem Examples


Tiling problems


Graph theory

Tree algorithms

Network flow

Main graph theory algorithms

Linear algebra



Search algorithms

Sorting algorithms

String algorithms


This repository is released under the MIT license. In short, this means you are free to use this software in any personal, open-source or commercial projects. Attribution is optional but appreciated.