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427 lines (361 loc) · 18.2 KB

File metadata and controls

427 lines (361 loc) · 18.2 KB

!> This feature is not included in precompiled binaries.

To use it you must compile your build. Add the following to user_config_override.h:

#ifndef USE_SCRIPT
#define USE_SCRIPT  // adds about 17k flash size, variable ram size
#ifdef USE_RULES
#undef USE_RULES

Optional Includes

Additional features are enabled by adding the following #define compiler directive parameters and then compiling the firmware. These parameters are explained further below in the article.

Feature Description
USE_BUTTON_EVENT enable >b section (detect button state changes)
USE_SCRIPT_JSON_EXPORT enable >J section (publish JSON payload on TelePeriod)
USE_SCRIPT_SUB_COMMAND enables invoking named script subroutines via the Console or MQTT
USE_SCRIPT_HUE enable >H section (Alexa Hue emulation)
USE_SCRIPT_STATUS enable >U section (receive JSON payloads)
SCRIPT_POWER_SECTION enable >P section (execute on power changes)
SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT enables support for subscribe unsubscribe
USE_SENDMAIL enable >m section and support for sending e-mail
USE_SCRIPT_WEB_DISPLAY enable >W section (modify web UI)
USE_TOUCH_BUTTONS enable virtual touch button support with touch displays
USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE enable receiving the response of a WebSend command (received in section E)
SCRIPT_STRIP_COMMENTS enables stripping comments when attempting to paste a script that is too large to fit
USE_ANGLE_FUNC add sin(x),acos(x) and sqrt(x) e.g. to allow calculation of horizontal cylinder volume
USE_24C256 enables use of 24C256 I2C EEPROM to expand script buffer (defaults to 4k)
USE_SCRIPT_FATFS enables SD card support (on SPI bus). Specify the CS pin number. Also enables 4k script buffer
USE_SCRIPT_FATFS_EXT enables additional FS commands
SDCARD_DIR enables support for web UI for SD card directory upload and download


Scripting Language for Tasmota is an alternative to Tasmota Rules.

To enter a script, go to Configuration -> Edit script in the Tasmota web UI menu

The maximum script size is 1535 bytes (uses rule set buffers). If the pasted script is larger than 1535 characters, comments will be stripped to attempt to make the script fit.

To save code space almost no error messages are provided. However it is taken care of that at least it should not crash on syntax errors.


  • Up to 50 variables (45 numeric and 5 strings - this may be changed by setting a compilation #define directive)
  • Freely definable variable names (all variable names are intentionally case sensitive)
  • Nested if,then,else up to a level of 8
  • Math operators +,-,*,/,%,&,|,^
  • All operators may be used in the op= form, e.g., +=
  • Comparison operators ==,!=,>,>=,<,<=
  • and , or support
  • Hexadecimal numbers with prefix 0x are supported
  • Strings support + and += operators
  • Support for \n \r regular expressions on strings
  • String comparison ==, !=
  • String size is 19 characters (default). This can be increased or decreased by the optional parameter on the >D section definition

Script Interpreter

  • Execution is strictly sequential, line by line
  • Evaluation is left to right with optional brackets
  • All numbers are float, e.g., temp=hum*(100/37.5)+temp-(timer*hum%10)
  • No spaces are allowed between math operators
  • Comments start with ;

Console Commands
script <n> <n>: 0 = switch script off; 1 = switch script on
script ><cmdline> execute <cmdline>

  • Can be used to set variables, e.g., script >mintmp=15
  • Multiple statements can be specified by separating each with a semicolon, e.g. script >mintmp=15;maxtemp=40
  • The script itself can't be specified because the size would not fit the MQTT buffers

Script Sections

Section descriptors (e.g., >E) are case sensitive
>D ssize
ssize = optional max string size (default=19)
define and init variables here, must be the first section, no other code allowed
specifies permanent variables. The number of permanent variables is limited by Tasmota rules space (50 bytes) - numeric variables are 4 bytes; string variables are one byte longer than the length of string
specifies countdown timers, if >0 they are decremented in seconds until zero is reached. see example below
specifies auto increment counters if >=0 (in seconds)
specifies a median filter variable with 5 entries (for elimination of outliers)
specifies a moving average filter variable with 8 entries (for smoothing data)
(max 5 filters in total m+M) optional another filter length (1..127) can be given after the definition.
Filter vars can be accessed also in indexed mode vname[x] (x = 1..N, x = 0 returns current array index pointer)
Using this filter, vars can be used as arrays

[!TIP] Keep variable names as short as possible. The length of all variable names taken together may not exceed 256 characters.
Memory is dynamically allocated as a result of the D section.
Copying a string to a number or reverse is supported

executed on BOOT time and on save script

Executed when a Tasmota MQTT RESULT message is received, e.g., on POWER change

Executed every 100 ms

Executed every second

Executed on restart. p vars are saved automatically after this call

Executed on TelePeriod time (SENSOR and STATE), only put tele- vars in this section
Remark: json variable names (like all others) may not contain math operators like - , you should set SetOption64 1 to replace - (dash) with _ (underscore)

Alexa Hue interface (up to 32 virtual hue devices) (example)
Remark: hue values have a range from 0-65535. Divide by 182 to assign HSBcolors hue values.

device device name
type device type - E = extended color; S = switch
onVars assign Hue "on" extended color parameters for hue, saturation, brightness, and color temperature (hue,sat,bri,ct) to scripter variables

[!EXAMPLE] lamp1,E,on=pwr1,hue=hue1,sat=sat1,bri=bri1,ct=ct1

status JSON Messages arrive here

>b (note lower case)
executed on button state change

read button state (x = 1.. MAX_KEYS)


if bt[1]==0  
print falling edge of button1  
if bt[1]==1  
print rising edge of button1  

The lines in this section are published via MQTT in a JSON payload on TelePeriod. Requires compiling with #define USE_SCRIPT_JSON_EXPORT .

The lines in this section are displayed in the web UI main page. Requires compiling with #define USE_SCRIPT_WEB_DISPLAY.

You may put any html code here.

  • Variables may be substituted using %var%
  • HTML statements are displayed in the sensor section of the main page
  • HTML statements preceded with a @ are displayed at the top of the page
  • USER IO elements are displayed at the top of the page

A web user interface may be generated containing any of the following elements: toggle button, check box, slider, or text and number input.

  • Button:
    bu(<vn> <txt1> <txt2>) (up to 4 buttons may be defined in one row)
    <vn> = name of variable to hold button state
    <txt1> = text of ON state of button
    <txt2> = text of OFF state of button
  • Checkbox:
    ck(<vn> <txt>)
    <vn> = name of variable to hold checkbox state
    <txt> = label text
  • Slider:
    sl(<min> <max> <vn> <ltxt> <mtxt> <rtxt>)
    <min> = slider minimum value
    <max> = slider maximum value
    <vn> = name of variable to hold slider value
    <ltxt> = label left of slider
    <mtxt> = label middle of slider
    <rtxt> = label right of slider
  • Text Input:
    tx(<vn> <txt>)
    <vn> = name of string variable to hold text state
    <txt> = label text
  • Number Input:
    nm(<min <max> <step> <vn> <txt>)
    <min> = number minimum value
    <max> = number maximum value
    <step> = number step value for up/down arrows
    <vn> = name of number variable to hold number
    <txt> = label text

Smart Meter Interface

If a variable does not exist, ??? is displayed for commands

If a Tasmota SENSOR or STATUS or RESULT message is not generated or a Var does not exist the destination variable is NOT updated.

Special Variables

(read only)
upsecs = seconds since start
uptime = minutes since start
time = minutes since midnight
sunrise = sunrise minutes since midnight
sunset = sunset minutes since midnight
tper = TelePeriod (may be set also)
tstamp = timestamp (local date and time)
topic = mqtt topic
gtopic = mqtt group topic
prefixn = prefix n = 1-3
pwr[x] = power state (x = 1..N)
pc[x] = pulse counter value (x = 1..4)
tbut[x] = touch screen button state (x = 1..N)
sw[x] = switch state (x = 1..N)
bt[x] = button state (x = 1..N) only valid in section >b (if defined USE_BUTTON_EVENT)
pin[x] = GPIO pin level (x = 0..16)
pn[x] = GPIO for sensor code x. 99 if none
pd[x] = defined sensor for GPIO x. 999 if none
sht[x] = shutter position (x = 1..N) (if defined USE_SHUTTER)
gtmp = global temperature
ghum = global humidity
gprs = global pressure
pow(x y) = calculates exponential powers x^y
med(n x) = calculates a 5 value median filter of x (2 filters possible n=0,1)
int(x) = gets the integer part of x (like floor)
hn(x) = converts x (0..255) to a hex nibble string
hx(x) = converts x (0..65535) to a hex string
st(svar c n) = string token - retrieve the nth element of svar delimited by c
sl(svar) = gets the length of a string
sb(svar p n) = gets a substring from svar at position p (if p<0 counts from end) and length n
sin(x) = calculates the sinus(x) (if defined USE_ANGLE_FUNC)
acos(x) = calculates the acos(x) (if defined USE_ANGLE_FUNC)
sqrt(x) = calculates the sqrt(x) (if defined USE_ANGLE_FUNC)
s(x) = explicit conversion from number x to string
mqtts = MQTT connection status: 0 = disconnected, >0 = connected
wifis = Wi-Fi connection status: 0 = disconnected, >0 = connected

hours = hours
mins = mins
secs = seconds
day = day of month
wday = day of week
month = month
year = year
epoch = epoch time (from 2019-1-1 00:00)

The following variables are cleared after reading true:
chg[var] = true if a variables value was changed (numeric vars only)
upd[var] = true if a variable was updated
boot = true on BOOT
tinit = true on time init
tset = true on time set
mqttc = true on mqtt connect
mqttd = true on mqtt disconnect
wific = true on wifi connect
wifid = true on wifi disconnect

System variables (for debugging)
stack = stack size
heap = heap size
ram = used ram size
slen = script length
micros = running microseconds
millis = running milliseconds
loglvl = loglevel of script cmds (may be set also)

If you define a variable with the same name as a special variable that special variable is discarded


=> <command> Execute <command> recursion disabled
+> <command> Execute <command> recursion enabled
-> <command> Execute <command> - do not send MQTT or log messages (i.e., silent execute - useful to reduce traffic)

Variable Substitution

  • A single percent sign must be given as %%
  • Variable replacement within commands is allowed using %varname%. Optionally, the decimal places precision for numeric values may be specified by placing a digit (%Nvarname%, N = 0..9) in front of the substitution variable (e.g., Humidity: %3hum%%% will output Humidity: 43.271%)
  • Linefeed and carriage return may be defined by \n and \r

Special commands:
print or => print prints to the log for debugging
    A Tasmota MQTT RESULT message invokes the script's >E section. Add => print statements to debug a script.



if upd[slider]>0
=>print slider updated %slider%

if upd[power]>0
=>print power updated %power%

break exits a section or terminates a for next loop
dpx sets decimal precision to x (0-9)
svars save permanent vars
delay(x) pauses x milliseconds (should be as short as possible)
spin(x b) set GPIO x (0..16) to value b (0,1). Only bit 0 of b is used - even values set the GPIO to 0 and uneven values set the GPIO to 1
spinm(x m) set GPIO x (0..16) to mode m (input=0, output=1, input with pullup=2)
ws2812(array) copies an array (defined with m:vname) to the WS2812 LED chain. The array length should be defined as long as the number of pixels. Color is coded as 24 bit RGB.
hsvrgb(h s v) converts hue (0..360), saturation (0..100) and value (0..100) to RGB color

#name names a subroutine. Subroutine is called with =#name
#name(param) names a subroutine with a parameter. Subroutine is called with =#name(param)
Subroutines end with the next # or > line or break. Subroutines may be nested
Parameters can be numbers or strings and on type mismatch are converted

If #define USE_SCRIPT_SUB_COMMAND is included in your user_config_override.h, a subroutine may be invoked via the Console or MQTT using the subroutine's name. For example, a declared subroutine #SETLED(num) may be invoked by typing SETLED 1 in the Console. The parameter 1 is passed into the num argument. This also works with string parameters.

It is possible to "replace" internal Tasmota commands. For example, if a #POWER1(num) subroutine is declared, the command POWER1 is processed in the scripter instead of in the main Tasmota code.

=(svar) executes a routine whose name is passed as a string in a variable (dynamic or self modifying code)

For loop (loop count must not be less than 1)

for var <from> <to> <inc>  

Switch selector (numeric or string)

switch x  
case a  
case b  

Conditional Statements
There are two syntax alternatives. You may NOT mix both formats.

if a==b  
and x==y  
or k==i  
then => do this  
else => do that  


if a==b  
and x==y  
or k==i {  
  => do this  
} else {  
  => do that  

The last closing bracket must be on a separate line
Calculations are permitted in conditional expressions, e.g.,

if var1-var2==var3*var4

Conditional expressions may be enclosed in parentheses. The statement must be on a single line. e.g.,

if ((a==b) and ((c==d) or (c==e)) and (s!="x"))

Enabling this feature also enables Tasmota TLS as sendmail uses SSL.

sendmail [server:port:user:passwd:from:to:subject] msg


sendmail [<>:alarm] %string%

A number of e-mail servers (such as Gmail) require the receiver's e-mail address to be enclosed by < ... > as in example above. Most other e-mail servers also accept this format.

The following parameters can be specified during compilation via #define directives in user_config_override.h:


To use any of these values, pass an * as its corresponding argument placeholder.

[!EXAMPLE] sendmail [*:*:*:*:*:<>:theSubject] theMessage

Instead of passing the msg as a string constant, the body of the e-mail message may also be composed using the script >m (note lower case) section. The specified text in this script section must end with an # character. sendmail will use the >m section if * is passed as the msg parameter. See [Scripting Cookbook Example].(Script-Cookbook#Send-e-mail)

Subscribe, Unsubscribe
subscribe and unsubscribe commands are supported. In contrast to rules, no event is generated but the event name specifies a variable defined in >D section and this variable is automatically set on transmission of the subscribed item

SD Card Support (+ 10k flash)
CARD_CS = GPIO of card chip select
SD card uses standard hardware SPI GPIO: mosi,miso,sclk
A maximum of four files may be open at a time
e.g., allows for logging sensors to a tab delimited file and then downloading the file (see Sensor Logging example)
The downloading of files may be executed in a kind of "multitasking" when bit 7 of loglvl is set (128+loglevel)
Without multitasking 150kb/s (all processes are stopped during downloading), with multitasking 50kb/s (other Tasmota processes are running)
The script itself is also stored on the SD card with a default size of 4096 characters

Enable SD card directory support (+ 1,2k flash)
#define SDCARD_DIR
Shows a web SD card directory (submenu of scripter) where you can upload and download files to/from sd card

fr=fo("fname" m) open file fname, mode 0=read, 1=write (returns file reference (0-3) or -1 for error)
res=fw("text" fr) writes text to (the end of) file fr, returns number of bytes written
res=fr(svar fr) reads a string into svar, returns bytes read. String is read until delimiter (\t \n \r) or eof
fc(fr) close file
ff(fr) flush file, writes cached data and updates directory
fd("fname") delete file fname
flx(fname) create download link for file (x=1 or 2) fname = file name of file to download
fsm return 1 if filesystem is mounted, (valid SD card found)

Extended commands (+0,9k flash)
fmd("fname") make directory fname
frd("fname") remove directory fname
fx("fname") check if file fname exists
fe("fname") execute script fname (max 2048 bytes, script must start with the '>' character on the first line)