Comparisons inspired by Wikipedia's Robotics simulator page.
⚠️ Warning: Most fields are missing. Any help would be appreciated.
- Bullet (github) - Real-Time Physics Simulation
- CHRONO::ENGINE (github) - C++ library for multibody dynamics simulations.
- DART (github) - Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit.
- Drake (github) - A planning, control, and analysis toolbox for nonlinear dynamical systems.
- ODE (bitbucket) - An open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics.
- Simbody (github) - A multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical/mechanical systems.
Library | Developer(s) | Latest Release | Platform Supported | License | Github ⭐ |
chrono | University of Wisconsin-Madison | IntPoint1.2 (2016-02-27) | Linux, Windows | BSD 3-Clause | 57 |
Bullet | Erwin Coumans | 2.83 (2016-01-08) | Linux, MacOS, Windows | Zlib | 1644 |
DART | Georgia Tech and CMU | 6.0.0 (2016-05-10) | Linux, MacOS, Windows | BSD 2-Clause | 90 |
Drake | MIT and TRI | 0.9.11 (2015-10-08) | Linux, MacOS, Windows | BSD 3-Clause | 443 |
ODE | Russell Smith | 0.14 (2015-12-18) | Linux, MacOS, Windows | LGPL 2.1 or BSD 3-Clause | N/A |
Simbody | | 3.5.3 (2015-06-15) | Linux, MacOS, Windows | Apache 2.0 | 535 |
⭐ updated Apr 19, 2016 |
Library | Main Programming Language | External APIs | File Formats Support |
chrono | C++ | C++, Python | unknown |
Bullet | C++ | C++ | URDF |
DART | C++ | C++, Python | URDF, SDF, VSK, SKEL |
Drake | C++ and MATLAB | C++, Python | own json format |
ODE | C++ | C++ | unknown |
Simbody | C++ | C++ | URDF |
Library | Mailing List | API Documentation | Public Forum/Help System | User Manual | Tutorial | Issue Tracker | Wiki |
DART | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Library | Lines of Code | Lines of Comments | Coverage | Continuous Integration | Static Code Checker | Style Checker |
DART | 75k | 34k | 51% | Travis CI, Appveyor | None | None |
Library | UGV (ground mobile robot) | UAV (aerial robots) | AUV (underwater robots) | Robotic Arms | Robotic Hands (grasping simulation) | Humanoid Robots | Human Avatars |
DART | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Library | Inverse Kinematics | Inverse Dynamics | Forward Dynamics | Hybrid Dynamics |
DART | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Library | Revolute | Prismatic | Screw | Universal | Cylindrical | Ball | Euler | Translational | Planar | Free |
DART | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Library | Kinematic Actuators | Force-controlled Actuators | Servos |
DART | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Library | Odometry | IMU | Collision | GPS | Monocular Cameras | Stereo Cameras | Depth Cameras | 2D Laser Scanners | 3D Laser Scanners |
DART | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
- scpeters/benchmark - Benchmark comparisons of rigid-body dynamics simulators
- IFToMM - A tool for the international multibody dynamics community to propose, solve, and refer to a collection of benchmark problems.
- BPMD - Benchmark Problems for Multibody Dynamics (BPMD) Database.
- M. Torres-Torriti et al. Survey and comparative study of free simulation software for mobile robots. Robotica 2016.
- T. Erez et al. Simulation tools for model-based robotics: comparison of Bullet, Havok, MuJoCo, ODE, and PhysX. ICRA 2015. (pdf)
- Y. Lu et al. Comparison of Multibody Dynamics Solver Performance: Synthetic versus Realistic Data. ASME IDETC/CIEC 2015. (pdf)
- S. Ivaldi et al. Tools for simulating humanoid robot dynamics: a survey based on user feedback. Humanoids 2014. (pdf)
- 9 open source robotics projects by Jason Baker
- Comparison of Rigid Body Dynamic Simulators for Robotic Simulation in Gazebo by Steven Peters and John Hsu
- Open Source Physics Engines by Tapir Liu
- Survey of multibody dynamics software maintained by Ying Lu
- Wikipedia: Robotics simulator
- Gazebo (bitbucket) - A dynamic multi-robot simulator.
- GraspIt! (github) - A simulator for grasping research that can accommodate arbitrary hand and robot designs developed by the Columbia University Robotics Group
- MORSE (github) - The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine.
- V-REP - Virtual robot experimentation platform.
Library | Developer(s) | Latest Release | Platform Supported | License | Github ⭐ |
Gazebo | OSRF | 7.1.0 (2016-04-08) | Linux, Mac, Windows | Apache 2.0 | N/A |
MORSE | LAAS-CNRS and many | 1.4 (2016-02-08) | Linux | BSD 3-Clause | 153 |
V-REP | Coppelia Robotics | 3.3.0 (2016-02-19) | Linux, Mac, Windows | Commercial / Free educational | N/A |
⭐ updated Apr 19, 2016 |
- A. Staranowicz, G. L. Mariottini, A Survey and Comparison of Commercial and Open-Source Robotic Simulator Software, PETRA 2011. (pdf)
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