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1353 lines (846 loc) · 34.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1353 lines (846 loc) · 34.8 KB

General Functions


def getActiveWindow() -> Optional[Window]

Get the currently active (focused) Window in default root

WAYLAND This will not work on Wayland unless you activate unsafe_mode:

  • Press alt + f2
  • write "lg" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter
  • In the command entry box (at the bottom of the window), write "global.context.unsafe_mode = true" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter
  • To exit the "lg" program, click on any of the options in the upper right corner, then press Escape (it seems a lg bug!)
  • You can set unsafe_mode off again by following the same steps, but in this case, using "global.context.unsafe_mode = false" Anyway, it will not work with all windows (especially built-in/"official" apps do not populate xid nor X-Window object)


Window object or None


def getActiveWindowTitle() -> str

Get the title of the currently active (focused) Window


window title as string or empty


def getAllWindows() -> List[Window]

Get the list of Window objects for all visible windows in default root

WAYLAND This will not work on Wayland unless you activate unsafe_mode:

  • Press alt + f2
  • write "lg" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter
  • In the command entry box (at the bottom of the window), write "global.context.unsafe_mode = true" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter
  • To exit the "lg" program, click on any of the options in the upper right corner, then press Escape (it seems a lg bug!)
  • You can set unsafe_mode off again by following the same steps, but in this case, using "global.context.unsafe_mode = false" Anyway, it will not work with all windows (especially built-in/"official" apps do not populate xid nor X-Window object)


list of Window objects


def getAllTitles() -> List[str]

Get the list of titles of all visible windows


list of titles as strings


def getWindowsWithTitle(title: Union[str, re.Pattern[str]],
                        app: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = (),
                        condition: int = Re.IS,
                        flags: int = 0)

Get the list of window objects whose title match the given string with condition and flags.

Use ''condition'' to delimit the search. Allowed values are stored in pywinctl.Re sub-class (e.g. pywinctl.Re.CONTAINS) Use ''flags'' to define additional values according to each condition type:

- IS -- window title is equal to given title (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- CONTAINS -- window title contains given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- STARTSWITH -- window title starts by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- ENDSWITH -- window title ends by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTIS -- window title is not equal to given title (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTCONTAINS -- window title does NOT contains given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTSTARTSWITH -- window title does NOT starts by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTENDSWITH -- window title does NOT ends by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- MATCH -- window title matched by given regex pattern (allowed flags: regex flags, see
- NOTMATCH -- window title NOT matched by given regex pattern (allowed flags: regex flags, see
- EDITDISTANCE -- window title matched using Levenshtein edit distance to a given similarity percentage (allowed flags: 0-100. Defaults to 90)
- DIFFRATIO -- window title matched using difflib similarity ratio (allowed flags: 0-100. Defaults to 90)


  • title: title or regex pattern to match, as string
  • app: (optional) tuple of app names. Defaults to ALL (empty list)
  • condition: (optional) condition to apply when searching the window. Defaults to ''Re.IS'' (is equal to)
  • flags: (optional) specific flags to apply to condition. Defaults to 0 (no flags)


list of Window objects


def getAllAppsNames() -> List[str]

Get the list of names of all visible apps


list of names as strings


def getAppsWithName(name: Union[str, re.Pattern[str]],
                    condition: int = Re.IS,
                    flags: int = 0) -> List[str]

Get the list of app names which match the given string using the given condition and flags.

Use ''condition'' to delimit the search. Allowed values are stored in pywinctl.Re sub-class (e.g. pywinctl.Re.CONTAINS) Use ''flags'' to define additional values according to each condition type:

- IS -- app name is equal to given title (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- CONTAINS -- app name contains given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- STARTSWITH -- app name starts by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- ENDSWITH -- app name ends by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTIS -- app name is not equal to given title (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTCONTAINS -- app name does NOT contains given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTSTARTSWITH -- app name does NOT starts by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- NOTENDSWITH -- app name does NOT ends by given string (allowed flags: Re.IGNORECASE)
- MATCH -- app name matched by given regex pattern (allowed flags: regex flags, see
- NOTMATCH -- app name NOT matched by given regex pattern (allowed flags: regex flags, see
- EDITDISTANCE -- app name matched using Levenshtein edit distance to a given similarity percentage (allowed flags: 0-100. Defaults to 90)
- DIFFRATIO -- app name matched using difflib similarity ratio (allowed flags: 0-100. Defaults to 90)


  • name: name or regex pattern to match, as string
  • condition: (optional) condition to apply when searching the app. Defaults to ''Re.IS'' (is equal to)
  • flags: (optional) specific flags to apply to condition. Defaults to 0 (no flags)


list of app names


def getAllAppsWindowsTitles() -> dict

Get all visible apps names and their open windows titles


Key: app name 
Values: list of window titles as strings


python dictionary


def getWindowsAt(x: int, y: int) -> Optional[List[Window]]

Get the list of Window objects whose windows contain the point (x, y) on screen


  • x: X screen coordinate of the window(s)
  • y: Y screen coordinate of the window(s)


list of Window objects


def getTopWindowAt(x: int, y: int) -> Optional[Window]

Get the Window object at the top of the stack at the point (x, y) on screen


  • x: X screen coordinate of the window
  • y: Y screen coordinate of the window


Window object or None


def version(numberOnly: bool = True) -> str

Returns the current version of PyWinCtl module, in the form ''x.x.xx'' as string


def getAllScreens() -> dict

Get all monitors info plugged to the system, as a dict.

If watchdog thread is enabled or the 'forceUpdate' param is set to ''True'', it will return updated information. Otherwise, it will return the monitors info as it was when the PyMonCtl module was initially loaded (static).

Use 'forceUpdate' carefully since it can be CPU-consuming and slow in scenarios in which this function is repeatedly and quickly invoked, so if it is directly called or indirectly by other functions.


Monitors info as python dictionary Output Format: Key: Display name (in macOS it is necessary to add handle to avoid duplicates)

        name of display as returned by system (in macOS this name can be duplicated!)
        display index as returned by EnumDisplayDevices()
        ''True'' if monitor is primary (shows clock and notification area, sign in, lock, CTRL+ALT+DELETE screens...)
        Point(x, y) struct containing the display position ((0, 0) for the primary screen)
        Size(width, height) struct containing the display size, in pixels
        Rect(left, top, right, bottom) struct with the screen workarea, in pixels
        Scale ratio, as a tuple of (x, y) scale percentage
        Dots per inch, as a tuple of (x, y) dpi values
        Display orientation: 0 - Landscape / 1 - Portrait / 2 - Landscape (reversed) / 3 - Portrait (reversed)
        Refresh rate of the display, in Hz
        Bits per pixel referred to the display color depth


def getScreenSize(name: str = "") -> Tuple[int, int]

Get the width and height, in pixels, of the given monitor, or main monitor if no monitor name provided


  • name: name of the monitor as returned by getMonitors() and getDisplay() methods.


Size struct or None


def getWorkArea(name: str = "") -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]

Get coordinates (left, top, right, bottom), in pixels, of the working (usable by windows) area

of the given screen, or main screen if no screen name provided


  • name: name of the monitor as returned by getMonitors() and getDisplay() methods.


Rect struct or None


def getMousePos() -> Tuple[int, int]

Get the current (x, y) coordinates of the mouse pointer on screen, in pixels


Point struct


def displayWindowsUnderMouse(xOffset: int = 0, yOffset: int = 0) -> None

This function is meant to be run from the command line. It will automatically display the position of mouse pointer and the titles of the windows under it


def checkPermissions(activate: bool = False) -> bool

macOS ONLY: Check Apple Script permissions for current script/app and, optionally, shows a

warning dialog and opens security preferences


  • activate: If ''True'' and if permissions are not granted, shows a dialog and opens security preferences. Defaults to ''False''


returns ''True'' if permissions are already granted or platform is not macOS

Window Methods

class Window(BaseWindow)


def getExtraFrameSize(includeBorder: bool = True) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]

Get the extra space, in pixels, around the window, including or not the border.

Notice not all applications/windows will use this property values


  • includeBorder: set to ''False'' to avoid including borders


additional frame size in pixels, as a tuple of int (left, top, right, bottom)


def getClientFrame() -> Rect

Get the client area of window including scroll, menu and status bars, as a Rect (x, y, right, bottom)

Notice that this method won't match non-standard window decoration sizes


Rect struct


def close() -> bool

Closes this window. This may trigger "Are you sure you want to

quit?" dialogs or other actions that prevent the window from actually closing. This is identical to clicking the X button on the window.


''True'' if window is closed


def minimize(wait: bool = False) -> bool

Minimizes this window


  • wait: set to ''True'' to confirm action requested (in a reasonable time)


''True'' if window minimized


def maximize(wait: bool = False) -> bool

Maximizes this window


  • wait: set to ''True'' to confirm action requested (in a reasonable time)


''True'' if window maximized


def restore(wait: bool = False, user: bool = True) -> bool

If maximized or minimized, restores the window to its normal size


  • wait: set to ''True'' to confirm action requested (in a reasonable time)
  • user: ignored on Windows platform


''True'' if window restored


def show(wait: bool = False) -> bool

If hidden or showing, shows the window on screen and in title bar


  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)


''True'' if window showed


def hide(wait: bool = False) -> bool

If hidden or showing, hides the window from screen and title bar


  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)


''True'' if window hidden


def activate(wait: bool = False, user: bool = True) -> bool

Activate this window and make it the foreground (focused) window


  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)
  • user: ''True'' indicates a direct user request, as required by some WMs to comply.


''True'' if window activated


def resize(widthOffset: int, heightOffset: int, wait: bool = False)

Resizes the window relative to its current size


  • widthOffset: offset to add to current window width as target width
  • heightOffset: offset to add to current window height as target height
  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)


''True'' if window resized to the given size


resizeRel is an alias for the resize() method.


def resizeTo(newWidth: int, newHeight: int, wait: bool = False)

Resizes the window to a new width and height


  • newWidth: target window width
  • newHeight: target window height
  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)


''True'' if window resized to the given size


def move(xOffset: int, yOffset: int, wait: bool = False)

Moves the window relative to its current position


  • xOffset: offset relative to current X coordinate to move the window to
  • yOffset: offset relative to current Y coordinate to move the window to
  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)


''True'' if window moved to the given position


moveRel is an alias for the move() method.


def moveTo(newLeft: int, newTop: int, wait: bool = False)

Moves the window to new coordinates on the screen


  • newLeft: target X coordinate to move the window to
  • newTop: target Y coordinate to move the window to
  • wait: set to ''True'' to wait until action is confirmed (in a reasonable time lap)


''True'' if window moved to the given position


def alwaysOnTop(aot: bool = True) -> bool

Keeps window on top of all others.


  • aot: set to ''False'' to deactivate always-on-top behavior


''True'' if command succeeded


def alwaysOnBottom(aob: bool = True) -> bool

Keeps window below of all others, but on top of desktop icons and keeping all window properties


  • aob: set to ''False'' to deactivate always-on-bottom behavior


''True'' if command succeeded


def lowerWindow() -> bool

Lowers the window to the bottom so that it does not obscure any sibling windows


''True'' if window lowered


def raiseWindow() -> bool

Raises the window to top so that it is not obscured by any sibling windows.


''True'' if window raised


def sendBehind(sb: bool = True) -> bool

Sends the window to the very bottom, below all other windows, including desktop icons.

It may also cause that the window does not accept focus nor keyboard/mouse events as well as make the window disappear from taskbar and/or pager.


  • sb: set to ''False'' to bring the window back to front


''True'' if window sent behind desktop icons Notes: - On GNOME it will obscure desktop icons... by the moment


def acceptInput(setTo: bool)

Toggles the window to accept input and focus


  • setTo: True/False to toggle window ignoring input and focus




def getAppName() -> str

Get the name of the app current window belongs to


name of the app as string


def getParent() -> int

Get the handle of the current window parent. It can be another window or an application


handle of the window parent


def setParent(parent: int) -> bool

Current window will become child of given parent

WARNING: Not implemented in AppleScript (not possible in macOS for foreign - other apps' - windows)


  • parent: window to set as current window parent


''True'' if current window is now child of given parent


def getChildren() -> List[int]

Get the children handles of current window


list of handles


def getHandle() -> int

Get the current window handle


window handle


def isParent(child: int) -> bool

Returns ''True'' if the window is parent of the given window as input argument


  • child: handle of the window you want to check if the current window is parent of


isParentOf is an alias of isParent method


def isChild(parent: int)

Check if current window is child of given window/app (handle)

On Windows, the list will contain up to one display (displays can not overlap), whilst in Linux and macOS, the list may contain several displays.


  • parent: handle of the window/app you want to check if the current window is child of


''True'' if current window is child of the given window


isChildOf is an alias of isParent method


def getDisplay() -> List[str]

Get display names in which current window space is mostly visible


display name as list of strings or empty (couldn't retrieve it or window is off-screen)


getMonitor is an alias of getDisplay method


def isMinimized() -> bool

Check if current window is currently minimized


True if the window is minimized


def isMaximized() -> bool

Check if current window is currently maximized


True if the window is maximized


def isActive()

Check if current window is currently the active, foreground window


True if the window is the active, foreground window


def title() -> str

Get the current window title, as string


title as a string


def visible() -> bool

Check if current window is visible (minimized windows are also visible)


True if the window is currently visible


isVisible is an alias for the visible property.


def isAlive() -> bool

Check if window (and application) still exists (minimized and hidden windows are included as existing)


''True'' if window exists


def updatedTitle() -> str

Get and updated title by finding a similar window title within same application.

It uses a similarity check to find the best match in case title changes (no way to effectively detect it). This can be useful since this class uses window title to identify the target window. If watchdog is activated, it will stop in case title changes.


  • New title may not belong to the original target window, it is just similar within same application
  • If original title or a similar one is not found, window may still exist


possible new title, empty if no similar title found or same title if it didn't change, as a string

WatchDog Methods

class _WatchDog()

Set a watchdog, in a separate Thread, to be notified when some window states change

Notice that changes will be notified according to the window status at the very moment of instantiating this class

IMPORTANT: This can be extremely slow in macOS Apple Script version

Available methods: :meth start: Initialize and start watchdog and selected callbacks :meth updateCallbacks: Change the states this watchdog is hooked to :meth updateInterval: Change the interval to check changes :meth kill: Stop the entire watchdog and all its hooks :meth isAlive: Check if watchdog is running


def start(isAliveCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
          isActiveCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
          isVisibleCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
          isMinimizedCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
          isMaximizedCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
          resizedCB: Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], None] | None = None,
          movedCB: Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], None] | None = None,
          changedTitleCB: Callable[[str], None] | None = None,
          changedDisplayCB: Callable[[List[str]], None] | None = None,
          interval: float = 0.3)

Initialize and start watchdog and hooks (callbacks to be invoked when desired window states change)

Notice that changes will be notified according to the window status at the very moment of execute start()

The watchdog is asynchronous, so notifications will not be immediate (adjust interval value to your needs)

The callbacks definition MUST MATCH their return value (boolean, string or (int, int))

IMPORTANT: This can be extremely slow in macOS Apple Script version


  • isAliveCB: callback to call if window is not alive. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new alive status value (False)
  • isActiveCB: callback to invoke if window changes its active status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new active status value (True/False)
  • isVisibleCB: callback to invoke if window changes its visible status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new visible status value (True/False)
  • isMinimizedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its minimized status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new minimized status value (True/False)
  • isMaximizedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its maximized status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new maximized status value (True/False)
  • resizedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its size. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new size (width, height)
  • movedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its position. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new position (x, y)
  • changedTitleCB: callback to invoke if window changes its title. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new title (as string)
  • changedDisplayCB: callback to invoke if window changes display. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new display name (as string)
  • interval: set the interval to watch window changes. Default is 0.3 seconds


def updateCallbacks(isAliveCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
                    isActiveCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
                    isVisibleCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
                    isMinimizedCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
                    isMaximizedCB: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None,
                    resizedCB: Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], None] | None = None,
                    movedCB: Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], None] | None = None,
                    changedTitleCB: Callable[[str], None] | None = None,
                    changedDisplayCB: Callable[[List[str]], None]
                    | None = None)

Change the states this watchdog is hooked to

The callbacks definition MUST MATCH their return value (boolean, string or (int, int))

IMPORTANT: When updating callbacks, remember to set ALL desired callbacks or they will be deactivated

IMPORTANT: Remember to set ALL desired callbacks every time, or they will be defaulted to None (and unhooked)


  • isAliveCB: callback to call if window is not alive. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new alive status value (False)
  • isActiveCB: callback to invoke if window changes its active status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new active status value (True/False)
  • isVisibleCB: callback to invoke if window changes its visible status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new visible status value (True/False)
  • isMinimizedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its minimized status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new minimized status value (True/False)
  • isMaximizedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its maximized status. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new maximized status value (True/False)
  • resizedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its size. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new size (width, height)
  • movedCB: callback to invoke if window changes its position. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new position (x, y)
  • changedTitleCB: callback to invoke if window changes its title. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new title (as string)
  • changedDisplayCB: callback to invoke if window changes display. Set to None to not watch this Returns the new display name (as string)


def updateInterval(interval: float = 0.3)

Change the interval to check changes


  • interval: set the interval to watch window changes. Default is 0.3 seconds


def setTryToFind(tryToFind: bool)

In macOS Apple Script version, if set to ''True'' and in case title changes, watchdog will try to find

a similar title within same application to continue monitoring it. It will stop if set to ''False'' or similar title not found.


  • It will have no effect in other platforms (Windows and Linux) and classes (MacOSNSWindow)
  • This behavior is deactivated by default, so you need to explicitly activate it


  • tryToFind: set to ''True'' to try to find a similar title. Set to ''False'' to deactivate this behavior


def stop()

Stop the entire WatchDog and all its hooks


def isAlive()

Check if watchdog is running


''True'' if watchdog is alive

Menu Methods

class _Menu()


def getMenu(addItemInfo: bool = False) -> dict[str, _SubMenuStructure]

Loads and returns Menu options, sub-menus and related information, as dictionary.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to pre-load the Menu struct by explicitly calling getMenu() before invoking any other method.

WARNING: "item_info" is extremely huge and slow. Instead use getMenuItemInfo() method individually

WARNING: Notice there are "hidden" menu entries which are not visible, but are returned when querying menu. These entries do not have position nor size.


  • addItemInfo: if ''True'', adds "item_info" struct and "shortcut" to the output "item_info" is extremely huge and slow. Instead use getMenuItemInfo() method individually


python dictionary with MENU struct Output Format: Key: item (option or sub-menu) title

        parent sub-menu handle (main menu handle for level-0 items)

        item handle (!= 0 for sub-menu items only)
        item ID (required for other actions, e.g. clickMenuItem())
        Rect struct of the menu item (relative to window position)
    "item_info" (optional):
        MENUITEMINFO struct containing all avialable menu item info
    "shortcut" (optional):
        shortcut to menu item, if any. Included only if item_info is included as well (addItemInfo=True)
        sub-items within the sub-menu (if any)


def clickMenuItem(itemPath: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                  wID: int = 0) -> bool

Simulates a click on a menu item

Notes: - It will not work for men/sub-menu entries - It will not work if selected option is disabled

Use one of these input parameters to identify desired menu item:


  • itemPath: desired menu option and predecessors as list (e.g. ["Menu", "SubMenu", "Item"]). Notice it is language-dependent, so it's better to fulfill it from MENU struct as returned by :meth: getMenu()
  • wID: item ID within menu struct (as returned by getMenu() method)


''True'' if menu item to click is correct and exists (not if it has already been clicked or it had any effect)


def getMenuInfo(hSubMenu: int)

Returns the MENUINFO struct of the given sub-menu or main menu if none given

Format: Key: attribute name

        value of attribute
        class of attribute
        indicates if attribute can be modified (true/false)


  • hSubMenu: id of the sub-menu entry (as returned by getMenu() method)




def getMenuItemCount(hSubMenu: int) -> int

Returns the number of items within a menu (main menu if no sub-menu given)


  • hSubMenu: id of the sub-menu entry (as returned by getMenu() method)


number of items as int


def getMenuItemInfo(hSubMenu: int, wID: int)

Returns the MENUITEMINFO struct for the given menu item

Format: Key: attribute name

        value of attribute
        class of attribute
        indicates if attribute can be modified (true/false)


  • hSubMenu: id of the sub-menu entry (as returned by :meth: getMenu())
  • wID: id of the window within menu struct (as returned by :meth: getMenu())




def getMenuItemRect(hSubMenu: int, wID: int) -> Rect

Get the Rect struct (left, top, right, bottom) of the given Menu option


  • hSubMenu: id of the sub-menu entry (as returned by :meth: getMenu())
  • wID: id of the window within menu struct (as returned by :meth: getMenu())


Rect struct