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KCC Startup Template

Jekyll + Webpack + Babel + Gulp + Sass + Autoprefixer + imagemin + BrowserSync + ...

This project's version of Ruby: ruby-3.1.3.

Items TODO for Starting a New Project

Terminal TODO:

  • At terminal, add all the files to be tracked by git: git add .
  • At terminal, make the first commit: git commit -m "First commit for <REPOSITORIES_NAME>"
  • At terminal, add the project's remote origin: git remote add origin<REPOSITORIES_NAME_IN_GITHUB>.git
  • At terminal, push the first commit using -u flag: git push -u origin master


  • - replace "KCC Startup Template" with an appropriate title for this project.
  • - replace "A startup repo for creating new websites in the KCC website redesign project" with an appropriate description for this project.

package.json TODO:

  • package.json - replace "name": "kcc-startup" with an appropriate name value.

Jekyll config TODO:

  • _config.yml - replace public-url: "" with the appropriate sub-domain.
  • _config.yml - replace Google Tag Manager placeholder-text with a key: google-tag_key: Google Tag Manager key goes here.

The Development of new KCC website is based off of designer's mockups and uses open source technologies.

This site uses KCC's own gem-based jekyll-theme--developed in-house!

You can find the kcc-gem-theme at and on GitHub at

Gem Version

This README assumes you are using a modern macOS system

The same setup can be achieved on Windows and Linux however, the requirements are different.

Develoment Environment

Xcode Command-Line Tools

Install the Xcode command-line tools:

xcode-select --install

Install homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


brew install gnupg gnupg2

RVM & ruby-2.5.0

# Install the GPG keys
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

# Install RVM
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
# Install ruby-2.5.0
rvm install ruby-2.5.0

# Set ruby-2.5.0 as the default (loaded when bash is initiallized)
rvm alias create default ruby-2.5.0
# Install NVM
curl -o- | bash

# Make sure it works
command -v nvm
# Install Node.js via NVM
nvm install 10.15.3
# Set it as the default
nvm alias default 10.15.3

# Some older respositories run on Node.js v8.9.4
nvm install 8.9.4
# Make an alias for it
nvm alias old 8.9.4


  • Jekyll & Bundler:
$ gem install jekyll
$ gem install bundler
$ npm install --global gulp-cli # mac users may need sudo


This project has two different possible installations methods

  • To use this project as a starting point for creating a new site, use the instructions for "Installation - for Creating a New Project".
  • To work on development for this "kcc-startup-template" repo use the steps in "Installation - for Template Development".

Installation - for Creating a New Project

git clone <NEW_PROJECT_NAME>
cp ruby-version.txt .ruby-version && nvm use && rvm use # Ensures you are using the correct versions prior to install.
sh # runs bundle & npm installs, among a few other things.

Installation - for Template Development

$ git clone
$ cd kcc-startup-template
cp ruby-version.txt .ruby-version && nvm use && rvm use # Ensures you are using the correct versions prior to install.
$ sh # runs bundle & npm installs, among a few other things.

The Build

Both production builds and dev builds use the run-p (running npm scripts in parallel) using npm-run-all.

Both dev and production builds run two npm scripts in parallel: one starts the $ gulp command, the other starts $ npx webpack.

A dev build runs the default gulp task (i.e. with no --production flag) and Webpack passing the --mode="development" flag to Webpack.

A production build runs gulp with the --production flag and Webpack with the --mode=production flag.


Do NOT push dev builds to the GitHub repo.

$ npm run dev

# This alias in your dotfiles is convenient:
alias npm-d="npm run dev"

Dev builds run quicker on your machine. They make un-minified CSS, JS, & images.

Dev builds also create a sourcemap in the stylesheets. This allows tools like Chrome's inspect to display the Sass module a particular style is located in.


Only production builds should be pushed to the GitHub repo.

$ npm run production

# Another convenient alias:
alias npm-p="npm run production"

Production build minifies CSS and JavaScript and compresses image files.

You will notice this GitHub repo has nothing in it's _layouts/ dir and no assets/img/ dir. Yet, when you build the project, images are there and it obviously has a layout. That's thanks to KCC's gem-based jekyll-theme.

Having a theme gem allows us to make changes (to the shared theme elements) across multiple sites, in one place.