IHP Framework ===== File where IHP controller types are stored Web/Types.hs Type classes automatically derived by IHP controller types Eq, Show, Data IHP module containing controller helpers Web.Controller.Prelude An IHP controller implements an instance of this type-class Controller IHP controller helper function which reads attributes from a request and fills them into a record fill @[] Controller function in IHP to send a success message setSuccessMessage IHP file containing the router definition Web/Routes.hs Type-class for an IHP crud router instance AutoRoute IHP module containing view helpers Web.View.Prelude Data type for views in IHP that is interpolated into a 'show' hyper-link ShowThingAction Controller helper function in IHP to validate data validateField IHP view helper to turn time into a readable time passed timeAgo Handy haskell library for markdown mmark A common use of Haskell's Either type To represent an error or a correct value IHP view helper to make a form renderForm IHP form helper for text and textareas textField and textareaField The positive return type for a custom IHP validator Success The negative return type for a custom IHP validator Failure a IHP record function to update a field value set IHP record function to retrieve a field value get IHP view form helper to create a hidden form field hiddenField IHP type for a model with children Include "childeType" Parent IHP method to get data related to a model fetchRelated