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Karma3 Labs is building a ranking and reputation infrastructure for web3 using the EigenTrust algorithm.

EigenTrust APIs for Farcaster Developers

We’ve created EigenTrust APIs which Farcaster developers can use to create a ranking and recommendation system for People, Casts or any other attributes in their respective front-ends/clients/services.

To know more about how EigenTrust algorithm works in the web3 social or Farcaster context, you can read our v1 docs here. Also check out our developer tutorial video.

ts-eigencaster abstracts EigenTrust implementation details away from developers by wrapping the core EigenTrust API with the necessary pre-/post-processing steps, so Farcaster clients don’t have to speak in EigenTrust terms such as local trust, pre-trust, and alpha/epsilon parameters.

Here’s an overview of key concepts involved in EigenTrust compute rankings, you can also read the details on the core concepts.

Local trust: This is the primary input for EigenTrust and lets you decide the trust or reputation link between any two profiles. To recap, local trust is a direct trust opinion by one peer on another peer, and is represented as a nonnegative number (0: no opinion/neutral trust).

We have created 2 strategies for you to choose from. In each of these, between two profiles A and B, A's local trust level upon B is deemed to be:

  1. A unit amount >0 iff A follows B; otherwise 0.
  2. A linear combination of:
    1. A unit amount >0 iff A follows B
    2. Number of mentions of B by A
    3. Number of posts by B that A recasts
    4. Number of A's replies to B's posts.

You can use either one, or you can define your own too.

Pre-trusted peers: In EigenTrust, if a few trustworthy peers are known in advance, it is possible to treat their local trust opinions more heavily than others'. These peers are called pre-trusted peers; incorporating pre-trusted peers greatly help efficacy of detecting and discrediting sybil peers in the network.

Pre-trusted peers are also used as the starting point of EigenTrust calculation. The net effect is that a peer receives a non-zero global trust score iff there exists a trust path from at least one pre-trusted peer. For this reason, pre-trusted peers are also known as seed peers.

We have created 3 strategies for you to use, you can configure the parameters based on your choice:

  1. Pre-trust all profiles equally (no bias).
  2. Pre-trust some trustworthy profiles (eg: First 50 profiles)
  3. Pre-trust the profiles you already follow.

Pre-trust Confidence Level (’a’ value): This value assigns a weight to the pre-trusted peers in the output of the ranking. This value can be between 0 and 1. We have set it at 0.8 as default. In general, the stronger the confidence level is, the more the opinions of pre-trusted peers and their vicinity (defined in terms of local trust levels) will matter.

What can you do with our API?

  1. Create your own configurable global profile rankings which can help with identifying most popular as well as potentially sybil profiles. This information can help power your content or feed recommendations for users.
  2. Create a personalized recommendation system for people to follow, casts and other popular context based on individual social graphs. This can enable more relevant and contextual user-experiences for clients. Our demo front-end Eigencaster (site) (source code)) showcases this feature.

Farcaster Recommender


  • Pull and run the populated database the from Docker Hub (replace <pgpass> with a random password for the postgres database user):

    docker pull karma3labs/farcaster_db
    docker run --name farcaster_db --publish 5432:5432 --detach --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<pgpass> karma3labs/farcaster_db
  • Configure:

    cp -n .env.template .env
    vim .env
    • Fill the .env file with the database credentials, along with the go-eigentrust API URL.
      • For the Docker container the default database credentials are postgres/<pgpass> (replace with the password chosen above)
      • For the EIGENTRUST_API you can either call the hosted service at or self-host it using this repo.

Running your own Global Profile Ranking and Personalized Recommendation Algorithms

  • Pick a pre-trust (seed) strategy from the existing ones or create a new one on the file: ./recommender/strategies/pretrust.ts. The existing pretrust strategies are:
    Key Description
    pretrustAllEqually (default) This strategy doesn't pretrust any users. Since this is a non-personalized strategy, the eigentrust API will be called once on the initialization and the recommendation will be the same, no matter which user called the recommendation.
    pretrustSpecificUsernames This strategy pretrusts only specific and hardcoded handles in the pretrust file (see the pretrustSpecificUsernames method). Again, this is a non-personalized strategy, thus the globalTrust will be calculated once and will be the same for each user.
    pretrustSpecificFids This strategy pretrusts the followers IDs that are hardcoded in the pretrust file (see pretrustSpecificFids method). Similarly, since this is a personalized strategy, the Eigentrust globalTrust will be calculated on every request, and will return a different globalTrust for each different user
    pretrustFollowsOfFid This strategy pretrusts the followers of the user that requested the recommendation. This is a personalized strategy, the Eigentrust globalTrust will be calculated on every request, and will return a different globalTrust for each different user.
    pretrustFirst20Profiles This strategy pretrusts the the first 20 genesis profiles registered in the target ecosystem. This is a non-personalized strategy, thus the globalTrust will be calculated once and will be the same for each user.
  • Pick a localtrust strategy from the existing ones or crete a new one on the file: ./recommender/strategies/pretrust.ts. The existing strategies are:
    Key Description
    existingConnections (default) This strategy creates a graph of edges with weight 1 from a follower to a followee.
    enhancedConnections This strategy calculates the localtrust graph by enhancing the follow edges with mentions, recasts, replies and likes.
  • Run yarn serve --pretrust <your_pretrust_strategy> --localtrust <your_localtrust_strategy>
  • The server will start on port 8080. Call the API by passing as a query param the fid or the address or the username of a given user. Examples:
    • curl 'http://localhost:8080/suggest?username=dwr'
    • curl 'http://localhost:8080/suggest?address=0xea384b570a23e806a38148e87e6177028afdbae5'
    • curl 'http://localhost:8080/suggest?fid=1'

Global trust values CSV

We have generated global trust values in CSV format, using 6 combinations (2 local trust strategies × 3 pre-trust strategies):

Strategies (PT\LT) existingConnections enhancedConnections
pretrustAllEqually CSV CSV
pretrustSpecificUsernames CSV CSV
pretrustFirst20Profiles CSV CSV

Feel free to experiment by modifying/adding the strategies then regenerating your own CSV, by just running:

yarn global-trust --pretrust <pre-trust-strategy> --localtrust <local-trust-strategy>

The script will generate a globaltrust.csv file in the root directory of the project.

Note: Since the EigenTrust calculation will be done once, you should use a pretrust strategy that is not personalized.

For more info run yarn global-trust --help

Populating the database manually

  • Download the database dump
  • cat farcaster.sql.gz | gunzip | psql -h localhost -U postgres -W -d farcaster