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Stefan Karpinski edited this page Jan 8, 2012 · 110 revisions
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## Overview

This is the official documentation for the Julia programming language. It is generally intended to be read in the order below, but can for the most part be sensibly read out of order. Most of the language is documented, so reading this manual should give a fairly good idea of how to write programs in it.

## Resources ## Contents
  1. Introduction

  2. Getting Started

  3. Integers and Floating-Point Numbers

  4. Mathematical Operations

  5. Complex and Rational Numbers

  6. Strings

  7. Functions

  8. Control Flow

  9. Variables and Scoping

  10. Types

  11. Methods

  12. Constructors

  13. Conversion and Promotion

  14. Arrays

  15. Running External Programs

  16. Metaprogramming

  17. Parallel Computing

  18. Calling C and Fortran Code

  19. Standard Library Reference

  20. Potential Features

  21. Performance Tips

Next: Introduction

The Julia Manual — All Rights Reserved. © 2010-2012 Stefan Karpinski, Jeff Bezanson, Viral Shah, Alan Edelman.

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