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eatery-nod-w is Date Night Restaurant Selector ... a web-app that randomly selects a "date night" restaurant from a pool of favorites. In other words, it gives a nod to an eatery (geeks need to have fun somehow :-)

My wife and I have a steady "date night" (with another couple) and we are always indecisive on which of our favorite restaurants to frequent, so eatery-nod-w provides the spinning wheel!

eatery-nod-w is a web-based PWA rendition of the eatery-nod react-native expo mobile app.

At a Glance

Eatery Pool

The main screen of eatery-nod is the Eatery Pool (please refer to the eateries feature).

This visualizes your persistent pool of restaurants to select from (the list can optionally be filtered).

You can select a restaurant directly, or "spin" for a random selection.

The "detailed" view provides direct communication to the establishment (phone them, visit their web site, or navigate to their address).

Screen Flow


Your pool of eateries is maintained through Discovery (please refer to the discovery feature).

You don't have to maintain the details of your pool by hand. Rather, you simply search the restaurants using the discovery feature. This is the same source that is used when you issue a Google Search (based on Google Places).

Within the discovery view, you simply toggle the check next to the entry. Red entries are in your pool, Grey entries are not.

Screen Flow


Authorization is provided through the auth feature, requiring a validated email/password before promoting any application screens.

Screen Flow

Responsive Design

eatery-nod-w employs a Responsive Design where web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes (desktops, cell phones, tablets, etc.).

As an example, here is the eatery pool shown on a cell phone:


And here is the same screen manifest on a desktop browser:


For more information, see baseUI Responsive Design.

Running the App

You can run eatery-nod-w in one of two ways: From Deployment, or From Source:

From Deployment

You can play with eatery-nod-w immediately through it's production deployment site:

Currently the sign-in process has "locked down" account creation, because of the limited resources of the free Google Firebase account. However you can use a "Guest ID" that will morph the environment into your own "mocked" in-memory data source (that doesn't utilize Firebase).

    Simply use an email id that begins with guestNO@ (ex:, with a password of guestNO.

When using a "Guest ID", remember the following:

  • Your GPS location will be morphed to New Orleans.
  • Your Eateries pool is morphed into an in-memory DB.
  • Your Discovery view is live, searching real eateries in New Orleans.
  • You can add entries to your pool (from the discovery view), but remember that your pool is an in-memory DB ... so if you refresh the site, it will revert back to the initial in-memory DB image.

From Source

If you wish to run eatery-nod-w from your local machine (where you can make changes), follow these instructions:

  1. Clone (or zip) the git repo to your local machine.

  2. Initialize the project:

    $ cd {project-root}
    $ npm install  # install project dependencies
  3. Setup the services ... you have two choices:

    • Using Mock Services

      The easiest way play with the project is to use the mock services. This means you don't have any setup for the back-end service credentials or the DB configuration (retaining the pool entries).

      To enable the mock services, simply make the following settings in src/featureFlags.js:

      useWIFI: false,                             // use mock service
      mockGPS: {lat: 30.010479, lng: -90.119414}, // simulate New Orleans GPS location
    • Using Real Services

      eatery-nod uses two Google cloud services:

      • firebase (for authorization and the eatery pool DB)
      • google places (for the discovery)

      Define Service Credentials

      You must establish your own credentials for these services ... see:

      Define DB Schema

      The userProfiles and pools are maintained in a persistent Firebase DB. You must establish the following DB schema in your firebase account:

      eatery-nod: {
        userProfiles: {
          // ... login profiles
          //     NOTE: these entries are maintained by eatery-nod-w code!
          //           You just need to define the parent structure (in your schema)!!
          //           For completeness, here is an example:
          dbcatrem2PwyWgLJciViS7q0szg2: {
            name: "Kevin",
            pool: "Date Night",
        pools: {
          // ... pool entry points, cataloged by userProfile.{user-id}.pool
          //     NOTE: these entries are maintained by eatery-nod-w code!
          //           You just need to define the parent structure (in your schema)!!
          //           For completeness, here is an example:
          "Date Night": {
            ChIJ1Wb6nh76dYgRbFqImosN0to: {
              id:   "ChIJ1Wb6nh76dYgRbFqImosN0to",
              name: "Andria's Countryside Restaurant",
              addr: "7415 IL-143, Edwardsville, IL 62025, USA",
              loc: {
                lat: 38.8035556,
                lng: -89.9180782,
              navUrl:  "",
              phone:   "(618) 656-0281",
              website: "",
            // ... more pool entries here
  4. Start your dev server, launching the app at http://localhost:3000

    $ npm start


The technical details about the eatery-nod-w application can be found here.

eatery-nod-w is a web-based PWA rendition of the eatery-nod react-native expo mobile app.

The tooling for eatery-nod-w is maintained through Create React App.

Feature Based Development

The implementation of eatery-nod-w employs features through a utility called feature-u, that facilitates feature-based solutions, making it's features truly plug-and-play!

Feature Based Development greatly improves code comprehension, because there is a direct correlation between the problem space (or requirements) and the implementation (the code)!

This approach scales better, making the code easier to maintain, because the modules (or features) are smaller and more focused. When features are plug-and-play, the application is in essence broken up into several mini-apps (so to speak).

Here is a complete list of the eatery-nod-w features that make up the application, and the plugin aspects that auto-configure the frameworks in it's run-time stack.

You can find more information about feature-u here:

React Hooks

This project uses the React UI Framework (maintained by Facebook), and employs it's latest and most exciting feature called Hooks.

Hooks allow you to "hook into" React state and lifecycle aspects from functional components. They greatly simplify the UI implementation over the alternative of Higher Order Components (HoC).

Here is a before/after hooks source comparison for this project.


In case your wondering what all those dependencies are in package.json, here is a run-down:

Runtime Stack

    The runtime stack used by eatery-nod is:

    • React: the UI framework "react", "react-dom"

    • Material-UI: the UI component library "@material-ui/core", "@material-ui/icons"

      • notistack: extension to Material-UI Snackbar "notistack"
    • feature-u: facilitates feature-based solutions "feature-u", "feature-redux", "feature-redux-logic", "feature-router"

    • redux: the application state manager "redux", "react-redux"

      misc redux utils:

      • action-u: redux action creator and organization "action-u"

      • astx-redux-util: redux reducer composition utilities "astx-redux-util"

      • reselect: selector library for Redux "reselect"

    • redux-logic: organizes business logic "redux-logic"

    • Firebase: Google Firebase SDK "firebase"

    • misc general utils:

      • lodash: JS utils "lodash.isequal", "lodash.isfunction", "lodash.isplainobject", "lodash.isstring"

      • geodist: geographical distance calculator "geodist"

      • yup: JS object schema validator "yup" (used by the iForms util)



NPM Scripts

The following NPM Scripts are available:


start ..... runs the app in development mode (http://localhost:3000)
            - the page will reload when edits are applied
            - the console will show any lint errors


test ...... launches the test runner in an interactive watch mode


lint ...... verify code quality, linting BOTH production and test code
            - real-time linting is ALSO applied within VSCode
            - the console will also show any lint errors


build ..... builds app for production (in the build/ directory)

deploy .... deploy the app (to:
            NOTE: this script automatically runs the "build" script
                  (via the "predeploy" script)


eject ..... eject the Create React App project tooling
            NOTE: This is a one-way operation!
                  Once you eject, you can’t go back!
            NOTE: This script has been removed,  so as to 
                  AVOID accidental activation
                  ... easy to do with VSCode tasks
                  THE SCRIPT IS:
                  "eject": "react-scripts eject"

Revision History

Release What When
v2.3.0 Simplified Mainline August 24, 2019
v2.2.0 Better Async Initialization July 25, 2019
v2.1.0 Responsive Design June 07, 2019
v2.0.0 React Hooks May 10, 2019
v1.0.0 Initial Release May 05, 2019

v2.3.0 - Simplified Mainline (August 24, 2019)

      GitHub ContentGitHub ReleaseDiff


      • Simplify mainline (app.js) by extracting Aspect Plugin accumulation/configuration in a new aspects/ directory (consistent with how features are accumulated).

v2.2.0 - Better Async Initialization (July 25, 2019)

      GitHub ContentGitHub ReleaseDiff


      • The bootstrap feature was replaced with feature-u's new v2.1.0 Feature.appInit() Application Life Cycle Hook (supporting blocking async initialization).

      • Added more intelligence to featureFlags regarding GPS location mocking.

        • A "New Orleans" location is forced when services are mocked, because that is where the mocked data is seeded.
        • LOCATION defined constants are used for common mocking locations.
      • The console log now reflects any mocking setup (both GPS location, and services).

      • Simplified asynchronous processes via async/await (removing explicit promises).

v2.1.0 - Responsive Design (June 07, 2019)

      GitHub ContentGitHub ReleaseDiff


      • The Eateries List screen has changed as follows:

        • It is now responsive, adjusting the original cell-phone list to a more detailed table when enough device real estate is available (see Responsive Design).

        • When pool entries are sorted by distance:

          • the mileage divider is now more visually distinct (using color)

          • eatery name is used as a secondary sort field (within the same distance)

      • A user-selectable responsive boundary is promoted through the User Menu, defining where additional screen content can be manifest (based on the screen width). For more information, see baseUI Responsive Design.

      • Distance (mileage) is now visible in the Eatery Detail screen.



      • Added a complete Running the App section that describes how you can run eatery-nod-w and/or setup the project in your local environment.

      • All screen prints now reflect this web app (retrofitted from the eatery-nod react-native expo app).



      • The API Credentials have been decoupled from the common "init" feature packages, by accessing them from the deployed server (see features: initFirebase and initGooglePlaces).

      • The Material-UI library was upgraded to V4, replacing ALL remaining HOCs with React Hooks!

      • Upgraded to React V16.8.6.

      • Define a set of reusable custom hooks, which maintains responsive breakpoints (based on consistent media queries) ... see: src/util/responsiveBreakpoints.js

v2.0.0 - React Hooks (May 10, 2019)

      GitHub ContentGitHub ReleaseDiff


      • React Hooks are now used in place of Higher Order Components (HoC) ... read about it here.

      • The baseUI feature now sorts selected menu items by key, giving complete control over the order in which they appear, irrespective of feature-expansion order. This includes the use contracts for:

v1.0.0 - Initial Release (May 05, 2019)