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468 lines (365 loc) · 18.3 KB

File metadata and controls

468 lines (365 loc) · 18.3 KB


  • server start after banner

  • remove rofl+clap easter egg from login page

  • fix server started banner printing on quiet mode

  • Change CitizenFX to as per branding consistency (ask aurum)

  • fix admin manager all_permissions issue

  • fix open menu & player id permissions

  • fix menu onesync detection

  • Take menu out of beta:

    • In settings page, remove additional arguments doc on the menu
    • Remove the "BETA" in the menu logo
    • Change nui_menu.misc.not_enabled to say "go to tx settings to enable it"
    • Create a "menu" tab in settings page with options for: enable, tab key, screen side
    • Add "NEW" tag for settings page and menu tab
    • In configVault/settings remove +setr txEnableMenuBeta true from fxrunner settings string
    • Update the menu code to use new convar
    • Test update/new config scenarios
    • Update
  • dm via snackbar

  • wav for announcements

  • update

  • replace txaDropIdentifiers with txAdmin:events:playerBanned hook

  • Migrate console log to new logger

  • Migrate all log routes

  • Add download modal to log pages

  • replace all fxRunner.srvCmd* and only expose:

    • sync fxRunner.srvRawCmd(string) - to be used by live console
    • async fxRunner.srvCmd(array, timeout) - to be awaited with the status response

Quando terminar de importar as traduções: [x] Remover redundantes: - nui_menu.misc.general_no_perms, nui_menu.misc.action_unauthorized -> no_perms - nui_menu.common.error -> nui_menu.misc.unknown_error [x] Renomear clear_area.dialog_description -> clear_area.dialog_desc [x] sync new labels [x] Adicionar tradução pro botão BAN do DialogBanView.tsx [x] Mergir pt (migration no vault) [ ] Quebrar snackbar de not admin em dois, um se confirmado que o problema são os identifiers, outro pra qualquer outro tipo de problema [ ] the kick/warn/dm reason modal title should have the username as key in the translation

Change pls the expired ban color to red or something else, because the must people dont know if the ban now expired or be revoked

verificar o pq heartbeat as vezes é lento

Random issue diagnostics:

CreateThread(function() local Wait = Wait local id = PlayerId() while true do SetSuperJumpThisFrame(id) Wait(0) end end)

Pro debug da playerlist:

  • comando pra printar: [primeiro,ultimo,count,sum]
  • comando get initial
  • comando get full
  • algum tipo de print quando as coisas acontecerem vai ser necessário
  • nao esquecer de remover a suggestion

FIXME: sendMenuMessage('setServerCtx', ServerCtx)

FIXME: quando o menu abrir, deveria voltar os list item pro default deles

-- Adapt txAdmin:beta:deathLog as well as add cusstom commands and logs



Master sem fivem:

  • Na página de pin, ter 2 botões, um pra criar conta com e outro sem fivem
  • addMaster:handlePin() pegar parametro e ou jogar pro idm, ou pra pagina addmaster mas com o login habilitado e obrigatório
  • não tem como colocar isso sem termos o modal que fica aparecendo pedindo pro admin inserir ou fivem, ou discord, ou marcar que essa conta não vai ter admin ingame

Copy key Scenarios:

  • Following random tutorial exactly
  • Following host-specific tutorial exactly
  • Copying files to another host/path
  • Copying files to cloned image
  • Pterodactyl

We could totally do like a "jump in time" feature for the log page. A slider with 500 steps, and an array with 500 timestamps this array can be done by dividing the serverLog.length to get the step, then a for loop to get the timestamps remover o \s?

-- Why both have the same debug data?

txAdmin API/integrations:

  • ban/warn/whitelist + revoke action: probably exports with GetInvokingResource() for perms
  • get player info (history, playtime, joindate, etc): state bags
  • events: keep the way it is

Note: confirm with bubble Don't forget to add a integrations doc page + to the readme for menu and internal stuff to use token-based rest api: ok, just make sure to use the webpipe proxy for resource permissions, use resource.* ace thing, which also works for exports

for ban things, bubble wants a generic thing that is not just for txadmin, so any resource could implement it so its not exports.txadmin.xxxx, but some other generic thing that bubble would need to expose

querying user info: in-server monitor resource should set specific state keys (non-replicated), which get properly specified so other resources can also populate any 'generic' fields. thinking of kubernetes-style namespaces as java-style namespaces are disgusting ( or so) bans: some sort of generic event/provide-stuff api. generic event spec format is needed for a lot of things, i don't want 'xd another api no other resource uses', i just want all resources from X on to do things proper event-y way --bubble

ps.: need to also include the external events reporting thing

Admin ACE sync:

On server start, or admins permission change:

  • write a txData/<profile>/txAcePerms.cfg with:

    • remove_ace/remove_principal to wipe old permissions (would need something like remove_ace txadmin.* any)
    • add_ace/add_principal for each admin
  • stdin> exec xxx.cfg; txaBroadcast xxxxx

  • We should be able to get rid of our menu state management, mainly the part that sends to lua what are the admin ids when something changes To check of admin perm, just do IsPlayerAceAllowed(src, 'txadmin.xxxxxx')

Don't use, but I'll leave it saved here:

txBanana Admin Gun

  • banana as a gun, txBanana
  • preferably without taking away inventory from user
  • keybind to toggle gun (grab or put away)
  • when you point at player, show above head some info
  • when you "shoot" it will open the player menu and hopefully fire a laser or something

ESM updates

dateformat esm boxen esm jose apparently cjs is available, but does zap even plan on using it? lowdb esm - complicated slash esm windows-release esm NOTE: nice guide

recipe engine todo:

  • checksum for downloaded files
  • remove_path accept array?
  • every X download_github wait some time - maybe check if ref or not, to be smarter
  • easy recipe tester
  • fully automated deploy process via CLI. You just set the recipe file path, as well as the required variables, and you can get your server running without any user interaction.

Report System (random ideas)

  • persistent, save in database?
  • have two different status: visited (arr of admins), closed (admin that closed)
  • this one is worth having discordwebhook

References (get usage count):


  • pagina de adicionar admin precisa depois do modal, mostrar mais info:
    • username, senha, potencialmente link, instruções de login
  • FreezeEntityPosition need to get the veh
    • já foi feito? tem issue aberto, e já teve um pr feito
  • começar a ler o ui_label dos manifests e usar na página de resources


Small Stuff:

  • try json stream on lowdb

  • block execution if GetCurrentResourceName() != 'monitor'

  • player modal must show if the user is banned/whitelisted or not, and an easy way to revoke it

  • check EOL and warn user - new Date('2021-09-14T07:38:51+00:00').getTime()

  • on recipe import, check if indexOf('')

  • enable squirrelly file caching via renderFile()

  • make the commands (kick, warn, etc) return success or danger, then edit DialogActionView.tsx

    • can be done by adding a randid to the command, then making the cmdBuffer match for <id><OK|NOK>
  • break playerController actions stuff to another file

  • if isZapHosting && forceInterface, add set sv_listingIPOverride "" in deployer

  • maybe remove the sv_maxclients enforcement in the cfg file

  • fix the interface enforcement without port being set as zap server?


  • a way to create admins file without
  • add discord group whitelist (whitelist switch becomes a select box that will enable guildID and roleID)
    • Manual Approval (default)
    • Discord: be in guild
    • Discord: have a role in guild
  • persistent discord status message that is set up by /statusfixed:
    • this will trigger a big status message to be sent in that channel
    • this message id can be stored in the config file
    • if discord id is present, use that instead of name (careful with the pings!)
  • (really needed?) ignore key bindings commands
  • add custom event for broadcast

Hopefully now:

  • check the places where I'm doing Object.assign() for shallow clones
  • remove the ForceFXServerPort config and do either via server.cfg comment, or execute endpoint_add_tcp ""
  • create admin.useroptions for dark mode, welcome modals and such

Soon™ (hopefully the next update)

  • get all functions from web\public\js\txadmin\players.js and wrap in some object.
  • maybe hardcode if(recipeName == plume) to open the readme in a new tab
  • add new hardware bans
  • add stats enc?
  • apply the new action log html to the modal
  • add <fivem://connect/xxxxx> to /status by getting web_baseUrl maybe from the heartbeat
  • add ban/whitelist fxs-side cache (last 1000 bans + 1000 whitelists), automatically updated
    • before starting the server, get last 1k bans/whitelists and write to a json file
    • quen monitor starts, it will read the file and load to memory
    • start sending the affected identifiers for the events txAdmin:events:* whitelisted, banned, and create a new for action revoked (type, action id).
    • monitor listens to the event, and when it happens either add it to the cache, or erase from cache
  • add a commend system?
  • add stopwatch (or something) to the db functions and print on /diagnostics

Soon™® (hopefully in two months or so)

  • tweak dashboard update checker behavior
  • add an fxserver changelog page
  • Social auth provider setup retry every 15 seconds
  • show error when saving discord settings with wrong token
  • break down playerController into separate files even more
  • rename playerController to playerManager?


FXServer Stuff + TODOs

Rate limiter

We could be more sensible when restarting the server and pushing an event to alert other resources thatm ight want to auto block it.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="txAdmin_block_XXXX" dir=in interface=any action=block remoteip=
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="txAdmin_block_XXXX"
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="txAdmin_block_XXXX"

Oversized resources streams

We could wait for the server to finish loading, as well as print in the interface somewhere an descending ordered list of large resource assets

Spectating with routing bucket:

Message from bubble:

the obvious 'approach' works well enough:

  • get target routing bucket on server
  • save old source
  • teleport source player to in scope
  • send event to source client ------- client -------
  • set focus pos and vel, less shit than 'xd teleport' and should trip server to cull anyway
  • make self invisible/such
  • wait for target player to exist
  • use spectate native and when stopping spectating do the opposite of that


Bot Commands: - avarianknight recommended

DONE: /addwl /addwl

TODO: Bot commands (in dev order): /kick /log - shows the last 5 log entries for an discord identifier (make it clear its only looking for the ID) /ban /unban

/info - shows your info like join date and play time /info - shows someone else's info /addwl /removewl


Video tutorials

Requirements: - 2 non-rp recipes - Separate master actions page

[OFFICIAL] How to make a FiveM Server tutorial 2021 for beginners!

Target: absolute beginners, barely have a vps

  • Requirements:
    • Needs to be a VPS (show suggestion list)
    • OS: windows server 2016 or 2019 recommended
    • Hardware specs recommendation
    • Download Visual C++
    • You need a forum account (show page, don't go trough)
    • Create server key
    • Download xamp (explain most servers require, show heidisql page)
  • Open firewall ports (show windows + OVH)
  • Download artifact (show difference between latest and latest recommended)
  • Set folder structure
  • Run txAdmin (should open chrome, if it doesn't, then open manually)
  • Open page outside VPS to show the ip:port thing
  • Create master account
  • Setup:
    • Present options
    • Run PlumeESX recipe
    • Master Actions -> Reset FXServer Settings
    • Setup local folder (show endpoint + server.cfg.txt errors)
  • Show how to create admins
  • Callout for advanced tutorial

[OFFICIAL] How to update your FiveM Server tutorial 2021

Target: server owners that followed the stupid Jeva tutorial

  • Why windows only
  • Show current stupid folder structure
  • Download artifact (show difference between latest and latest recommended)
  • Set new folder structure
  • Run txAdmin (should open chrome, if it doesn't, then open manually)
  • Create master account
  • Setup (show endpoint + server.cfg.txt errors)
  • Show how to create admins
  • Open firewall port 40120 (show windows + OVH)
  • Callout for advanced tutorial

[OFFICIAL] txAdmin v3 advanced guide 2021

Target: average txAdmin users

  • creating admins
  • multiple servers
  • discord bot
  • discord login
  • database pruning
  • scheduled restarter



CoreUI Stuff + Things I use



    "interface": "",
    "fxServerPort": 30120,
    "txAdminPort": 40120,
    "loginPageLogo": "",
    "defaults": {
        "license": "cfxk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx",
        "maxClients": 48,
        "mysqlHost": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "mysqlUser": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "mysqlPassword": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "mysqlDatabase": "xxxxxxxxxx"
    "customer": {
        "name": "tabarra",
        "password_hash": "$2y$12$WNuN6IxozL4CjgScsLvmGOmxtskg8EcPe67HtUw0ENeCCSaZ.z3AW"

    "interface-": false,
    "loginPageLogo-": false,
    "customer-": false
# run
export CURR_FX_VERSION="3247"
alias cdmon="cd /e/FiveM/builds/$CURR_FX_VERSION/citizen/system_resources/monitor"

nodemon +set txAdminVerbose truex
nodemon +set txDebugPlayerlistGenerator truex +set txAdminVerbose truex
nodemon +set txDebugPlayerlistGenerator true +set txAdminRTS "deadbeef00deadbeef00deadbeef00deadbeef00deadbeef" +set txAdminVerbose truex
nodemon +set txDebugPlayerlistGenerator true +set txDebugExternalSource "x.x.x.x:30120" +set txAdminVerbose truex
npm run dev:menu:game

# build
rm -rf dist && npm run build && explorer dist
# fix this command later, the zip generated is too big and malformed
rm -rf dist && npm run build && tar.exe -cvf dist/ dist/* && explorer dist

# other stuff
export TXADMIN_DEFAULT_LICENSE="cfxk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx"
con_miniconChannels script:monitor*
+set svgui_disable true +setr txAdmin-menuDebug true +setr txEnableMenuBeta true

# eslint stuff
npx eslint ./src/**
npx eslint ./src/** -f ./lint-formatter.js
npx eslint ./src/** --fix

# hang fxserver (runcode)
console.log('hanging the thread for 60s');
Atomics.wait(new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)), 0, 0, 60 * 1000);

# check chart
cd web/public/
curl -o svMain.json http://localhost:40120/chartData/svMain

Don't commit: ver se o bubble já criou source tracking no fd3 o problema é que um recurso malicioso pode spammar log ou então fazer um playerJoining fake com ids fake pelo menos garantir que dois playerJoining no mesmo id não vai sobrescrever devido ao logger buffer, outro recurso pode mandar o mesmo id antes talvez checar se já existe, e nesse caso pegar os IDs do playercontroller e salvar em log a discrepancia?