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Proposal: A SQL Planner based on the Volcano/Cascades model

  • Author(s): zz-jason
  • Last updated: 2018-08-29
  • Discussion at:


The proposed new planner enlarges the plan search space, takes transformation rules into the cost model, and finds the best execution plan among all the equivalent expressions. There might be some performance regression on the QPS/TPS in some OLTP scenarios because the optimization phase takes a longer time than before.


At present, the optimization procedure of the planner is separated into two phases. The first phase, namely the "Logical Optimization", only applies the rules which are always beneficial. The second phase, which is called the "Physical Optimization", takes the cost of different physical operator implementations into consideration and chooses the best physical plan with the lowest cost.

However, there are some other transformations which are not always beneficial for all the scenarios. For example, aggregate push down, aggregate pull up, in subquery unfold, etc.

Another drawback of the current planner is the poor extensibility. It's hard to add a new rule even if it's beneficial for all the scenarios, because we have to consider the order of different optimization rules carefully.

The physical optimization for the operators on the storage layer also suffers from the poor extensibility. In the present planner, we use "root" and "cop" tasks to distinguish the operators executed on TiDB and the storage layer, which is TiKV at present. "cop" task is highly tied with the "root" task. It's very hard to push-down another operator to TiKV or support another storage engine in the future.


  • Expression

    In this proposal, expression is used to specify a logical plan. Expression can be expressed to a tree-like structure and the child of an expression is also an expression.

  • Expression Group (or Group)

    Expression group is used to store all the logically equivalent expressions. It's a set of Group Expressions.

  • Group Expression

    Group expression is used to store all the logically equivalent expressions which have the same root operator. Different from a normal expression, the children of a group expression are expression Groups, not expressions. Another property of group expression is that the child group references will never be changed once the group expression is created.

    With the concept of Group and Group Expression, all the logically equivalent expressions can be stored in a root Group.

    group and expression

  • Transformation Rule

    The transformation rule is used to transform a logical plan to another equivalent logical plan. It is used to explore all the logically equivalent query plans belonging to an expression group.

  • Implementation Rule

    The implementation rule is used to implement a logical expression operator to a physical operator. For example, with implementation rules, a logical Join operator can be implemented to HashJoin/MergeJoin/IndexJoin, etc.

  • Enforcing Rule

    Rule to construct an enforcer to satisfy the required physical properties.

  • Pattern

    Pattern describes a piece of a logical expression. It's a tree-like structure and each node in the tree represents a logical expression operator in the logical expression. The node, or the logical expression operator, is called Operand. Different from expression, only the type of the expression node is concerned in the pattern.

  • Operand

    As discussed above, the operand represents a logical expression operator. It can be some concrete operator types, for example, Join/Project/Filter.

    The expression node holds the full information about an expression operator, while the pattern node only holds the operator type information.

  • Logical Property

    Logical properties can be derived from the logical algebra expression, for example: the schema of the expression, the constraints and statistics of the columns in the schema, etc. All the group expressions in the same group share the same logical property.

  • Physical Property

    Physical properties depend on the implementation algorithms, or physical operators. Typical physical properties include order and distribution.


The new planner is composed of 2 phases: exploration and implementation. The basic idea comes from the volcano optimizer generator and the optimizations mentioned in the cascades project.

Optimization phase: exploration

A typical lifecycle of a SQL Query before this phase is:

SQL Query -> AST -> Logical Plan -> Expression Group

After building the expression group from the input logical plan, the exploration optimization phase begins. The target of this phase is to explore all the logically equivalent expressions by:

  1. Exploring all the equivalent group expressions of each group.
  2. Exploring all the potential groups.

The group and group expression can be defined as:

type StringSet = map[string]struct{}

type Group struct {
	equivalents  []*GroupExpr
	fingerprints StringSet
	explored     bool

type GroupExpr struct {
	exprNode LogicalPlan
	children []*Group
	explored bool

The difficult and complex part is how we continually apply some push-down and pull-up rules. A simple idea is to traverse the groups and group expressions twice: a top-down traverse and a bottom-up traverse. The push-down rules are applied during the top-down traverse and the pull-up rules are applied in the bottom-up traverse.

But there might be some scenarios where a certain push-down rule can also be triggered after the second bottom-up traverse. In order to explore all optimization possibilities, the traverse on the groups should not be stopped until there is no rule can be matched:

Some limitations can be added to reduce the total exploration time or ensure that the expression exploration is convergent. For example, certain rules can not be applied multiply times on the same group or group expression or limit the number of total transformation moves in a group or group expression.

func OnPhaseExploration(rootGroup *Group) error {
	for !rootGroup.explored {
		err := exploreGroup(rootGroup)

The explored field in the Group and GroupExpr is used to avoid unnecessary traverse on the sub-tree of the groups and the group expressions. If a new group expression is inserted into a group, the new group expression and the group it belongs to will be marked as un-explored, to enable further exploration on the new group expression and all the antecedent groups. The pseudo code to explore an expression group is:

func exploreGroup(g *Group) {
	if g.explored { return }

	g.explored = true
	for _, curExpr := range g.equivalents {
		if curExpr.explored { continue }

		// Explore child groups firstly.
		curExpr.explored = true
		for _, childGroup := range curExpr.children {
			curExpr.explored = curExpr.explored && childGroup.explored

		eraseCur := findMoreEquiv(curExpr, g)
		if eraseCur {
		} else {
			g.explored = g.explored && curExpr.explored

The child of GroupExpr is Group. There are many candidate child expressions for a group expression. All the possible expressions have to be enumerated to check whether a group expression matches a transformation rule and apply the rule on that expression once matched.

To conveniently enumerate all the equivalent expressions for a group expression, the ExprIter is introduced:

// ExprIter enumerates all the equivalent expressions in the group according to
// the expression pattern.
type ExprIter struct {
	// The group and ordinal field solely identify a group expression.
	group   *Group
	ordinal int

	// operand is the node of the pattern tree. The operand type of the group
	// expression must be matched with it, otherwise the group expression is
	// ignored during the iteration.
	operand int

	// children is used to iterate the child expressions.
	children *ExprIter

To simplify and reduce the work of enumeration, we only consider the pattern that matches a rule. The pattern is a tree-like data structure which identifies the operator type for every node in the expression tree:

type Pattern struct {
	operand  int
	children []*Pattern

The ExprIter should be created with a GroupExpr and the Pattern of a rule:

func NewExprIter(g *GroupExpr, p *Pattern) *ExprIter

With the help of the above components, the pseudo code of the function findMoreEquiv is:

// Find and apply the matched transformation rules.
func findMoreEquiv(cur *GroupExpr, curGroup *Group) (eraseCur bool) {
	for _, rule := range GetTransformationRules(cur.exprNode) {
		// Create a binding of the current group expression and the pattern of
		// the transformation rule to enumerate all the possible expressions.
		exprIter := NewExprIter(cur, rule.getPattern())
		for exprIter.Next() {
			if !rule.match(exprIter) {

			newExpr, erase, err := rule.onTransform(exprIter)
			eraseCur = eraseCur || erase
			if !curGroup.insert(newExpr) {

			// If the new group expression is successfully inserted into the
			// current group, we mark the group expression and the group as
			// unexplored to enable the exploration on the new group expression
			// and all the antecedent groups.
			newExpr.explored = false
			curGroup.explored = false
	return eraseCur

According to the former discussion, the interface of the transformation rule can be defined as:

type transformation interface {
	getpattern() *Pattern
	match(expr *ExprIter) (matched bool, err error)
	onTransform(old *ExprIter) (new *GroupExpr, eraseOld bool, err error)

At the very beginning, there is only one group expression in a Group. After applying some transformation rules on certain expressions of the Group, all the equivalent expressions are found and stored in the Group. This procedure can be regarded as searching for a weak connected component in a directed graph, where nodes are expressions and directed edges are the transformation rules.

Optimization phase: implementation

The target of this phase is searching the best physical plan for a Group which satisfies the physical property that the parent operator requires.

In this phase, we need to enumerate all the applicable implementation rules for each expression in each group under the required physical property. A memo structure is used for a group to reduce the repeated search on the same required physical property. The search engine used in the new planner can be expressed to the pseudo code:

func implGroup(g *Group, reqPhysProp *PhysicalProperty, costLimit float64) (groupImpl PhysicalPlan) {
	if g.implemented(reqPhysProp) {
		return g.getImplementation(reqPhysProp)

	// Handle implementation rules for each equivalent expression.

	// Handle enforcing rules for the required physical property.

	g.insertImpl(reqPhysProp, groupImpl)
	return groupImpl

In order to find the best physical implementation for the group, we need to enumerate all the possible implementations for each group expression under the required physical property. The procedure to handle the implementation rules for each equivalent expression is:

// Handle implementation rules for each equivalent expression.
for _, curExpr := range g.equivalents {
	for _, impl := range implGroupExpr(curExpr) {
		for i, childGroup := range curExpr.children {
			childImpl := implGroup(childGroup, impl.getChildReqProp(i), costLimit-impl.getCumCost())
			if childImpl == nil {
				cumCost = math.MaxFloat64
			impl.setChild(i, childImpl)
			impl.setCumCost(impl.getCumCost() + childImpl.getCumCost())
		if groupImpl.getCumCost() > impl.getCumCost() {
			groupImpl = impl

To enumerate all the implementations for an expression, we have to enumerate all the applicable implementation rules on that expression, and calculate the self-cost for physical implementation:

func implGroupExpr(cur *GroupExpr, reqPhysProp *PhysicalProperty) (impls []PhysicalPlan) {
	for _, rule := range GetImplementationRules(cur.exprNode) {
		if !rule.match(cur, reqPhysProp) {
		impl := rule.onImplement(cur)
		impls = append(impls, impl)
	return impls

Also, the enforcing rules should be considered:

// Handle enforcing rules for the required physical property.
for _, rule := range getEnforcerRules(reqPhysProp) {
	impl, newReqPhysProp := rule.onEnforce(reqPhysProp)
	childImpl := implGroup(g, newReqPhysProp, costLimit-impl.getCumCost())
	impl.setChild(0, childImpl)
	impl.setCumCost(impl.getCumCost() + childImpl.getCumCost())
	if groupImpl.getCumCost() > impl.getCumCost() {
		groupImpl = impl





  1. Adding a session variable named tidb_enable_volcano_planner to control whether to use the new planner. Once this variable is set, all the optimization steps are handed to the new planner. The procedure of converting the abstract syntax tree to a logical plan is remained unchanged. The constructed physical plan is also compatible with the existing physical plan. It only affects the optimization algorithm.

  2. Implementing the framework of the new planner, including the conceptions described above: Group/GroupExpr/ExprIter/Pattern, the interfaces like transformation/implementation/enforcing, and the functions like exploreGroup/findMoreEquiv/implGroup/implGroupExpr.

  3. Adding some simple transformation/implementation/enforcing rules and tests to make the new planner framework basically available.

  4. Adopting the "Adaptor" conception to rewrite the operator push-down logical for different storages.

  5. Adding some rules which are not easy or can not be added in the old planner to improve the performance in certain scenarios.

Open issues (if applicable)