This include allows you to pass a value (cell, float or string) to menu callback.
Just look at the example ;-) Download
ShowMyMenu(iClient, iSecretValue)
new Handle:hMenu = CreateMenu(MyMenu_Handler);
SetMenuTitle(hMenu, "Choose your weapon:");
AddMenuItem(hMenu, "weapon_m4a1", "M4A1");
AddMenuItem(hMenu, "weapon_ak47", "AK-47");
AddMenuItem(hMenu, "weapon_scout", "Scout");
// here is the magic
PushMenuCell(hMenu, "-MySecretValue-", iSecretValue);
SetMenuExitBackButton(hMenu, true);
DisplayMenu(hMenu, iClient, 30);
public MyMenu_Handler(Handle:hMenu, MenuAction:iAction, iClient, iKey)
switch (iAction) {
case MenuAction_Select: {
new String:sWeapon[64];
GetMenuItem(hMenu, iKey, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));
GivePlayerItem(iClient, sWeapon);
// here is the magic
new iSecretValue = GetMenuCell(hMenu, "-MySecretValue-");
PrintToConsole("Player %N has secret value = %d.", iClient, iSecretValue);
case MenuAction_End: {
Let's say, you need to pass a value from one menu to another
public MyMenu_Handler(Handle:hMenu, MenuAction:iAction, iClient, iKey)
switch (iAction) {
case MenuAction_Select: {
new String:sWeapon[64];
GetMenuItem(hMenu, iKey, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));
GivePlayerItem(iClient, sWeapon);
new Handle:hSubMenu = CreateMenu(MySubMenu_Handler);
SetMenuTitle(hSubMenu, "Choose your HP:");
AddMenuItem(hSubMenu, "35", "35 HP");
AddMenuItem(hSubMenu, "100", "100 HP");
AddMenuItem(hSubMenu, "300", "300 HP");
// here is the magic
CopyMenuAny(hMenu, hSubMenu, "-MySecretValue-");
SetMenuExitBackButton(hSubMenu, true);
DisplayMenu(hSubMenu, iClient, 30);
case MenuAction_End: {
Also notice function AddMenuItemFormat
, which allows you to do
AddMenuItemFormat(hMenu, "weapon_ak47", _, "AK-47 + %d ammo", 90);
// instead of
new String:sDisplay[64];
Format(sDisplay, sizeof(sDisplay), "AK-47 + %d ammo", 90);
AddMenuItem(hMenu, "weapon_ak47", sDisplay);