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ericmbarnard edited this page Jan 19, 2012 · 17 revisions

KoGrid is very configurable. You can pass the following objects/values into KoGrid to toggle the behavior that you desire!

Option Default Description
rowHeight 30
columnWidth 100
headerRowHeight 30
footerRowHeight 45
filterRowHeight 30
rowTemplate ‘kgRowTemplate’
headerTemplate ‘kgHeaderRowTemplate’
headerCellTemplate ‘kgHeaderCellTemplate’
footerTemplate ‘kgFooterTemplate’
autogenerateColumns true
data null
columnDefs []
pageSizes [250, 500, 1000]
enablePaging false
pageSize ko.observable(250)
totalServerItems ko.observable(null)
currentPage ko.observable(1)
selectedItem ko.observable()
selectedItems ko.observableArray([])
isMultiSelect true
displaySelectionCheckbox true
displayRowIndex true
useExternalFiltering false
useExternalSorting false
filterInfo ko.observable()
sortInfo ko.observable()
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