Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
peek | Reads memory at given address relative to heap | 1. address to read from relative to heap in hex 2. amount of bytes to read Return: hex string |
peek 0x45075880 344 |
peekAbsolute | Reads memory at given absolute address | 1. address to read from in hex 2. amount of bytes to read Return: hex string |
peekAbsolute 0x45075880 344 |
peekMain | Reads memory at given address relative to NSOMain | 1. address to read from relative to NSOMain in hex 2. amount of bytes to read Return: hex string |
peekAbsolute 0x45075880 344 |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
peekMulti | Reads memory at given addresses relative to heap | 1. address to read from relative to heap in hex 2. amount of bytes to read ... n. address to read from relative to heap in hex n+1. amount of bytes to read Return: hex string |
peekMulti 0x45075880 344 0x45097552 344 0x45774450 344 |
peekAbsoluteMulti | Reads memory at given absolute addresses | 1. address to read in hex 2. amount of bytes to read ... n. address to read in hex n+1. amount of bytes to read Return: hex string |
peekMulti 0x45075880 344 0x45097552 344 0x45774450 344 |
peekMainMulti | Reads memory at given absolute addresses | 1. address to read relative to NSOMain in hex 2. amount of bytes to read ... n. address to read relative to NSOMain in hex n+1. amount of bytes to read Return: hex string |
peekMulti 0x45075880 344 0x45097552 344 0x45774450 344 |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
pointerPeek | Follows a chain of pointers and reads the final value | 1. amount of bytes to read 2. first jump relative to NSOMain 3. offset after following first pointer ... n. offset after following previous pointer n+1 Final offset to reach the value to read |
pointerPeek 344 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x30 |
pointerPeekMulti | Follows a chain of pointers and reads the final value, accepts more than one chain separated by * | 1. amount of bytes to read 2. first jump relative to NSOMain 3. offset after following first pointer ... n. offset after following previous pointer n+1 Final offset to reach the value to read |
pointerPeek 344 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x30 * 344 0x62097552 0x10 0x4 |
pointer | Follows a chain of pointers and prints the final absolute address | 1. first jump relative to NSOMain 2. offset after following first pointer ... n. offset after following previous pointer (will still jump to this one) |
pointer 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 |
pointerAll | Follows a chain of pointers and prints the final absolute address, allows adding a final offset without jumping | 1. first jump relative to NSOMain 2. offset after following first pointer ... n. offset after following previous pointer (will not jump to this one) |
pointerAll 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x4 |
pointerRelative | Follows a chain of pointers and prints the final address relative to heap, allows adding a final offset without jumping | 1. first jump relative to NSOMain 2. offset after following first pointer ... n. offset after following previous pointer (will not jump to this one) |
pointerRelative 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x4 |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
poke | Writes bytes to given address relative to heap | 1. address to write to relative to heap in hex 2. data in hex to write |
poke 0x45075880 0xDEADBEEF |
pokeAbsolute | Writes bytes to given absolute address | 1. absolute address to write to in hex 2. data in hex to write |
poke 0x45075880 0xDEADBEEF |
pokeMain | Writes bytes to given address relative to NSOMain | 1. address to write to relative to NSOMain in hex 2. data in hex to write |
poke 0x45075880 0xDEADBEEF |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
pointerPoke | Writes bytes to address resulting of following a pointer chain | 1. bytes in hex to write 2. first jump relative to NSOMain 3. offset after following first pointer ... n. offset after following previous pointer n+1. offset after following previous pointer (will not jump to this one) |
pointerPoke 0xDEADBEEF 0x45075880 0x10 0x20 0x30 |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
freeze | Freezes a value in RAM (writing every X milliseconds to it to ensure it does not get overwritten by game logic | 1. absolute address to freeze 2. value to freeze it to in hex |
freeze 0x45097552 200 |
unFreeze | Unfreezes a previously frozen value in RAM | 1. absolute address to unfreeze | unFreeze 0x45097552 |
freezeCount | Returns number of frozen addresses in RAM | none | freezeCount |
freezeClear | Unfreezes all values in RAM | none | freezeClear |
freezePause | Pauses the freezing process, allows for unpause to refreeze | none | freezePause |
freezeUnpause | Unpauses a previously paused freezing of all values | none | freezeUnpause |
See for a list of available buttontypes to press.
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
press | Presses and holds a button | 1. buttonType | press A |
release | Releases a button from being pressed | 1. buttonType | release A |
click | Holds a button pressed and releases it after a configured period of time default 50ms |
1. buttonType | click A |
setStick | Sets stick position | 1. LEFT/RIGHT 2.XVal (-0x8000 is min, 0x7FFF is max) 3.YVal |
setStick LEFT 0x7FFF 0x0 |
clickSeq | Sends several button inputs and wait commands in sequence | 1. single string (no spaces) with comma-separated commands out of the following buttonType for click +buttonType for press -buttonType for release Wnumber to sleep number ms %X,Y move left stick to position X Y &X,Y move right stick to position X Y |
clickSeq A,W1000,B,W200,DUP,W500,DD,W350,%5000,1500,W2650,%0,0 |
clickCancel | Interrupts click sequence | none | clickCancel |
detachController | Forces the virtual controller to detach, useful in cases where it bugs out | none | detachController |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
touch | Sequential taps to the touchscreen | 1.X in range 0-1280 2.Y in range 0-720 ... n-1. X in range 0-1280 n. Y in range 0-720 |
touch 200 500 touch 200 500 200 800 |
touchHold | Single tap to hold Runs in its own thread but will not allow the call again while running |
1. X in range 0-1280 2. Y in range 0.720 3. milliseconds to hold (at least 15) |
touchHold 200 500 1000 |
touchDraw | Moves the touch from given position to the next, effectively drawing on the touchscreen Runs in its own thread but will not allow the call again while running |
1. X in range 0-1280 starting point 2. Y in range 0-720 starting point 3. X second point 4. Y second point ... n-1. X last point n. Y last point |
touchDraw 100 200 100 500 200 500 200 200 |
touchCancel | Cancels current touch operation | none | touchCancel |
See HidKeyboardKey and HidKeyboardModifier for available keys and modifiers.
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
key | Types several keys on the keyboard in sequence | 1. HidKeyboardKey1 ... n. HidKeyboardKeyN |
key 11 8 15 15 18 |
keyMod | Types several keys on the keyboard in sequence with modifier keys Do not bitshift the modifiers yourself, sys-botbase will do the shifting |
1. HidKeyboardKey1 2.HidKeyboardModifier1 ... n-1. HidKeyboardKeyN n. HidKeyboardModifierN |
keyMod 4 1 |
keyMulti | Presses several keys at the same time | 1. HidKeyboardKey1 ... n. HidKeyboardKeyN |
keyMulti 224 226 23 |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
pixelPeek | Returns .jpg file of the current screen | none | pixelPeek |
screenOff | Turns the screen off | none | screenOff |
screenOn | Turns the screen on | none | screenOn |
Command | Description | Parameters | Usage |
getTitleID | Returns TitleId of application currently running | none | getTitleID |
getTitleVersion | Returns Version of Title currently running | none | getTitleVersion |
getSystemLanguage | Returns Language of the Switch OS | none | getSystemLanguage |
getBuildID | Returns BuildID of the Application running | none | getBuildID |
getHeapBase | Returns Memory address of the Heap Base | none | getHeapBase |
getMainNsoBase | Returns Memory address of the NSOMain | none | getMainNsoBase |
isProgramRunning | Checks if program with given id is running | 1. programID to check | isProgramRunning 0x420000000007e51a |
game | Returns Metadata about the running game | 1. one of the following icon IconData version Game Version rating age rating author Author of the game name Name of the game |
game rating |
getVersion | Returns version of sys-botbased used | none | getVersion |
charge | Returns charge status of the battery | none | charge |
The configure command allows setting of some timing values in sys-botbase:
Configure parameter | Description | Parameters | Usage |
mainLoopSleepTime | Time the main thread sleeps after every single command default 50ms |
1. New time in ms to sleep after every command | configure mainLoopSleepTime 10 |
buttonClickSleepTime | How long a button is held down during the "click" call. This blocks the main loop default:50ms Make sure this isn't lower than the fps on the game or a click might not get recognized by the game |
1. New time in ms to hold a button down during click | configure buttonClickSleepTime 40 |
echoCommands | Returns every command back for debugging purposes default 0 |
1 or 0 | configure echoCommands 0 |
printDebugResultCodes | Prints some Resultcodes for debugging purposes default 0 |
1 or 0 | configure printDebugResultCodes 0 |
keySleepTime | How long a key is held down during the "key" call. This does not block the main loop default 25 |
1. New key press sleep time | configure keySleepTime 40 |
fingerDiameter | Controls the diameter of the virtual touch finger default 50 |
1. new diameter for touch events | configure fingerDiameter 100 |
pollRate | How long a touch event shall be held down default 17 polling is linked to screen refresh rate (system UI) or game framerate. Most cases this is 1/60 or 1/30 |
1. New poll rate | configure pollRate 34 |
freezeRate | How often frozen values shall be rewritten to RAM default 3ms |
1. new freezerate in ms | configure freezeRate 10 |
controllerType | controllerType to use for controller input commands default 3 |
See HidDeviceType on | configure controllerType 12 |