Custom configs and scripts for a tiling WM (dwm) based Linux installation.
Following is the list of software that I have configured for dwm:
- Dunst - notification daemon.
- Gsimplecal - calendar applet.
- i3wm - tiling window manager.
- i3blocks - status line for i3wm.
- Neomutt - e-mail client operating within the command line interface.
- Newsboat - RSS/Atom feed reader.
- Picom - compositor for Xorg.
- Ranger - file manager operating within the command line interface.
- Lf - file manager operating within the command line interface.
- Vim - text editor operating within the command line interface.
- Nvim - updated text editor operating within the command line interface.
- Dwm - a desktop entry of dwm to fix "failed to start session" error on lightdm.
- Scripts - scripts for my custom dwm build.