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It is almost impossible to find something in the raw output of the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL.ExportConfig() function, so let's try prettify it. For this we will write a custom function PrintConfigString:

- gST->ConOut->OutputString(gST->ConOut, Result);
+ PrintConfigString(Result);

In our PrintConfigString function we would split the configuration string by the keyword separator & and use another PrintConfigSubString function to print each <key>=<data> pair:

VOID PrintConfigString(
  IN EFI_STRING ConfigString
  UINTN StartIndex=0;
  for (UINTN i=0; ConfigString[i] != 0; i++) {
    if (ConfigString[i] == L'&') {
      ConfigString[i] = 0;                                         <--- we can modify the string as we wouldn't need it after this function
      StartIndex = i+1;

Here is how our PrintConfigSubString function would look like:

VOID PrintConfigSubString(
  IN EFI_STRING ConfigString
  EFI_STATUS Status;
  if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"GUID=")) {
    <...>						// display the full string and actual guid
  } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"NAME=")) {
    <...>                                               // display the full string and actual name
  } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"PATH=")) {
  } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"VALUE=")) {
    <...>                                               // display the full string and actual value
  } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"OFFSET=") || StrStr(ConfigString, L"WIDTH=")) {
    Print(L"%s  ", ConfigString);                       // don't print '\n', so we could see the "OFFSET=<...>  WIDTH=<...>  VALUE=<...>" on the same string
  } else {
    Print(L"%s\n", ConfigString);

Here you can see, that for each key we would need a special code to print it. If the string starts with a GUID=/NAME=/PATH= we will parse the data and display actual GUID/Name/DevicePath in a readable standard format. If the string starts with VALUE= we would display its data as a hex buffer similar to hexdump. If the string starts with OFFSET= or WIDTH= we would display data as-is and without any carriage return, so the OFFSET/WIDTH/VALUE data would be placed at the same string.


Let's start with the GUID= string handling. First of all we print a new line Print(L"\n") as GUID= signifies a start of a new configuration header. Next we pass the string key data to our special GuidFromCfgString function that creates EFI_GUID value on the heap from the string content:

Status = GuidFromCfgString(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"GUID=")], StrLen(ConfigString) - StrLen(L"GUID="), &Guid);
if (!EFI_ERROR(Status))
  Print(L"%s (%g)\n", ConfigString, Guid);
  Print(L"%s\n", ConfigString);

The GuidFromCfgString function in turn uses ByteCfgStringToBuffer helper to get EFI_GUID data as an array:

EFI_STATUS GuidFromCfgString(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN Size, EFI_GUID** Guid)
  UINTN GuidSize;
  ByteCfgStringToBuffer(CfgString, Size, (UINT8**)Guid, &GuidSize);
  if (GuidSize != sizeof(EFI_GUID))
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  return EFI_SUCCESS;

And here is the ByteCfgStringToBuffer function. It receives config string and its length as arguments and returns bytes buffer with its size:

VOID ByteCfgStringToBuffer(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN CfgStringLen, UINT8** Buffer, UINTN* BufferSize)
  *BufferSize = (CfgStringLen + 1) / 2;
  *Buffer = (UINT8*)AllocateZeroPool(*BufferSize);
  UINT8  DigitUint8;
  CHAR16 TempStr[2] = {0};
  for (UINTN Index = 0; Index < CfgStringLen; Index++) {
    TempStr[0] = CfgString[Index];
    DigitUint8 = (UINT8)StrHexToUint64(TempStr);
    if ((Index & 1) == 0) {
      (*Buffer)[Index/2] = DigitUint8;
    } else {
      (*Buffer)[Index/2] = (UINT8)(((*Buffer)[Index/2] << 4) + DigitUint8);

What does this function do? Let's some part from the output as an example:


In this case ByteCfgStringToBuffer function will only receive the string data portion:


and construct byte array like this:

{0x1c, 0xc5, 0x35, 0x72, 0x80, 0x0c, 0xab, 0x4c, 0x87, 0xac, 0x3b, 0x08, 0x4a, 0x63, 0x04, 0xb1}

Which is the same as:

{{0x7235c51c}, {0x0c80}, {0x4cab}, {0x87, 0xac, 0x3b, 0x08, 0x4a, 0x63, 0x04, 0xb1}}

And this is the GUID gOvmfPlatformConfigGuid from the

  gOvmfPlatformConfigGuid               = {0x7235c51c, 0x0c80, 0x4cab, {0x87, 0xac, 0x3b, 0x08, 0x4a, 0x63, 0x04, 0xb1}}

So you just need to cast the returned buffer to EFI_GUID and you can print it as usual with %g. As the EFI_GUID was allocated on heap we use the FreePool function after the print statement.


To print NAME= data we use the NameFromCfgString helper function:

CHAR16* Name;
NameFromCfgString(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"NAME=")], StrLen(ConfigString) - StrLen(L"NAME="), &Name);
Print(L"%s (%s)\n", ConfigString, Name);

This function looks like this:

EFI_STATUS NameFromCfgString(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN Size, CHAR16** Name)
  *Name = AllocateZeroPool(Size * sizeof(CHAR16));
  CHAR16 TempStr[4];
  for (UINTN i=0; i<Size; i+=4) {
    StrnCpyS(TempStr, sizeof(TempStr), CfgString+i, 4);
    (*Name)[i/4] = (CHAR16)StrHexToUint64(TempStr);
  return EFI_SUCCESS;

Once again let's see the things on the example from the output:


NameFromCfgString will receive in this case just the string data part:


And convert it to the CHAR16 array:

{ 0x004d, 0x0061, 0x0069, 0x006e, 0x0046, 0x006f, 0x0072, 0x006d, 0x0053, 0x0074, 0x0061, 0x0074, 0x0065 }

Which essentially is:

{ L'M', L'a', L'i', L'n', L'F', L'o', L'r', L'm', L'S', L't', L'a', L't', L'e' }

That corresponds to the string:



The PATH= data contains device path encoded in bytes. String to device path conversion is done with the help of the DevicePathFromCfgString helper function:

Status = DevicePathFromCfgString(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"PATH=")], StrLen(ConfigString) - StrLen(L"PATH="), &DevicePath);
if (!EFI_ERROR(Status))
  Print(L"%s (%s)\n", ConfigString, ConvertDevicePathToText((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*) DevicePath, FALSE, FALSE));
  Print(L"%s\n", ConfigString);

Here is how it looks like. It uses the same ByteCfgStringToBuffer function that we've used in GUID= case to convert string data to a buffer. In the end we verify if the final buffer is really a correct device path:

EFI_STATUS DevicePathFromCfgString(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN Size, EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL** DevicePath)
  UINTN DevicePathSize;
  ByteCfgStringToBuffer(CfgString, Size, (UINT8**)DevicePath, &DevicePathSize);

  EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* DevicePathTest = *DevicePath;
  while (!IsDevicePathEnd(DevicePathTest)) {
    if ((DevicePathTest->Type == 0) || (DevicePathTest->SubType == 0) || (DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePathTest) < sizeof(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL)))
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
    DevicePathTest = NextDevicePathNode (DevicePathTest);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

As here we use device path library utilities don't forget to add DevicePathLib to the [LibraryClasses] in the UefiLessonsPkg/HIIConfig/HIIConfig.inf file and add its header #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h> to the UefiLessonsPkg/HIIConfig/HIIConfig.c file.


Handling code for VALUE= key looks like this:

UINT8* Buffer;
UINTN BufferSize;
ByteCfgStringToBufferReversed(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"VALUE=")], StrLen(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"VALUE=")]), &Buffer, &BufferSize);
PrintBuffer(Buffer, BufferSize);

In this case we first print data as a string. But because it can be longer than gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize, we can't just use ordinary Print statement. We use our custom PrintLongString function that prints <...> at the end of a string that will be truncated on an ordinary print. This way we have a clear way to see if the output is complete or not:

VOID PrintLongString(CHAR16* Str)
  UINT32 MaxPrintBufferSize = PcdGet32(PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize);
  if (StrLen(Str) > MaxPrintBufferSize) {
    EFI_STRING TempStr = (EFI_STRING)AllocateZeroPool(MaxPrintBufferSize * sizeof (CHAR16));
    CopyMem(TempStr, Str, MaxPrintBufferSize * sizeof (CHAR16));
    Print(L"%s", TempStr);
  } else {
    Print(L"%s", Str);

Next we want to get the actual data in the array. The data after the VALUE= key is encoded in bytes, but the order is reversed. That means that data like this:


actually corresponds to a byte array:

{0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11}

That is why we use different function to get the byte array than in GUID= or PATH= cases. ByteCfgStringToBufferReversed is a little bit different than ByteCfgStringToBuffer:

VOID ByteCfgStringToBufferReversed(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN CfgStringLen, UINT8** Buffer, UINTN* BufferSize)
  *BufferSize = (CfgStringLen + 1) / 2;
  *Buffer = (UINT8*)AllocateZeroPool(*BufferSize);
  UINT8  DigitUint8;
  CHAR16 TempStr[2] = {0};
  for (INTN Index = (CfgStringLen-1); Index >= 0; Index--) {
    TempStr[0] = CfgString[Index];
    DigitUint8 = (UINT8)StrHexToUint64(TempStr);
    if (((CfgStringLen-1-Index) & 1) == 0) {
      (*Buffer)[(CfgStringLen-1-Index)/2] = DigitUint8;
    } else {
      (*Buffer)[(CfgStringLen-1-Index)/2] = (UINT8)((DigitUint8 << 4) + (*Buffer)[(CfgStringLen-1-Index)/2]);

Finally we display the value buffer similar to the Linux hexdump -C utility output:

VOID PrintBuffer(UINT8* Buffer, UINTN Size)
  UINTN i = 0;
  while (i < Size) {
    Print(L"%02x ", Buffer[i]);
    if (!(i%16)) {
      Print(L" | ");
      for (UINTN j=16; j>0; j--)
        if ((Buffer[i-j] >= 0x20) && (Buffer[i-j] < 0x7E))
          Print(L"%c", Buffer[i-j]);

  if (i%16) {
    for (UINTN j=0; j<=15; j++) {
      if ((i+j)%16)
        Print(L"   ");
    Print(L" | ");

    for (UINTN j=(i%16); j>0; j--) {
      if ((Buffer[i-j] >= 0x20) && (Buffer[i-j] < 0x7E))
        Print(L"%c", Buffer[i-j]);

Putting it all together

Now when we have all the parsing code we can finally test it. Here is the output of the HIIConfig.efi dump command. I've just truncated the bunch of zeros in the middle for a better readability:

FS0:\> HIIConfig.efi dump
Full configuration for the HII Database (Size = 42018):

GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 (7235C51C-0C80-4CAB-87AC-3B084A6304B1)
NAME=004d00610069006e0046006f0072006d00530074006100740065 (MainFormState)
PATH=01041400dfc5dcd907405e4390988970935504b27fff0400 (VenHw(D9DCC5DF-4007-435E-9098-8970935504B2))
OFFSET=0000  WIDTH=0020  VALUE=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007400650073006e0055
55 00 6E 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | U.n.s.e.t.......
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
OFFSET=0020  WIDTH=0004  VALUE=00000000
00 00 00 00                                      | ....

GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 (7235C51C-0C80-4CAB-87AC-3B084A6304B1)
NAME=004d00610069006e0046006f0072006d00530074006100740065 (MainFormState)
PATH=01041400dfc5dcd907405e4390988970935504b27fff0400 (VenHw(D9DCC5DF-4007-435E-9098-8970935504B2))
OFFSET=0020  WIDTH=0004  VALUE=00000000
00 00 00 00                                      | ....

GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 (7235C51C-0C80-4CAB-87AC-3B084A6304B1)
NAME=004d00610069006e0046006f0072006d00530074006100740065 (MainFormState)
PATH=01041400dfc5dcd907405e4390988970935504b27fff0400 (VenHw(D9DCC5DF-4007-435E-9098-8970935504B2))
OFFSET=0020  WIDTH=0004  VALUE=00000000
00 00 00 00                                      | ....

GUID=16d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf9 (4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9)
NAME=00490053004300530049005f0043004f004e004600490047005f004900460052005f004e00560044004100540041 (ISCSI_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA)
PATH=0104140016d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf97fff0400 (VenHw(4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9))
OFFSET=0  WIDTH=000000000000453c  VALUE=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<...>
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
...                                                                             <----- truncated output
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00              | ............

GUID=16d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf9 (4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9)
NAME=00490053004300530049005f0043004f004e004600490047005f004900460052005f004e00560044004100540041 (ISCSI_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA)
PATH=0104140016d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf97fff0400 (VenHw(4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9))
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