- Fixed an error within the Privacy Manifest who triggered a warning in the App Store when submitting an app.
- Introduced a 'modulemap' file to our iOS library.
- This update enables Swift projects to import our library without the need for Bridging-Header.
- Enhances compatibility and simplifies the integration process for our clients.
- Updated automation script for generate XCFramework for cocoapods.
- Updated R&D Sample App with programatic view. Alejandro Villalobos
- CHANGELOG updated.
- Update with new sessionID business rules.
- Update with new merchantID business rules.
- Deployment Target: iOS 12.0+
- Added the Manifest file to the project.
- CHANGELOG updated.
- Gitlab CI rule changed repository name, branch and TAG.
- Gitlab CI rule changed to trigger on events by Mario Espinoza.
- Change the UI of the new sample app. Felipe Plaza.
- The new sample app with the implementation of the first R&D with acceleration, attitude, gyro, pedometer, magnetic fields sensors and logs view. Felipe Plaza.
- Unit Tests were created for the merchantID. Felipe Plaza.
- Unit Tests were created for the sessionID. Felipe Plaza.
- Added support to analytics files to be part of the whole code coverage test and xconfig files. Daniel Govea.
- In SampleAppSwift project for R&D was added "Change Language" button for redirect to app settings. Felipe Plaza.
- Added automation folder who contain two scripts for Artifact generation and integration. Daniel Govea.
- Gitlab CI rule changed to only trigger when pull request is open on "Master" and "Development branch". Daniel Govea.
- Change matchRegEx validation to a Util Class. Felipe Plaza.
- Added arm64 from Excluded Architectures (with non Excluded Architectures, is not posible to generate .a file in Universal Library).
- Update matchRegEx validation from NSPredicate to NSRegularExpression. Felipe Plaza.
- Remove arm64 from Excluded Architectures. Felipe Plaza.
- Failing Unit Tests from KLocationCollector and KDataCollector fixed. Daniel Govea.
- Moved the RegEx and Network validation logic to a Util class and restructured it to pass the Unit Tests. Felipe Plaza.
- Extract Debug Message, Error handling and Completion Block from KountAnaliticsViewController to a Util Classes. Felipe Plaza.
- Removed all disk space collection in the project. Felipe Plaza.
- Fixes an issue where the collection process forces the user language to English
- Prevented runtime issue in Location collector
- Removed all bitcode settings in Xcode 14 and set bitcode to “No”
- Added optional methods for the status of device data collection
- Resolved potential crash (KDataCollector.m, NSDictionary error) when an iOS application running the Device Data Collector goes offline in the middle of transmitting data to Kount
- Updated to support iOS16. Kount's SDK still supports iOS versions back to iOS 11. Current versions of XCode and the AppStore require iOS11 and newer for new applications & updates.
- Removal of iOS10 and lower support. armv7 architectures were removed after iOS10
- Removed Paste Clipboard functionality. This removes the need for additional permissions that would be required with iOS16 to publish an App in the AppStore.
- Fixed occasional issue with Location collection not being asynchronous which caused an application to crash when the location service took too long.