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File metadata and controls

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Final Project for semester 2 python

Name: Kshitij Chandrakar
Course: B.Tech CSE (Hons)
Semester: 2
SAP: 500124827
Enrollment Number: 2142231661

Topic: Video Game Using Computer Vision

About the project:

As the name suggest, its a platform based runner game, however the controls are based on the movement of the user as captured by the camera.
it utilizes various technologies like:

  • Movenet
  • Tensorflow
  • Computer Vision

in the game You can jump, dodge obstacles and the character follows your actual body movements as captured from the camera

To do List

  1. Create The Base Game
    • Its a game where you have to dodge obstacles
    • Create the Sprites
    • Create the body models
  2. Train an AI model to recognise body movement
    • Preferably use Google's teachable machine otherwise we could do tensorflow from scratch (Although that would create a problem with the dataset but whatever)
    • used movenet
  3. Track average body postion relative to previous position to check if it jumped
    • if it did jump then jump the main character
    • Added Controls for the character
  4. If possible, add body models to the game along with animations that follow the body movement

Explanation For the Main GameLoop System:

1. Imports:

from MyColors import *
from MyFunctions import *
import random, os
from ObjectClass import *
from buttons import *
from scene import *
from Attributes import *
  • These lines import various modules needed for the game:
    • MyColors: Likely contains predefined color constants.
    • MyFunctions: Probably contains custom functions for the game.
    • random: Python's built-in module for generating random numbers.
    • os: Python's built-in module for interacting with the operating system.
    • ObjectClass: Contains the definition of the Box class for game objects.
    • buttons: Provides functionality for creating buttons in the game interface.
    • scene: Handles scene management in the game.
    • Attributes: Holds attributes and configurations for the game.

2. Initialization and Environment Setup:

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
movenetUsed = 0
  • The program prints a startup message.
  • pygame.time.Clock() creates a clock object to control the game's frame rate.
  • movenetUsed is set to 0, indicating that a motion control system (possibly for player movement) is not being used.

3. High Score Management:

def setHighScore():
    with open(highScoreFile, 'w') as file:
  • This function writes the current high score to a file.

4. Environment Setup:

font = pygame.font.Font(r"Gotham-Bold.otf", 32)
# Additional font objects with different sizes
  • Fonts are loaded for rendering text with different sizes.
def resetEnv():
    # Code to reset the game environment, including player and obstacles.
  • This function resets the game environment, initializing player and obstacle objects.
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
highScoreFile = os.path.join(script_dir, 'highScore.txt')
# Read from the input file
with open(highScoreFile, 'r') as file:
    environmentAttributes["highScore"] = int(float(
  • It reads the high score from a file and initializes it in the game environment attributes.

5. Event Handling and Game Logic:

def updateEnv():
    # Function to update the game environment based on the current score.
  • This function updates the game environment based on the current score, possibly adjusting difficulty.
def checkEvent(event):
    # Function to handle user input events such as keyboard input.
  • It handles user input events such as keyboard presses, controlling player actions.
def centerText(centerTextStr, x_offset = 0, y_offset=0, color=white, font=font):
    # Function to render centered text on the screen.
  • This function renders text centered on the screen with optional offsets, color, and font.

6. Rendering and Screen Management:

def StartScreen():
    # Function to render the start screen.
  • It renders the start screen of the game.
def GameLoop():
    # Main game loop function, responsible for running the game logic.
  • This function represents the main game loop, executing game logic and rendering frames.

7. Scene Management:

currentScene  = "StartScreen"
scenes = {}
  • currentScene stores the current scene name.
  • scenes is a dictionary that maps scene names to their respective functions and attributes.
def changeScene(a):
    # Function to change the current scene.
  • This function changes the current scene to the one specified.

8. Main Loop:

while True:
    # Main game loop where events are processed, scenes are rendered, and game logic is executed.
  • The program enters a perpetual loop where events are handled, scenes are rendered, and game logic is executed continuously.

The ObjectClass code defines a class Box which seems to represent a game object or entity.

  1. Attributes and Initialization:
    from MyFunctions import *
    import pygame, random, sys, os
    from Filenames import *
    vector = pygame.math.Vector2
    coll = checkCollisionVector
  • The class has various attributes like position, velocity, acceleration, etc., which are initialized in the __init__ method.
  • Attributes are accessed using a dictionary (self.Attributes), where keys are strings representing attribute names.
  1. Rendering:
def render(self):
        if self.Attributes["Sprites"]:
                    CurrentFrameNumber = int((self.environmentAttributes['score']//self.Attributes["changeFrameCount"][self.Attributes["CurrentSprite"]])%len(self.sprites[self.Attributes["CurrentSprite"]]))
                except KeyError:
                    CurrentFrameNumber = int((self.environmentAttributes['score']//self.Attributes["changeFrameCount"])%self.spritesheet[0].cols)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                CurrentFrameNumber = 0
            # self.environmentAttributes["screen"].blit(self.sprites[CurrentFrameNumber], self.Attributes["pos"])
                if self.Attributes["SwitchSprites"]:
                    self.environmentAttributes["screen"].blit(pygame.transform.scale(self.sprites[self.Attributes["CurrentSprite"]][CurrentFrameNumber].convert_alpha(), self.Attributes["Dimensions"]), self.Attributes["pos"])
                    self.environmentAttributes["screen"].blit(pygame.transform.scale(self.sprites[CurrentFrameNumber].convert_alpha(), self.Attributes["Dimensions"]), self.Attributes["pos"])
            except KeyError:
                self.environmentAttributes["screen"].blit(pygame.transform.scale(self.sprites[CurrentFrameNumber].convert_alpha(), self.Attributes["Dimensions"]), self.Attributes["pos"])
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
            if self.Attributes["Image"]:
                image = []
                for i in self.Attributes['Image']:
                    image.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(i).convert_alpha(), self.Attributes["Dimensions"]))

                # self.environmentAttributes["score"]
                NumOfImages = len(image)
                    CurrentFrameNumber = int((self.environmentAttributes['score']//self.Attributes["changeFrameCount"])%NumOfImages)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    CurrentFrameNumber = 0
                self.environmentAttributes["screen"].blit(image[CurrentFrameNumber], self.Attributes["pos"])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            pygame.draw.rect(self.environmentAttributes["screen"], self.Attributes["color"], (self.Attributes["pos"].x, self.Attributes["pos"].y, self.Attributes["Dimensions"].x, self.Attributes["Dimensions"].y))
    # self.environmentAttributes["screen"].fill((255,0,0))
  • The render method seems to handle rendering of the object on the screen. It supports rendering with sprites, images, or simple rectangles.
    • It utilizes Pygame for rendering and scaling images/sprites.
  1. Updating:
def update(self):
    self.Attributes["Velocity"] += self.Attributes["Acceleration"]
    self.Attributes["pos"] += self.Attributes["Velocity"]
    self.Attributes["Acceleration"] = vector(0,0)
  • The update method updates the position of the object based on its velocity and acceleration.
  • Acceleration is applied to velocity, and velocity is applied to position.
  1. Collision Detection:
def checkCollision(self, ObjList):
        if self.Attributes["Collider"]:
            for object in ObjList:
                if object != None:
                    if coll(self.Attributes["pos"],self.Attributes["Dimensions"], object.Attributes["pos"], object.Attributes["Dimensions"]):
                        return True
            return False
            return False
    except KeyError:
        return False
  • The checkCollision method seems to check for collisions between this object and others passed as a list.
  • It uses a function checkCollisionVector imported from MyFunctions.
  1. Forces and Constraints:

    • There are methods like Force and Force1 for applying forces to the object.
    • Constraints are applied to restrict the object's movement within specified bounds.
  2. Other Functionalities:

    • There are methods for handling randomization of position and vectors (randomScalar, randomVector, randomise).
    • Debugging functionality (debug) is available to print debug information if enabled.
  3. Main Loop:

    • The run method seems to orchestrate the main operations of the object, including update, render, collision detection, and constraint enforcement.

Certainly! Let's break down each method and provide detailed explanations along with the corresponding code snippets:

from MyFunctions import EmptyFunction
Scene is a subset of Environment
class Scene:
    def handleExp(self, E):
        # Method to handle exceptions raised by the scene
        except (KeyError, TypeError):

    def initialise(self):
        # Method to initialize the scene
            for i in self.initialise1:
        except TypeError:

    def uninitialise(self):
        # Method to uninitialize the scene
            for i in self.uninitialise1:
        except TypeError:

    def __init__(self, renderFunction, event=None, excep=None, eventFunction=None, initialise=None, uninitialise=None):
        # Constructor method to initialize the Scene object
        self.initialise1 = initialise
        self.Initialised = 0
        self.uninitialise1 = uninitialise
        self.renderFunction = renderFunction = event  # Events = {eventType: what To do in case of event}
        self.excep = excep  # Exceptions that scenes raise
        self.eventFunction = eventFunction  # A function to call with event as the parameter

    def render(self):
        # Method to render the scene

    def handleEvent(self, event):
        # Method to handle events
        except IndexError:
        except KeyError:

Explanation For the Scene System:

  1. handleExp(self, E):

    • This method handles exceptions raised by the scene.
    • It attempts to execute the exception handling function corresponding to the provided exception E.
  2. initialise(self):

    • This method initializes the scene.
    • It iterates over a list of initialization functions (initialise1) and executes each function.
  3. uninitialise(self):

    • This method uninitializes the scene.
    • It iterates over a list of uninitialization functions (uninitialise1) and executes each function.
  4. init(self, renderFunction, event=None, excep=None, eventFunction=None, initialise=None, uninitialise=None):

    • This is the constructor method for the Scene class.
    • It initializes the scene with the provided parameters:
      • renderFunction: Function to render the scene.
      • event: Dictionary containing event types and corresponding actions.
      • excep: Dictionary containing exception types and corresponding exception handling functions.
      • eventFunction: Function to handle events.
      • initialise: List of functions to initialize the scene.
      • uninitialise: List of functions to uninitialize the scene.
  5. render(self):

    • This method renders the scene by calling the provided render function (renderFunction).
  6. handleEvent(self, event):

    • This method handles events received by the scene.
    • It attempts to execute the corresponding event handling function based on the event type.

Explanation For the SpriteSheet System:

from pygameInit import *
from pygame.math import Vector2 as vector
from MyColors import *
from MyFunctions import *
import os
  • Imports:
    • The code imports necessary modules including custom ones (pygameInit, MyColors, MyFunctions) and standard ones (os, pygame.math).
    • It initializes Pygame with pygameInit.
width, height = startPygame(hypo = 1000, ratioa = 21, ratiob = 10, caption = "AAAAAAAAA")
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA)
  • Pygame Initialization:
    • It initializes Pygame with specific parameters such as window size (width, height) and window caption.
class SpriteSheet:
    def __init__(self, filename):
        """Load the sheet."""
            self.sheet = pygame.image.load(filename).convert_alpha()
        except pygame.error as e:
            print(f"Unable to load spritesheet image: {filename}")
            raise SystemExit(e)
  • SpriteSheet Class Initialization:
    • It defines a class SpriteSheet to handle sprite sheets.
    • The __init__ method loads the sprite sheet image from the provided filename.
    def image_at(self, rectangle, colorkey = None):
        """Load a specific image from a specific rectangle."""
        rect = pygame.Rect(rectangle)
        image = pygame.Surface(rect.size, pygame.SRCALPHA)  # Create surface with per-pixel alpha
        image.blit(self.sheet, (0, 0), rect)

        if colorkey is not None:
            if colorkey == -1:
                colorkey = image.get_at((0, 0))
            image.set_colorkey(colorkey, pygame.RLEACCEL)
        return image
  • image_at Method:
    • It extracts a specific image from a rectangle within the sprite sheet.
    • Optionally, it sets a colorkey for transparency if provided.
    def images_at(self, rects, colorkey = None):
        """Load a whole bunch of images and return them as a list."""
        return [self.image_at(rect, colorkey) for rect in rects]
  • images_at Method:
    • It loads a list of images from a list of rectangles and returns them as a list.
    def load_strip(self, rect, image_count, colorkey = None):
        """Load a whole strip of images, and return them as a list."""
        tups = [(rect[0]+rect[2]*x, rect[1], rect[2], rect[3])
                for x in range(image_count)]
        return self.images_at(tups, colorkey)
  • load_strip Method:
    • It loads a strip of images (e.g., animation frames) from a single rectangle and returns them as a list.
    def load_grid_images(self, num_rows, num_cols, x_margin=0, x_padding=0,
            y_margin=0, y_padding=0):
        """Load a grid of images."""
        # Code snippet explaining the load_grid_images method
  • load_grid_images Method:
    • It loads a grid of images from the sprite sheet, arranging them in rows and columns.
    • Parameters x_margin, x_padding, y_margin, y_padding control spacing between sprites.

Explanation For the Movenet System:


  • tensorflow and tensorflow_hub: Importing TensorFlow and TensorFlow Hub for loading and running the MoveNet model.
  • tensorflow_docs.vis.embed: Importing the embed function from tensorflow_docs.vis module for embedding visualizations.
  • numpy: Importing NumPy for numerical computations.
  • cv2: Importing OpenCV for image processing.
  • MovenetAttributes: Importing custom attributes (KEYPOINT_DICT, KEYPOINT_EDGE_INDS_TO_COLOR) related to the MoveNet model.
  • matplotlib.pyplot: Importing Matplotlib's pyplot module for visualization.
  • matplotlib.collections: Importing LineCollection from matplotlib.collections for drawing lines.
  • matplotlib.patches: Importing patches module from matplotlib for drawing shapes.
  • imageio and IPython.display: Importing imageio for working with image sequences and IPython.display for displaying HTML content.

Function Definitions:

  1. extract_keypoint_coordinates: Extracts xy coordinates of keypoints from keypoints with scores array.
  2. keypoints_and_edges_for_display: Returns high confidence keypoints and edges for visualization.
  3. draw_prediction_on_image: Draws keypoint predictions on the image.
  4. to_gif: Converts an image sequence (4D numpy array) to a GIF.
  5. progress: Displays a progress bar as HTML.
  6. movenet1: Runs detection on an input image using the MoveNet model.
  7. init_crop_region: Defines the default crop region.
  8. torso_visible: Checks whether there are enough torso keypoints for determining the crop region.
  9. determine_torso_and_body_range: Calculates the maximum distance from each keypoint to the center location.
  10. determine_crop_region: Determines the region to crop the image for the model to run inference on.
  11. crop_and_resize: Crops and resizes the image to prepare for the model input.
  12. run_inference: Runs model inference on the cropped region.
  13. Outliers: Detects outliers in the given data using the z-score method.


the Above Code Summary Outlined how the game works.