Name: Kshitij Chandrakar
Course: B.Tech CSE (Hons)
Semester: 2
SAP: 500124827
Enrollment Number: 2142231661
Topic: Video Game Using Computer Vision
As the name suggest, its a platform based runner game, however the controls are based on the movement of the user as captured by the camera.
it utilizes various technologies like:
- Movenet
- Tensorflow
- Computer Vision
in the game You can jump, dodge obstacles and the character follows your actual body movements as captured from the camera
- Create The Base Game
- Its a game where you have to dodge obstacles
- Create the Sprites
- Create the body models
- Train an AI model to recognise body movement
- Preferably use Google's teachable machine otherwise we could do tensorflow from scratch (Although that would create a problem with the dataset but whatever)
- used movenet
- Track average body postion relative to previous position to check if it jumped
- if it did jump then jump the main character
- Added Controls for the character
- If possible, add body models to the game along with animations that follow the body movement
from pygameInit import *
from myColors import *
from MyFunctions import *
import random, os
from ObjectClass import *
from scene import *
- Import necessary modules for the program.
- Print a startup message.
class myException(Exception):
def __init__(self, id): = id
- Define a custom exception class
with an identifier.
vector = pygame.math.Vector2
width, height = startPygame(hypo = 1000, ratioa = 21, ratiob = 10, caption = "Dino without AI")
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- Set up environment attributes such as screen dimensions and clock.
def gameOverFunc(i):
print("Game Over by Collision of", i.Attributes["id"])
environmentAttributes["GameOver"] = True
raise myException("GameOver")
- Define a function to handle game over events.
def setHighScore():
with open(highScoreFile, 'w') as file:
- Define a function to set the high score.
font = pygame.font.Font(r"Gotham-Bold.otf", 32)
- Set the font for rendering text.
environmentAttributes = {...}
- Define attributes for the game environment such as gravity, screen dimensions, and score.
playerAttributes = {...}
obstacleAttributes = {...}
- Define attributes for the player and obstacles.
def resetEnv():
- Define a function to reset the environment.
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
highScoreFile = os.path.join(script_dir, 'highScore.txt')
- Define the path for the high score file.
with open(highScoreFile, 'r') as file:
environmentAttributes["highScore"] = int(float(
- Read the high score from the file.
def resetEnv1():
- Define a function to reset the environment and set the high score.
- Reset the environment.
def updateEnv():
- Define a function to update the environment.
def checkEvent(event):
- Define a function to check events.
def centerText(centerTextStr):
- Define a function to center text on the screen.
def StartScreen():
- Define a function for the start screen.
def GameLoop():
- Define the main game loop function.
def GameOver():
- Define a function for the game over screen.
def Won():
- Define a function for the win screen.
scenes = {...}
- Define scenes for managing different parts of the game.
currentScene = "StartScreen"
- Set the current scene to the start screen.
def changeScene(a):
- Define a function to change scenes.
while True:
- Run the main game loop.
This Part details the the GameObject class
from MyFunctions import *
import pygame, random, sys
- Import necessary modules for the program.
class Box:
def __init__(self, Attr, env):
- Define the Box class for game objects.
: Dictionary containing attributes of the box.environmentAttributes
: Dictionary containing environment attributes.
__init__(self, Attr, env)
: Initialize the Box object with given attributes and environment.
: Run the Box object.update(self)
: Update the position and velocity of the Box object.render(self)
: Render the Box object on the screen.
checkCollision(self, ObjList)
: Check collision between the Box object and a list of other objects.onCollision(self)
: Define action to be taken upon collision.
Force(self, F)
: Apply force to the Box object.Force1(self, F, i)
: Apply force in a specific direction to the Box object.
: Print debug information about the Box object.
changeVel(self, i)
: Change the velocity of the Box object.randomScalar(self, i)
: Generate a random scalar value.randomVector(self)
: Generate a random vector.randomise(self, what)
: Randomize specific attributes of the Box object.
vector = pygame.math.Vector2
coll = checkCollisionVector
- Define helper functions and variables.