The kuadrant API CRD represent internal APIs bundled in a API product. The kuadrant API CRD grant API Providers the freedom to map their internal API organization structure to kuadrant.
The kuadrantctl api apply
command allows easily to create and update existing kuadrant API custom resources.
A prior condition before the Kuadrant API custom resource can be created is that the API Provider must have a kubernetes service created for the API being protected. This command will create (or update) one kuadrant API custom resource in the same namespace as the referenced service.
The kuadrantctl api apply
command needs to have some info about the API being exposed. It can be either:
- A valid OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.x
- A match path. It can be a single specific path, prefix or regex
OpenAPI document resource can be provided by one of the following channels:
- Filename in the available path.
- URL format (supported schemes are HTTP and HTTPS). The CLI will try to download from the given address.
- Read from stdin standard input stream.
$ kuadrantctl api apply -h
The apply command allows easily to create and update existing *kuadrant API* custom resources
kuadrantctl api apply [flags]
--api-name string If not set, the name of the API can be matched with the service name
-h, --help help for apply
--kubeconfig string Kubernetes configuration file
--match-path string Define a single specific path, prefix or regex (default "/")
--match-path-type string Specifies how to match against the matchpath value. Accepted values are Exact, Prefix and RegularExpression. Defaults to Prefix (default "Prefix")
-n, --namespace string Service namespace (required)
--oas string /path/to/file.[json|yaml|yml] OR http[s]://domain/resource/path.[json|yaml|yml] OR -
--port string Only required if there are multiple ports in the service. Either the Name of the port or the Number
--scheme string Either HTTP or HTTPS specifies how the kuadrant gateway will connect to this API (default "http")
--service-name string Service name (required)
--tag string A special tag used to distinguish this deployment between several instances of the API
--to-stdout Serialize the kuadrant API object in stdout instead of applying to the cluster
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kuadrantctl.yaml)
-v, --verbose verbose output