KumbiaPHP provides integration with the JavaScript Framework jQuery
KDebug is a new object incorporated to the integration plugins at KumbiaPHP/JQuery that allows a debugging of the code in development time. With just one parameter you can use a log that allow see in console (while available, if not it using alert) allowing a better control of the execution.
It's not necessary, but will be helpful if you work with tools like Firebug in Mozilla Firefox o some browser that use the WebKit console, like Google Chrome.
As complement to the ActiveRecord, paged through partial views are implemented types of pacciona more common. These are located in the directory "core/views/partials/paginators" ready to be used. They are fully configurable via CSS. Of course, you can create your own partials for pagination in views.
Classic pagination view
Final result
Configuration parameters:
page: object obtained from paginator.
show: number of pages to be shown in the paginator. Default 10.
url: URL for the action that performs pagination it, by default "module/controller/page /" and the page number is sent by parameter.
View::partial('paginators/classic', false, array ( 'page' => $page, 'show' => 8, 'url' => 'user/list'));
View paging style digg.
Configuration parameters:
page: object obtained from paginator.
show: number of pages to be shown in the paginator. Default 10.
URL: url for the action that performs pagination it, by default "module/controller/page /" and the page number is sent by parameter.
View:partial (' paginators/digg', false, array('page' => $page, 'show' => 8, 'url' => 'usuario/lista'));
Final result
Classic's file pagination view.
Configuration parameters:
page: object obtained from paginator.
url: url for the action that performs pacciona it, by default "module/controller/page /" and the page number is sent by parameter.
View::partial('paginators/extended', false, array('page' => $page, 'url' => 'user/list'));
View paging style punbb.
Configuration parameters:
page: object obtained from paginator.
show: number of pages to be shown in the paginator. Default 10.
url: URL for the action that performs pagination it, by default "module/controller/page /" and the page number is sent by parameter.
View::partial('paginators/punbb', false, array('page' => $page, 'show' => 8, 'url' => 'user/list'));
Final result
View paging style simple.
Configuration parameters:
page: object obtained from paginator.
url: URL for the action that performs pagination it, by default "module/controller/page /" and the page number is sent by parameter.
View::partial('paginators/simple', false, array('page' => $page, 'url' => 'user/list'));
Suppose we want to paginate a list of users.
For model User in "models/user.php":
class User extends ActiveRecord
* Displays users five by five using "paginador"
* @param int $page
* @return object
public function displayUsers($page=1)
return $this->paginate("page: $page", 'per_page: 5');
For the UserController controller in "controllers/usuario_controller. php":
//Load::models('user'); //Required in versions < 1.0
class UserController extends AppController
* Paged action
* @param int $page
public function page($page=1)
$this->page = (new Usuario)->displayUsers($page);
And in the view "views/user/page.phtml"
<?php foreach($page->items as $p) : ?>
<td><?= $p->id ?></td>
<td><?= $p->name ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php View::partial('paginators/classic', false, ['page' => $page]) ?>
But they are deprecated and will not work in the future (next beta or final release):
Possibly there will be 2 versions:
Compatible with beta2, supports deprecated to facilitate migration
1.0 = without the deprecated more clean and fast, to start new apps
0.5 | beta1 | beta2 v0.9 | v1.0 |
Flash::success() now is Flash::valid()
Flash::notice() now is Flash::info()
ApplicationController now is AppController (with their respective method changes)
Use $this->response = 'view' or View:response('view') to not show the template.
Now, View::template (NULL) or View::response() is used to choose alternative view formats.
0.5 | beta1 | beta2 v0.9 | v1.0 |
ControllerBase | ApplicationController | AppController | AppController |
public function init() | protected function initialize() | protected function initialize() | protected function initialize() |
render_view() | render_view() | View::select() | View::select() |
0.5 | beta1 | beta2 v0.9 | v1.0 |
public $mode | public $database | public $database | public $database |
0.5 | beta1 | beta2 v0.9 | v1.0 |
public function init() | protected function initialize() | protected function initialize() | protected function initialize() |
public function finalize() | protected function finalize() | protected function finalize() | |
public function before_filter() | protected function before_filter() | protected function before_filter() | |
public function after_filter() | protected function after_filter() | protected function after_filter() |
boot.ini is eliminated in beta2
kumbia / mail / libchart 0.5 => deletes the prefixes beta1
extensions 0.5 => libs beta1
$this->has_post 0.5 => Input:hasPost beta2
$this->has_get 0.5 => Input:hasGet beta2
$this->has_request 0.5 => Input:hasRequest beta2
$this->post 0.5 => ' Input:post beta2
$this->get 0.5 => ' Input:get beta2
$this->request 0.5 => 'Input::request beta2
$this->cache 0.5 => View::cache beta2
$this->render 0.5 => 'View::select beta2
$this->set_response 0.5 => View::response beta2
content() 0.5 => View::content() beta2
render_partial 0.5 => View::partial beta2
$this->route_to 0.5 => 'Router::route_to beta1 y beta2
$this->redirect 0.5 => Router::redirect beta2
img_tag 0.5 => 'Html::img beta2
link_to 0.5 => 'Html::link beta2
link_to_action 0.5 => 'Html::linkAction beta2
stylesheet_link_tags 0.5 => 'Html::includeCss beta2
form_remote_tag 0.5 => 'Ajax::form beta2
link_to_remote 0.5 => 'Ajax::link beta2
end_form_tag 0.5 => 'Form::close beta2
form_tag 0.5 => 'Form::open beta2
input_field_tag 0.5 ' => 'Form::input beta2
text_field_tag 0.5 => 'Form::text beta2
password_field_tag 0.5 => 'Form::pass beta2
textarea_tag 0.5 => 'Form::textarea beta2
hidden_field_tag 0.5 => 'Form::hidden beta2
select_tag 0.5 => 'Form::select beta2
file_field_tag 0.5 => 'Form::file beta2
button_tag 0.5 => 'Form::button beta2
submit_image_tag 0.5 => 'Form::submitImage beta2
submit_tag 0.5 => 'Form::submit beta2
checkbox_field_tag 0.5 => 'Form::check beta2
radio_field_tag 0.5 => 'Form::radio beta2
javascript_include_tag 0.5 => 'Tag::js beta2
stylesheet_link_tag 0.5 => 'Tag::css beta2
'/apps/default' => '/app',
'/apps' => '',
'/app/controllers/application.php' => '/app/application.php',
'/app/views/layouts' => '/app/views/templates',
'/app/views/index.phtml' => '/app/views/templates/default.phtml',
'/app/views/not_found.phtml' => '/app/views/errors/404.phtml',
'/app/views/bienvenida.phtml' => '/app/views/pages/index.phtml',
'/app/helpers' => '/app/extensions/helpers',
'/app/models/base/model_base.php' => '/app/model_base.php',
'/app/models/base/' => '',
'/cache' => '/app/cache',
'/config' => '/app/config',
'/docs' => '/app/docs',
'/logs' => '/app/logs',
'/scripts' => '/app/scripts',
'/test' => '/app/test',
Session::isset_data() ahora Session::has()
Session::unset_data() ahora Session::delete()
CRUD = Create Read Update Delete
MVC = Model View Controller
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
SQL = Structured Query Language