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File metadata and controls

213 lines (169 loc) · 5.6 KB



This example allows easy understanding of the implementation of a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) without the need of a Scaffold, doing a correct handling of the MVC in KumbiaPHP.

Configuring database.ini

Configure the databases.ini with the data and the db engine to be used.


Create the Model that defines the table in the database, for complementing the example we create the follow table.

id           int            unique not null auto_increment,
nombre       varchar(100),
titulo       varchar(100)   not null,
primary key(id)

We will now define the model which allows us to interact with the database.



class Menus extends ActiveRecord
      * Return the menus for pagination
      * @param int $page  [required] page to see
      * @param int $ppage [optional] for default 20 for page
    public function getMenus($page, $ppage=20)
        return $this->paginate("page: $page", "per_page: $ppage", 'order: id desc');


The controller handles client requests and replies (ie, a browser). In this controller we must define all the CRUD actions/functions we need.


* Load of model Menus...   
// Load::models( 'menus' );// Necessary for versions < 0.9 

class MenusController extends AppController
     * Obtain a list for pagination of menus
     * @param int $page [opcional]
    public function index($page = 1)
         $this->listMenus = (new Menus)->getMenus($page);

     * Make a record
    public function create()
         * Verify if the user send the form(submit) and if also
         * inner of array POST exist a variable called "menus"
         * that which applies for the auto load  of object for save the
         * date send for POST using auto load of object
        if (Input::hasPost('menus')) {
             * the data of form is sent to model for construct and ActiveRecord collect 
             * this data and associate to the corresponding field when it's use the convention
             * model.field
            $menu = new Menus(Input::post('menus'));
            //In case that the operation fail
            if ($menu->create()) {
                //Delete the POST, if don't wanna that it can be seen in the form

            Flash::error('Operation Fail');

     * Edit a record
     * @param int $id (required)
    public function edit($id)
        $menu = new Menus();

        //verify if the post as send data (submit)
        if (Input::hasPost('menus')) {

            if ($menu->update(Input::post('menus'))) {
                //redirect por default to the index of controller
                return Redirect::to();
            Flash::error('Operation Fail');

        //Applied the auto load of object, for start the edition
        $this->menus = $menu->find_by_id((int) $id);


     * Delete a menu
     * @param int $id (require)
    public function del($id)
        if ((new Menus)->delete((int) $id)) {
        } else {
                Flash::error('Operation fail');

        //redirect to the index of controller
        return Redirect::to();


We add the views...


<div class="content">
  <?php View::content() ?> 
  <?php foreach($listMenus->items as $item) : ?> 
      <?= Html::linkAction("edit/$item->id/", 'Edit') ?> 
      <?= Html::linkAction("del/$item->id/", 'Delete') ?> 
      <strong><?= $item->nombre ?> - <?= $item->titulo ?></strong>
  <?php endforeach ?>

   // Manual paginate example, exist partials ready in formats digg, clasic,...
  <?php if($listMenus->prev) echo Html::linkAction("index/$listMenus->prev/", '<< Previous |') ?> 
  <?php if($listMenus->next) echo Html::linkAction("index/$listMenus->next/", 'Next >>') ?> 


<?php View::content() ?>
<h3>Create menu<h3>

<?= Form::open(); // by default the same url ?> 

      <?= Form::text('menus.nombre') ?></label>

      <?= Form::text('menus.titulo') ?></label>

      <?= Form::submit('Add') ?> 

<?= Form::close() ?> 


<?php View::content() ?> 
<h3>Edit menu<h3>
<?= Form::open(); // by default call the same url ?>
  <label>Name <?= Form::text('menus.nombre') ?></label>
  <label>Title <?= Form::text('menus.titulo') ?></label>
  <?= Form::hidden('') ?> 
  <?= Form::submit('Update') ?> 
<?= Form::close() ?>

Testing the CRUD

Now it only remains to try all the code that we have generated, at this point it is important to know the behavior of the URL's in KumbiaPHP.

  • index is the default action (ie, http://domain/menus/index/). Declaration of /index it's optional, because the controller would autoload /index if no other has been specified (ie, http://domain/menus/)
  • Create creates a menu in the database http://localhost/menus/create/
  • Edit and Delete actions are handled from the index in this example, because receives the data/ids to operate from the index.