forward TCP connections through HTTP proxy
Forward stdio through HTTP proxy to target host. It's useful if you want to use ssh to connect to remote host through HTTP proxy.
edit stdio.js. Set
to your HTTP proxy server "", port: 8080
Write these lines into ~/.ssh/config
Host choose_a_host_name PorxyCommand /usr/bin/node /path/to/stdio.js 22
ssh choose_a_host_name
to connect to host through the HTTP proxy
Forward tcp connection to remote host through HTTP proxy.
. And editconfig.json
. Format:{ "interactive": <true or false. Can user interactive with tcp.js. Set to false if you want tcp.js run as a daemon.>, "local": { "listen": <port number or a filename. Which port should tcp.js listen on> }, "target": { "host": <null or ip address. Which target host should tcp.js forward to. null means disable auto forward.>, "port": <number. Which target port should tcp.js forward to> }, "proxy": { "host": <ip address. The server ip of HTTP proxy server>, "port": <port. The server port of HTTP proxy server> } }
node tcp.js config.json
let your application to connect to local listen port.
The HTTP proxy server MUST support "CONNECT" method.
MIT License