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New Module Creation Examples

This document corresponds to this runable example of these example simple plugins, alongside these example plugin templates. Additionally, all of the last can be found in [viame-install]/examples/hello_world_pipeline folder, [viame-source]/plugins/hello_world folder, and [viame-source]/plugins/templates folder in a VIAME installation, respectively. Throughout these folders are example object detectors, image filters, and image classifiers written in python and C++.

C++ Detector Plugin

A new detector plugin is added by creating a class that implements the kwiver::vital::algo::image_object_detector interface. This interface is defined in an abstract base class in file vital/algo/image_object_detector.h

The directory plugins/templates/cxx contains files that can be used as a starting point for implementing new detectors. These files contain markers in the form @text@ that are to be replaced with the strings related to your new detector.

All files in that directory should be copied to a new directory and renamed as appropriate. The files template_detector.{cxx,h} should be renamed to a name that indicates the specific detector being implemented.

The CMakeLists.txt and register_algorithms.cxx files should keep their original names. Change the following place holders in all files to personalize the detector.

@template@ - name of the detector.

@template_lib@ - name of the plugin library that will contain the detector. Can be the same name as the detector.

@template_dir@ - name of the source subdirectory containing the detector files. For example if the detector is in the directory plugins/fin_fish_detector, then 'template_dir' should be replaced with 'fin_fish_detector'.

The place holders also appear in capital letters indicating that the replacement string should be capitalized.

The main work that has to be done to integrate a detector into the VIAME framework is to convert the input image from the VIAME format to the format needed by the detector, and to convert the detections to a detected_object_set as needed by the framework.

Many detectors take images in OpenCV MAT format. This data structure can be extracted from the image_container_sptr that is available using the following code:

// input image is kwiver::vital::image_container_sptr image_data
// CV format image is extracted using the following line
cv::Mat cv_image = kwiver::arrows::ocv::image_container::vital_to_ocv( image_data->get_image() );

Now that you have the image in a compatible format, it can be passed to the detector. Detectors usually return a set of bounding boxes, each annotated with one or more classification labels. These boxes can be converted to a detected_object_set using the following pseudo-code.

// Allocate a detected object set that we will fill with new detections
auto detected_objects = std::make_shared<kwiver::vital::detected_object_set>();

FOREACH bounding-box returned from detector

    // Create a bounding box from the values returned. The new box takes
    // coordinates in the following order: left, top, right, bottom.
    // If the detector does not return exactly these values, they are
    // easy to calculate
    kwiver::vital::bounding_box_d bbox( left, top, right, bot);

    // Create a new detected object type structure. This is used to hold the
    // classification labels and associated probabilities or scores.
    auto dot = std::make_shared< kwiver::vital::detected_object_type >();

    FOREACH pair of classification label and score
        // Add the class name and probability to the detected object type
        dot->set_score( class_name, probability );

    // Now that we have processed one detected object (as defined by a bounding box)
    // it has to be added to the detected_object_set
    detected_objects->add( std::make_shared< kwiver::vital::detected_object >( bbox, 1.0, dot ));

// When all detections have been processed, the detected object set for this input
// image is just returned from the detect() method
return detected_objects;

Python Detector Plugin

Similarly to the above C++ object detector, the python templates in the above directory can be copied into a new plugin module, and the template keywords replaced with a module name of your choosing.