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Bennett Steinburg edited this page Jul 26, 2023 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the islandora-UX-useathon wiki!

Wishlist basics:

  • [User flow]: return user to associated object rather than to main media management view after ingesting media on an object
  • [User Flow]: return user to previous page after user authenticates rather than taking them to their user profile page
  • [Scalability]: provide "Manage Content" filter block on collections children view
  • [Edit Content]: bring orphan fields into line with the 'heading' or 'dropdown' style of the Repository Item Edit View (ie: Viewer Override)
  • [Edit Content]: Help text should sit above the field but below the title > more natural flow from title to explanation to entering your metadata.
  • [Discoverability]: Add "contains" as dropdown option in "Search within Collection" block
  • [Sandbox improvements]: Add a placeholder Nav to the Hamburger Menu so its default styling can be showcased. NOTE: The issue that flagged this may actually be something separate.
  • [Sandbox improvements]: Include a page featuring Islandora 2 showcase example sites for new users to explore.
  • [Media Use Relationship > PENDING]: Explore how selecting Extracted text might work for a file that is not extracted text when you upload it. Tried this in a couple of different ways this morning.
  • [Collection View]: 'Member Of' could be removed from the right-hand advanced search menu for Collection Views.
  • [Object View]: Fedora URI should be bolded alongside all of the other metadata fields for an object.
  • [Metadata organization]: Change label from "Linked Agent" to something more human friendly like "Contributions" or "Contributors"
  • [Metadata organization]: Change label from "Member of" to something more appropriate to inanimate objects such as "Part of"
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