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Building: qt creator

Hugo Queirós edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 9 revisions

Building: Qt Creator

This tutorial assumes you have read Obtaining the Source Code beforehand.


  1. Open the configuration project file CMakeLists.txt that can be found on the DUNE's root folder.

  2. Build your project - CMake Wizard: Create a dedicated folder for your Qt build location/workspace. Press "Next".

  3. Build your project - CMake Wizard: Run Cmake after choosing the right architecture of your system (x86 or x64) in the "Generator" combo box. This will generate the GNU MakeFiles.

  4. Whenever you to compile press "build" on the bottom left corner.

Helpful Information

  • Qt Creator supports CMake configuration files, which are broadly used on DUNE.
  • Do not edit the CMakeList.txt files if you don't know what you are doing.