- infrastructure: add declaration package.json (#572) (8cb4b1b)
- infrastructure: condense webpack configuration build step into one json file (#571) (512f3aa)
- infrastructure: unit test code coverage for typescript (#487) (1170a1f)
- list: minification-safe element type comparison (#509) (89f5fd2)
- select: defensive foundation check before unmounting - also includes radio, checkbox, text-field (#512) (2ee4c80)
- top-app-bar: foundation should be destroyed and reinitialized on variant change (#519) (58cfc6f)
- lint for typings files (#577) (8f971a8)
- remove prop-types from package.json (#576) (7f38952)
- button: typescript (#508) (fee5968)
- card: typescript (#497) (c9665bc)
- checkbox: typescript support (#490) (02775ac)
- chips: typescript support (#493) (764ed40)
- drawer: typescript support (#494) (2a91edd)
- fab: typescript support (#495) (b62c36f)
- icon-button: typescript support (#496) (e9e29a3)
- infrastructure: add typescript eslint (#549) (abee1a8)
- infrastructure: build JS from TS (#547) (862c110)
- layout-grid: typescript (#498) (a25039e)
- linear-progress: typescript (#526) (cffefa0)
- list: typescript (#501) (3b6c501)
- material-icon: typescript (#525) (e3373bb)
- menu-surface: typescript (#502) (94d006d)
- radio: typescript (#506) (af94a3a)
- ripple: typescript (#527) (4dcf389)
- select: typescript (#540) (a3d014a)
- switch: typescript (#530) (ba058d4)
- tab: typescript (#532) (206540f)
- tab-bar: typescript (#535) (a0709d7)
- tab-indicator: typescript (#545) (056adb5)
- tab-scroller: typescript (#536) (4582a7d)
- text-field: add typescript support (#550) (e003fea)
- top app bar: dense variant (#520) (461cce9)
- top-app-bar: TopAppBarFixedAdjust variants added (#524) (e3bb701)
- top-app-bar: typescript (#548) (8680796)
- typography: typescript (#521) (090aa7e)
- infrastructure: Remove .es.js files. The alternate is now to use the index.tsx files.
- ripple: withRipple is no longer the default export.
0.7.1 (2018-11-30)
- added missing comma from golden.json (#426) (dfe44dc)
- chips: update to v0.41.0 (#424) (e40fec6)
- drawer: initialize foundation if props.open updates (#427) (36e6316)
- drawer: replace focus trap with vanilla version (#437) (bd7433b)
- drawer: update modal screenshot golden (#482) (ce0c314)
- linear-progress: Add linear progress (#450) (f38d575)
- select: added check for nativeControl element before calling props.setRippleCenter in NativeControl (#478) (5baad76)
- tab-bar: set previousActiveIndex to props.activeIndex initially to avoid tab of undefined error (#428) (8e28944)
- text-field: custom validation (#430) (f5c9c35)
- text-field: uncomment test fixed from 0.35.0 (#404) (3a908ff)
- list: Add list divider (#420) (1b8f38f)
- list: allow semantic tags (mainly, nav on List and a on ListItem) (#405) (9672cdb)
- radio: add component (#448) (fd8747c)
- typography: add component (#378) (e46acf5)
0.6.2 (2018-11-07)
- checkbox: add focusable=false to svg for a11y (#375) (c7f3b97)
- drawer: update readme and screenshots to support below top app bar (#397) (90adbbe)
- infrastructure: increase screenshot timeout to decrease flakes (#373) (e96ca10)
- layout-grid: remove unit test console warnings (#379) (408cdd2)
- list: selectedIndex 0 isn't working (#387) (4e62aae)
- text-field: added reference to input element (#414) (ea04dc6)
- text-field: allow for input isValid override (#374) (7872856)
- text-field: put foundation on state and do render input unless foundation is present (#353) (2cb5d64)
- text-field: remove foundation.setValue call during onChange (#350) (36469f7)
- top-app-bar: add FixedAdjust to npmignore (#371) (d4ad675)
- top-app-bar: allow react elements in title (#376) (f6da361)
- list: Event handlers moved from list to list item. New props on list item for focus, follow href, toggle checkbox, and classnames/attributes passed down from list. Remove ID prop from list item.
0.6.0 (2018-10-24)
- chips: added npmignore (#317) (ac99ac5)
- chips: replace relative path with npm package (#297) (93ac25e)
- icon-button: add main field to package.json (#300) (88d5e4e)
- icon-button: add MIT license to files (#313) (97ecb3a)
- icon-button: update main property (#319) (e79995d)
- infrastructure: add more time to screenshot initial wait (#314) (375206e)
- infrastructure: fix travis badge on readme (#331) (e637782)
- infrastructure: speed up prerelease script (#288) (b77819f)
- menu-surface: fix menu surface unit test typo (#315) (8b60622)
- text-field: Add support for <textarea> (#118) (#266) (d9cff89)
- text-field: floating label width calculation when notched (#347) (377f250)
- top-app-bar: add fixed adjust component (#349) (f1d4be0)
- checkbox: Add new component (#296) (fbe7999)
- Add roses example (#312) (04bbd18)
- drawer: add new component (#327) (d386d5e)
- list: Add component (#339) (5ff3ecc)
- menu-surface: add component (#295) (034abd0)
0.5.1 (2018-09-25)
0.5.0 (2018-09-25)
- card: add missing hasRipple (#248) (#255) (d2f58d6)
- chips: add chip leading icon class management (#281) (c638e79)
- chips: remove handleRemove method for chipsUpdate method (#282) (8435079)
- chips: use notifyRemoval and notifyInteraction adapter methods (#277) (ba433ea)
- infrastructure: add the es5 @material/package/dist/mdc.package to externals (#223) (73fb45b)
- ripple: react-ripple does not contain styles (#172) (#251) (ac0f87f)
- tab: update readme and ref name in tab component (#226) (f18fda1)
- tab-bar: add missing url from screenshot list (#264) (dd2f183)
- tab-bar: Arrow keys should focus adjacent tab (#280) (54224c8)
- tab-indicator: update component to work with mdc tab (#215) (bc41a8b)
- tab indicator sliding animation broken (#273) (c436f58)
- button: Add dense variant to button (#228) (28b7d6e)
- chips: Update chips to use ids and add input chips (#246) (14353ab)
- icon-button: create component (#154) (c7b4cf6)
- infrastructure: react router screenshots (#232) (69e4efe)
- switch: Add component (#208) (3eb8a4b)
- tab: add new component (#216) (ffd9bba)
- tab: Add ripple (#261) (e1918fa)
- tab-bar: Add component (#229) (731e980)
- tab-scroller: add new component (#222) (fedf138)
- chips: Updated API for
props in ChipSet andid
prop in Chip.
0.4.2 (2018-08-14)
0.4.1 (2018-08-13)
- infrastructure: point all tests to es6 files for accurate test coverage (#198) (4959266)
- ripple: add test to avoid computeBoundingRect error (#200) (769b15b)
- screenshot increase timeout (#210) (e9a2089)
- text-field: add missing prop
(#184) (ff9704d) - text-field: fix typo in readme (#197) (f88f180)
- text-field: update isRtl to a prop (#195) (cd7c7c8)
- text-field: In order for rtl to work on the Notched Outline component, isRtl will need to be passed in as boolean (default is false). Updating isRtl will result in a re-render.
0.4.0 (2018-07-30)
- infrastructure: updated deploy steps to run with docker (#116) (a53fc7d)
- downgraded to es2015 preset to work on ie11 (#133) (05c0184)
- material-icon: removed blocking line and updated documentation (#155) (8f3cef5)
- ripple: setState warning when unmounting the component (#112) (841a1c8)
- text-field: move handleValueChange call when this.props.value updates (#170) (f46a34d)
- top-app-bar: add material icon imports in screenshot tests (#168) (526400b)
- point packages to MDC Web /dist ES5 files (#182) (9d387d3)
- button: Add an href prop to use anchor tag instead of button (#174) (0df9967)
- chips: Add new component (#117) (410da30)
- chips: Add selection to chips (#121) (3ef1123)
- ripple: Call focus/blur handlers from foundation (#135) (c438333)
- fab: Please update your FAB to pass icon as a prop, not as a child element.
- chips: Users should render
components directly instead of passing alabels
prop toChipSet
0.3.0 (2018-06-25)
- Moved importer code to webpack.util to share between screen shot test and main build. (aec8cc8)
- travis and docker integration (#92) (e7f4497)
- updated function name and tests (7c2794d)
- line-ripple: Convert style name to camel case (#99) (2a5341c)
- text-field: Added SASS importer to lookup the package folder first then fallback to default npm resolve. (bf7f849)
- text-field: Added text-field to valid commit msg list (3922e2c)
- text-field: Updated Input.js to use new public API of foundation (df0b5ed)
- Docker integration into Travis to decrease false negative screenshots (#91) (d8b670e)
- updated all packages to 0.36.0 (#104) (a1d8b66)
- infrastructure: add .npmignores to packages (#110) (ab7009d)
- infrastructure: default npm entry point to ES5 (#108) (1f0446f)
0.2.0 (2018-06-01)
- Remove scss extensions from @material/mdc-* imports (#62) (46b7f08)
- button: Rename stroked to outlined (#74) (f612388)
- infrastructure: fixed npm run build error for empty package directories (#85) (18666d4)
- infrastructure: Make all components public (#43) (27a1ab1)
- ripple: Trigger on key events (2248f26)
0.1.0 (2018-05-09)
- button: Update package.json (507298e)
- card: Update package.json (fc7a4dd)
- fab: Update package.json (efd4703)
- floating-label: Update package.json (92cbf2c)
- line-ripple: Update package.json (b6fc89c)
- material-icon: Update package.json (18e2508)
- notched-outline: Update package.json (8b18779)
- ripple: Update package.json (044c308)
- text-field: Update package.json (fda82fb)
- top-app-bar: Update package.json (06e9d66)
- remote hosted screenshot testing (#12) (98bcdfe)
- screenshot testing (#10) (5fd6d86)
- fab: Add new tests for svg/img (1f536b7)
- fab: Change node to element. (2b4960e)
- fab: Remove empty fab from test. Add waitUntil idle to wait until the stylesheets finish (43e58d4)
- fab: Update class name (96c2d61)
- fab: Update for comments (9b041d6)
- fab: Update for comments (676ae32)
- fab: Update for lint (3748f31)
- fab: Update package name (02b7140)