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Florian Baumgartl edited this page Aug 1, 2024 · 9 revisions


If Qt is not installed on the target Windows machine, download it from the Qt website and refer to the Qt site for instructions on how to install Qt (ensure mingw is installed, the optional web components do not need to be installed which will space hard drive space).

Once installed, download the source code to UwTerminalX from the github repository and extract it somewhere on your computer, then open Qt Creator from the start menu and click 'load project', navigate to the directory you extracted the UwTerminalX source code into and select '' then click open. Qt will then ask for the configuration to be created for the project if it's opening the project for the first time, ensure that the Desktop MinGW compiler is checked and click the 'OK' button.

Change the build type from debug to release by clicking the bottom left configuration box, and now use the menu to build UwTerminalX (Build > Build All). Assuming all code compiles successfully, an application will be created. Click the 'Projects' tab on the left to see where the output file is created, then naviate to this directory, inside the release folder (if a release build was selected) or debug folder (if a debug build was selected) will be the UwTerminalX.exe executable file.


Building UwTerminalX on Mac requires the developer tools to be installed (search for XCode on the app store). Once installed, Qt and the Qt Creator needs to be downloaded from the Qt website, refer to the Qt site for instructions on how to install Qt − or use the brew package manager (if available) and the below commands:

macOS Ventura (Version 13.x.x) Thanks to @Timofey.

brew install qt@5
brew install --cask qt-creator

Once installed, download the source code to UwTerminalX from the github repository and extract it somewhere on your computer, then open Qt Creator and click 'load project', navigate to the directory you extracted the UwTerminalX source code into and select '' then click open. Qt will then ask for the configuration to be created for the project if it's opening the project for the first time, ensure that the Mac Qt compiler is checked and click the 'OK' button.

Change the build type from debug to release by clicking the bottom left configuration box, and now use the menu to build UwTerminalX (Build > Build All). Assuming all code compiles successfully, an application will be created. Click the 'Projects' tab on the left to see where the output file is created, then just open a new instance of Finder and navigate to this directory, inside the release folder (if a release build was selected) or debug folder (if a debug build was selected) will be the UwTerminalX executable file.


Compiling on Linux requires that the Qt 5.x runtime and build tools are available, and the GCC compiler package is also installed, this will guide you how to compile and install UwTerminalX on an Arch or Ubuntu / Debian based Linux system. First, open a terminal and install the required packages


sudo pacman -S base-devel qt5-base qt5-serialport qt5-tools qtcreator

Ubuntu & Debian

sudo apt-get install build-essential qtcreator qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5serialport5-dev qt5-qmake libftdi1-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev

Once installed, close the terminal and download the source code to UwTerminalX from the github repository, extract it somewhere on your computer, then open Qt Creator and click 'load project', navigate to the directory you extracted the UwTerminalX source code into and select '' then click open. Qt will then ask for the configuration to be created for the project if it's opening the project for the first time, ensure that the Linux Desktop GCC compiler is checked and click the 'OK' button.

Change the build type from debug to release by clicking the bottom left configuration box, and now use the menu to build UwTerminalX (Build > Build All). Assuming all code compiles successfully, an application will be created. Click the 'Projects' tab on the left to see where the output file is created, then either use a terminal to cd to that directory, adding release or debug on the end as appropriate, and execute it using


Or naviate to the folder using a file manager and , inside the release folder (if a release build was selected) or debug folder (if a debug build was selected) will be the UwTerminalX executable file, which can be executed by double clicking it and selecting 'run'.

(Optional) Removing UwTerminalX modules

UwTerminalX has optional modules which can be removed for a smaller executable and faster build time if the functions are not needed. This a compile time option and cannot be changed once the executable has been built (all official UwTerminalX releases have all modules enabled). To disable one or more modules you need to edit the file and uncomment the define lines (corrisponding to the modules to not build), then run qmake, and finally build UwTerminalX.

Additional Compilation Tasks

For the official UwTerminalX releases, the executable files are compressed using UPX on the maximum compression option, this is an optional task, refer to the UPX website for more information