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Multi GPU on a single node

NOTE: This chapter's code builds off of chapter 1.

Single node command:

cd distributed-training-guide/02-distributed-data-parallel
export TORCHELASTIC_ERROR_FILE=../error.json
torchrun --standalone \
    --nproc-per-node gpu \
    --redirects 3 \
    --log-dir ../logs \ \
    --experiment-name gpt2-alpaca-ddp-$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S) \
    --dataset-name tatsu-lab/alpaca \
    --model-name openai-community/gpt2

For multi node, see our chapter on job launchers.

Quick jump:


  • world size: the total number of participating gpus
  • rank the global unique id of this worker (from 0 up to and including world_size - 1)
  • local_rank the rank local to this machine (from 0 up to and including torch.cuda.device_count() - 1)

How Distributed Training works

Before we get into the changes required to do distributed training, let's think a little bit. If you've ever done parallel computations before, you know one way to achieve parallelization is to simply split your workload over all your cores. This is really useful if your task is relatively the same for all of the things you want to process. In fact, this is how python's object works.

Well distributed training with a GPU actually works the same way - we are splitting our workload (which is the batches from our dataset) over multiple GPUs. However we have an additional problem: how do we ensure that the model on all of our GPUs is the same?

We can actually achieve this in a very clever way. For sake of simplicity let's assume:

  1. Our model and optimizer fully fit on every GPU
  2. We initialize our model the exact same way on all of our GPUs
  3. Our optimizer has the exact same settings on all of our GPUs

Now let's focus on our training loop. The canonical one in pytorch is:

loss = model(**batch) # 1. Forward pass asynchronously
optimizer.zero_grad() # 2. Reset gradients asynchronously
loss.backward()       # 3. calculates gradients asynchronously
optimizer.step()      # 4. synchronize gradients & update weights

The first 3 lines of the above can all be done asychronously. loss.backward() will compute gradients in each of our training processes. The clever bit is that optimizer.step() will synchronize the gradients across all processes before actually updating the model parameters.

Here is a high level depiction of how a single step of training works when using this data parallel technique:


So to be explicit: optimizer.step() is a synchronization point across ALL processes.

So how does pytorch achieve this?

  1. Running N copies of our training script with torchrun.
  2. Splitting data across our workers with DistributedSampler
  3. Synchronizing our gradients with DistributedDataParallel

Using torchrun instead of python

When we use torchrun to launch a distributed training job, what's happening is that it is launch N separate processes (where N is the number of gpus you specify in --nproc-per-node), all running your same training script:

> torchrun --nproc-per-node 3 ...
Launches subproc `$RANK=0 $WORLD_SIZE=3 ...`
Launches subproc `$RANK=1 $WORLD_SIZE=3 ...`
Launches subproc `$RANK=2 $WORLD_SIZE=3 ...`

It will also set up some synchronization between the processes. Then each of the processes is running the same training code and needs to synchronize at various points. Each of the processes gets an id (the rank), which will tell it what device to use.

When running on multiple nodes, you need to run torchrun on every machine, but other than that it works exactly the same. See our job launchers chapter for how to do this.

Here are some of the common CLI arguments to torchrun used throughout this guide:

  • --standalone argument is used when only running on a single node.
  • --nnodes is the number of nodes we are using, in this case 1, but once we go to multiple nodes, this will be > 1.
  • --nproc-per-node is the number of processes. gpu means to use all available GPUs.
  • --redirects 3 redirects the stdout & stderr into files
  • --log-dir ../logs configures the log directory


Very important to include this for debugging!

When one of the workers (including a thread from a worker process) has an error, torchrun will save the error to the filepath controlled by this environment variable.

You also need to add a @record (imported from torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.errors import record) annotation to your main function:

 def main():


pytorch by default tries to take advantage of all the cores available when doing computations, even when you are on the GPU. Since we have multiple processes running pytorch, if we didn't set OMP_NUM_THREADS to something else, all of them would try to use all available cores.

You can manually check how many available cores there are and then split them accordingly. E.g. if there were 32 cores on a machine and 8 GPUs, you could set OMP_NUM_THREADS to 4.

Code Changes

Calling dist.init_process_group() and torch.cuda.set_device()

You are required to call both of these before calling other dist apis.

dist.init_process_group() will block until WORLD_SIZE processes have called it.

+from torch import distributed as dist

 def main():
     parser = _get_parser()
     args = parser.parse_args()

+    dist.init_process_group()
+    rank = dist.get_rank()
+    local_rank = rank % torch.cuda.device_count()
+    world_size = dist.get_world_size()

Then we can set our device using rank:

-device = torch.device(f"cuda")
+device = torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}")

And finally add your call to torch.cuda.set_device shortly after that:

 device = torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}")
 dtype = torch.bfloat16

If you don't call torch.cuda.set_device, processes may not be using the correct CUDA device.

Including rank in logging statements

This is a helpful thing to do to handle all the processes outputting to the same file, or even when you're browsing a single log file it's useful to have this on every log statement:

-    format=f"[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:%(message)s",
+    format=f"[rank={rank}] [%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:%(message)s",

Using DistributedDataParallel

+from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel

 with device: 
     model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config, torch_dtype=dtype)

+model = DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[local_rank])

Funnily enough you might assume that the DDP module splits batches across processes, but that is not what it does at all!

This is a model wrapper class that ensures gradients are synchronized before calling optimizer.step(). I encourage you to read the documentation for this, it's very informative:

This class also ensures that model parameters are equal when you construct it!

It achieves all of this through some very special model hooks to sum all the gradients from all the ranks on all the ranks together:

# NOTE: internal pytorch code found at
gradient = param.grad / self.process_group.size()
gradient = fcol.all_reduce(gradient, "sum", self.process_group)

Using DistributedSampler

In our normal training script we use a to batch our data. One of the arguments to DataLoader is a sampler, which basically samples items from the dataset when constructing the batches. You can think of the sampler as doing:

def simple_sampler():
    worker_len = len(dataset)
    return random.choice(range(worker_len))

The clever thing that the DistributedSampler does is it partitions the length of the dataset across each of our workers. You don't even have to partition the actual dataset - it just chooses the integers that it returns from a specific subset of the dataset:

def distributed_sampler():
    worker_len = len(dataset) // dist.get_world_size()
    return dist.get_rank() * worker_len + random.choice(range(worker_len))

Our code changes are very minimal for this to work!

+from import DistributedSampler

 dataloader = DataLoader(
-    shuffle=True,
-    drop_last=True,
+    sampler=DistributedSampler(train_data, shuffle=True, drop_last=True),

You also need to call DistributedSampler.set_epoch. Here's the quote from the pytorch doc on this:

 for state["epoch"] in range(state["epoch"], args.num_epochs):
+    dataloader.sampler.set_epoch(state["epoch"])
     batches = iter(dataloader)

In distributed mode, calling the set_epoch() method at the beginning of each epoch before creating the DataLoader iterator is necessary to make shuffling work properly across multiple epochs. Otherwise, the same ordering will be always used.

Downloading model & data in rank 0 first

This is mainly necessary because loading our data may download/preprocess some data and write to disk.

If we didn't do rank 0 first, all of our ranks may try to download the data at once, which will slow everything down.

NOTE: A good best practice is to have your data already downloaded & preprocessed into a shared network drive

We can add a simple context manager to do this:

def rank0_first():
    rank = dist.get_rank()
    if rank == 0:
    if rank > 0:

Downloading model weights & tokenizer:

+with rank0_first():
     config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(args.model_name, use_cache=False)
     with device:
         model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config, torch_dtype=dtype)

Downloading data:

+with rank0_first():
     train_data = _load_and_preprocess_data(args, tokenizer, config)

Only creating experiment directory on rank 0

Note the dist.barrier() calls before and after we create the directory. These are very important!

Since we check to see if the experiment directory already exists right before creating the experiment directory, we need to ensure that all processes have checked for its existence. So the first dist.barrier() call ensures that all workers have already checked the existence of that. Then and only then can we create the directory on rank 0.

+if rank == 0:
     exp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

wandb runs on rank 0

The standard approach for doing distributed wandb is to only invoke wandb on rank 0 process. This is very easy to implement and you don't have to worry about scaling issues as you add more ranks.

There are other approaches you can use, like grouped wandb runs, which you can read about in our chapter on wandb-configurations for more details.

+if rank == 0:
         resume="must" if resumed else None,
             "args": vars(args),
             "training_data_size": len(train_data),
             "num_batches": len(dataloader),
             "rank": rank,
             "world_size": world_size,


+if rank == 0:
     wandb.log(info, step=state["global_step"])

Save checkpoint on rank 0

We only want one of our ranks to save a checkpoint. Otherwise the ranks might write to the same file and corrupt each other.

 if state["global_step"] % args.ckpt_freq == 0:
+    if rank == 0:, exp_dir / ""), exp_dir / ""), exp_dir / "")
         with open(exp_dir / "state.json", "w") as fp:
              json.dump(state, fp)
+    dist.barrier()

Optimizing memory - Zero Redundancy Optimizer

DDP stores the entire model and optimizer on every single GPU. This is especially wasteful regarding the optimizer. Thankfully we have ZeRO: Memory Optimizations Toward Training Trillion Parameter Models which we can easily add to reduce memory usage:

+ from torch.distributed.optim import ZeroRedundancyOptimizer

-optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(),
+optimizer = ZeroRedundancyOptimizer(
+    model.parameters(), optimizer_class=torch.optim.AdamW,

Unfortunately the code to save a state dict for ZeRO is exorbitantly slow, so we also have to remove saving the optimizer state dicts.

How multi node works

It actually works in much the same way as the single node multi GPU. Since in the single node setting we have multiple processes, now we are just adding extra processes on different machines.

The main differences here to consider are:

  1. How to maintain the same environment on every node
  2. How the nodes get in contact with each other (the rdzv arguments in the torchrun command)
  3. How each node will access the data

Error reporting/handling becomes extremely important with more than 1 node. Networking issues are very common, and there are some subtle things that you need to ensure are identical between the machines.

Shared storage - Managing your python virtual environment across nodes

For this the easiest approach is to create your python virtual environment in a shared network drive that all nodes can access. This way all of your nodes are using the exact same python executable/environment.

Creating the virtual environment is the same as normal, you just want the directory to be shared.

Shared storage - Mangaging your dataset/model checkpoints across nodes

Again, the easiest approach here is to keep your data in a shared network drive. One thing to note is that shared network drives are slower to read from than node local drives. If you run into slowdowns in data loading, you can copy the data or model into node local storage.

When using transformers or datasets, make sure to set the $HF_HOME environment variable to control where huggingface downloads both datasets and model weights.

$HF_HOME - The downloaded Model/Dataset directory

Huggingface transformers and datasets library will download things to $HF_HOME by default. $HF_HOME defaults to a node local value. There are two options for you here:

  1. Keep $HF_HOME as node local and change with rank0_first() to be with local_rank0_first()
  2. Change $HF_HOME to be a shared network drive

A third option which requires code changes to the code in this repo would be to do this automatically in code:

def rank_ordered(first: bool):
    if first:
    if not first:

# Determine if HF_HOME is node local or shared directory
hf_home_is_networked = os.path.ismount(os.environ["HF_HOME"])

if hf_home_is_networked:
    # We want rank 0 to go first (download will ONLY occur in rank 0) if directory is shared
    should_go_first = rank == 0
    # If directory is node local we want a SINGLE process on the node to download the data (local rank 0)
    should_go_first = local_rank == 0

with rank_ordered(should_go_first):
    train_data = _load_and_preprocess_data(args, tokenizer, config)