is a cross-platform, stateful C++23 logger library based on {fmt} library, capable of logging to console and/or HTML files.
It is used in all other Langulus libraries and plug-ins.
It contains about a dozen inlined variadic functions with different styles for a consistently pretty and easy logging experience.
If you have CMake 3.28+, the easiest way to get this library is to use FetchContent
in your CMakeLists.txt
, like so:
GIT_TAG main # you should use a specific commit/release,
# so that you can control when to bump your dependencies
Then just link to your target to get all the include directories:
target_link_libraries(YourLibrary PUBLIC LangulusLogger)
This will also automagically fetch all dependencies: {fmt} and Langulus::Core.
After linking with LangulusLogger, you can include it in your files and call the required functions, which are located in the Langulus::Logger
#include <Logger/Logger.hpp>
using namespace Langulus;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Logger::Info("Hello, world!");
return 0;
Visit the Wiki for a full list of the available functions and customization points.
Langulus::Logger's API is unlikely to change drastically - only a couple of additional features remain to be added.
I would love feedback and suggestions, please feel free to join the forum. However it should be stated clearly, that Langulus is primarily a personal project that I've been developing for over 10 years, and is aiming primarily at satisfying my requirements. As such, ideas and suggestions may not be necessarily implemented by me, unless I find them exceedingly useful. If you really need me to add or improve something that isn't on my daily agenda, you should consider sponsoring me.