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Spot Savings Estimator

Welcome to the LeanerCloud AWS Spot cost savings estimation tool!

This is a native desktop application that allows you to estimate the cost savings you can achieve in your AWS account by converting your AutoScaling Groups to Spot instances.

You can simulate various scenarios, such as to keep some of your instances as OnDemand in each group (maybe covered by Reserved Instances or Savings Plans), or only convert some of your AutoScaling Groups to Spot as part of a gradual rollout.



And here's a screenshot from that demo:


Precompiled Binaries

Binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux are available at Releases.

For macOS, the binaries get reported as damaged because they are not signed with a developer certificate. After extracting the app file from the archive you need to approve the app file by running the below command, then drag it to the Applications folder in Finder.

sudo xattr -r -d       

On Linux you may want to extract the binary in one of the directories listed in the PATH variable.

Install from source code

On any OS you should be able to build and install it from source if you have Go installed:

go install

Then of Unix-like systems you can run it from $HOME/go/bin/savings-estimator or just savings-estimator if $HOME/go/bin is already in your PATH.

On Windows you should similarly find it in %USERPROFILE%\go\bin\savings-estimator.exe

Credential management

  • It assumes you have some AWS credentials configured in the Configuration view, either as profiles sourced from the AWS CLI/SDK config file, or use a access key/secret for one-off execution. - The selected profile configuration is persisted across runs in the Fyne config path, but pasted access key and secrets are ephemeral and only used for the curent run.

Required IAM permissions

It's recommended to use an IAM role with limited permissions.

The only permissions required at the moment are listed below, but these are subject to change over time as new features are implemented which may require more permissions:


You can also use our CloudFomation template to create a role with these permissions, and then assume it using the following snippet added to your .aws/config:

[profile SavingsEstimator]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/NAME_OF_THE_ROLE # You can see it in the CloudFormation stack outputs.
source_profile = default # or any other profile from the same AWS account

Integration with AutoSpotting

Spot Savings Estimator can be executed independent of AutoSpotting for cost savings simulation/estimation purposes, maybe to evaluate the opportunity for your particular setup.

You may then use any mechanism to adopt Spot, such as applying the configuration yourself group by group as per your simulation.

But for more convenience you may use AutoSpotting, our state of the art cost optimization engine for Spot.

AutoSpotting allows you to apply the scenario you simulated with a single click for minimal time and effort spent, and also in the end getting a more reliable setup.

About AutoSpotting

AutoSpotting allows you to adopt Spot instances with all the Spot best practices recommended by AWS:

  • wide diversification over multiple instance types.
  • uses a capacity optimized allocation strategy to reduce the frequency of Spot interruptions.

In addition, AutoSpotting also prioritizes for lower cost instances from newer generations and implements a reliable failover to on-demand instances when running out of Spot capacity, which the native ASGs won't do.

How the integration with AutoSpotting works

AutoSpotting uses tags as configuration mechanism, and most of the times it works without requiring configuration changes on your OnDemand AutoScaling groups, as long as they fit its main requirements/recommendations:

  • Use Launch Template/Configuration without instance type overrides
  • Span across all AZs from the region

The Savings Estimator can conveniently create the AutoSpotting configuration tags with a single click, so that AutoSpotting will implement the simulated scenario without the need for additional configuration changes.

Applying the simulation with AutoSpotting

You can create the AutoSpotting configuration tags by clicking the "Generate AutoSpotting configuration" button on the bottom right corner in the Savings view.

These configurations will be persisted as tags on your ASGs, but nothing else will happen until AutoSpotting is installed in the AWS account.

The latest version of AutoSpotting is available on the AWS Marketplace, and you will need to follow these installation instructions to install it:

  • Continue to Subscribe/Configuration/Launch
  • Install AutoSpotting using either CloudFormation or Terraform from the "Launch this software" view.

You may just use the default parameters and adjust them later if needed.

Once AutoSpotting is installed, any settings created as ASG tags through Savings Estimator will be gradually applied on your AutoScaling groups.

For more details about AutoSpotting, see

Local development

You need to have Go installed, then it's as easy as running

go run .

Known issues

  • The Fyne GUI library we use requires a graphics card with support for OpenGL 2.x,. Unfortunately VMs and cloud computing instances typically lack the required GPU drivers and will fail to run the Savings Estimator As a workaround you may get it work using mesa-dist-win, which offers OpenGL drivers with software rendering support.


Any contributions are welcome through the usual GitHub mechanisms (Issues, Pull Requests, Discussions, etc.)

Future plans

Please refer to our public roadmap.


This software is available under the AGPL-3 Open Source license.


Savings Estimator is proudly written in Go using the fyne GUI toolkit and leverages a lot of OSS code under the hood. Thanks to everyone tho worked on those projects for their hard work!