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File metadata and controls

259 lines (207 loc) · 9.83 KB

Amazon S3 Uploader

S3 provides a simple way for uploading files to the Amazon S3 service with a progress bar. This is useful for uploading images and files that you want accesible to the public. S3 is built on Knox and AWS-SDK. Both modules are made available on the server after installing this package.

If you want to keep using the older version of this package (pre 0.9.0) check it out using meteor add lepozepo:s3@=3.0.1

If you want to keep using the version of this package that uses server resources to upload files check it out using meteor add lepozepo:s3@=4.1.3

S3 now uploads directly from the client to Amazon. Client files will not touch your server.

Show your support!

Star my code in github or atmosphere if you like my code or shoot me a dollar or two!


Moving Forward

In line with Meteor's move towards NPM, I'm moving this package to NPM. Along with this move, I'll resolve issues with importing the uploader and making it easy to use in React and React Native. I've already started migrating but I'm only half way there, have a look at the repo here

NEW IN 5.2.1

  • AWS Signature V4!! This means more regions can use this package


$ meteor add lepozepo:s3

How to use

Step 1

Define your Amazon S3 credentials. SERVER SIDE.

S3.config = {
	key: 'amazonKey',
	secret: 'amazonSecret',
	bucket: 'bucketName',
	region: 'eu-west-1' // Only needed if not "us-east-1" or "us-standard"

Step 2

Create a file input and progress indicator. CLIENT SIDE.

<template name="s3_tester">
	<input type="file" class="file_bag">
	<button class="upload">Upload</button>

	{{#each files}}

Step 3

Create a function to upload the files and a helper to see the uploads progress. CLIENT SIDE.{
	"click button.upload": function(){
		var files = $("input.file_bag")[0].files


	"files": function(){
		return S3.collection.find();

Create your Amazon S3

For all of this to work you need to create an aws account.

1. Create an S3 bucket in your preferred region.

2. Access Key Id and Secret Key

  1. Navigate to your bucket
  2. On the top right side you'll see your account name. Click it and go to Security Credentials.
  3. Create a new access key under the Access Keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) tab.
  4. Enter this information into your app as defined in "How to Use" "Step 1".
  5. Your region can be found under "Properties" button and "Static Website Hosting" tab.
    • If your region is "us-east-1" or "us-standard" then you don't need to specify this in the config.

3. Hosting

  1. Upload a blank index.html file (anywhere is ok, I put it in root).
  2. Select the bucket's properties by clicking on the bucket (from All Buckets) then the "Properties" button at the top right.
  3. Click "Static Website Hosting" tab.
  4. Click Enable Website Hosting.
  5. Fill the Index Document input with the path to your index.html without a trailing slash. E.g. afolder/index.html, index.html
  6. Click "Save"


You need to set permissions so that everyone can see what's in there.

  1. Select the bucket's properties and go to the "Permissions" tab.

  2. Click "Edit CORS Configuration" and paste this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
  3. Click "Edit bucket policy" and paste this (Replace the bucket name with your own):

    	"Version": "2008-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
    			"Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Principal": {
    				"AWS": "*"
    			"Action": "s3:GetObject",
    			"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOURBUCKETNAMEHERE/*"
  4. Click Save


It might take a couple of hours before you can actually start uploading to S3. Amazon takes some time to make things work.

Enjoy, this took me a long time to figure out and I'm sharing it so that nobody has to go through all that.




This is a null Meteor.Collection that exists only on the users client. After the user leaves the page or refreshes, the collection disappears forever.


This is the upload function that manages all the dramatic things you need to do for something so essentially simple.


  • ops.file [OPTIONAL]: Must be a File object. You can create this via new File(). Either this otpion or 'files' just be provided.
  • ops.files [OPTIONAL]: Must be a FileList object. You can get this via jQuery via $("input[type='file']")[0].files.
  • ops.path [DEFAULT: ""]: Must be in this format ("folder/other_folder"). So basically never start with "/" and never end with "/". Defaults to ROOT folder.
  • ops.unique_name [DEFAULT: true]: If set to true, the uploaded file name will be set to a uuid without changing the files' extension. If set to false, the uploaded file name will be set to the original name of the file.
  • ops.encoding [OPTIONAL: "base64"]: If set to "base64", the uploaded file will be uploaded as a base64 string. The uploader will enforce a unique_name if this option is set.
  • ops.expiration [DEFAULT: 1800000 (30 mins)]: Defines how much time the file has before Amazon denies the upload. Must be in milliseconds. Defaults to 1800000 (30 minutes).
  • ops.uploader [DEFAULT: "default"]: Defines the name of the uploader. Useful for forms that use multiple uploaders.
  • ops.acl [DEFAULT: "public-read"]: Access Control List. Describes who has access to the file. Can only be one of the following options:
    • "private"
    • "public-read"
    • "public-read-write"
    • "authenticated-read"
    • "bucket-owner-read"
    • "bucket-owner-full-control"
    • "log-delivery-write"
    • Support for signed GET is still pending so uploads that require authentication won't be easily reachable
  • ops.bucket [DEFAULT: SERVER SETTINGS]: Overrides the bucket that will be used for the upload.
  • ops.region [DEFAULT: SERVER SETTINGS]: Overrides the region that will be used for the upload. Only accepts the following regions:
    • "us-west-2"
    • "us-west-1"
    • "eu-west-1"
    • "eu-central-1"
    • "ap-southeast-1"
    • "ap-southeast-2"
    • "ap-northeast-1"
    • "sa-east-1"
    • file.upload_name [OPTIONAL]: A function that returns the name with which you want to upload the file. It takes the file object as the only parameter. eg.
       // The following function simply replicates the default behavior.
       function(f) {
       	var extension = f.type.split("/")[1];
       	return Meteor.uuid() + "." + extension;
  • callback: A function that is run after the upload is complete returning an Error as the first parameter (if there is one), and a Result as the second.
  • Result: The returned value of the callback function if there is no error. It returns an object with these keys:
    • loaded: Integer (bytes)
    • total: Integer (bytes)
    • percent_uploaded: Integer (out of 100)
    • uploader: String (describes which uploader was used to upload the file)
    • url: String (S3 hosted URL)
    • secure_url: String (S3 hosted URL for https)
    • relative_url: String (S3 URL for delete operations, this is what you should save in your DB to control delete)


This function permanently destroys a file located in your S3 bucket.


  • path: Must be in this format ("/folder/other_folder/file.extension"). So basically always start with "/" and never end with "/". This is required.
  • callback: A function that is run after the delete operation is complete returning an Error as the first parameter (if there is one), and a Result as the second.



This is where you define your key, secret, bucket, and other account wide settings.


  • ops.key [REQUIRED]: Your Amazon AWS Key.
  • ops.secret [REQUIRED]: Your Amazon AWS Secret.
  • ops.bucket [REQUIRED]: Your Amazon AWS S3 bucket.
  • ops.denyDelete [DEFAULT: undefined]: If set to true, will block delete calls. This is to enable secure deployment of this package before a more granular permissions system is developed.
  • ops.region [DEFAULT: "us-east-1"]: Your Amazon AWS S3 Region. Defaults to US Standard. Can be any of the following:
    • "us-west-2"
    • "us-west-1"
    • "eu-west-1"
    • "eu-central-1"
    • "ap-southeast-1"
    • "ap-southeast-2"
    • "ap-northeast-1"
    • "sa-east-1"
S3.config = {
	key: 'amazonKey',
	secret: 'amazonSecret',
	bucket: 'bucketName'



This is a function that runs every time someone uses the delete function on the client side. The context of this for the function has access to the path and this from a Meteor.method.


The current knox client.

The current aws-sdk client.

Developer Notes