WiVRn requires avahi-client, eigen3, gettext, libpulse, libsystemd, nlohmann_json.
It also requires at least one encoder:
- For nvenc (Nvidia), it requires cuda and nvidia driver
- For vaapi (AMD/Intel), it requires ffmpeg with vaapi and libdrm support, as well as vaapi drivers for the GPU
- For x264 (software encoding), it requires libx264
Some distributions such as Fedora don't ship h264 and h265 encoders and need specific repositories.
From your checkout directory, with automatic detection of encoders
cmake -B build-server . -GNinja -DWIVRN_BUILD_CLIENT=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build build-server
It is possible to force specific encoders, by adding options
Force specific audio backends
Systemd service and pretty hostname support
Additionally, if your environment requires absolute paths inside the OpenXR runtime manifest, you can add -DWIVRN_OPENXR_INSTALL_ABSOLUTE_RUNTIME_PATH=ON
to the build configuration.
The WiVRn dashboard requires Qt6, and the WiVRn server.
From your checkout directory, compile both the server and the dashboard:
cmake --build build-dashboard
See Server for the server compile options.
As Arch package names: git pkgconf glslang cmake jdk17-temurin librsvg cli11 ktx_software-git (AUR)
Download sdkmanager commandline tool and extract it to any directory.
Create your ANDROID_HOME
directory, for instance ~/Android
Review and accept the licenses with
sdkmanager --sdk_root="${HOME}/Android" --licenses
Install the correct cmake version with
sdkmanager --install "cmake;3.30.3"
Your device may refuse to install an unsigned apk, so you must create signing keys before building the client
# Create key, then enter the password and other information that the tool asks for
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ks.keystore -alias default_key -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
# Substitute your password that you entered in the command above instead of YOUR_PASSWORD
echo signingKeyPassword="YOUR_PASSWORD" > gradle.properties
Once you have generated the keys, the apk will be automatically signed at build time
From the main directory.
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-temurin/
./gradlew assembleStandardRelease
Outputs will be in build/outputs/apk/standard/release/WiVRn-standard-release.apk
Before using adb you must enable usb debugging on your device:
- Pico - https://developer.picoxr.com/document/unity-openxr/set-up-the-development-environment/ (see first step)
- Quest - https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unity/unity-env-device-setup/#headset-setup (see "Set Up Meta Headset" and "Test an App on Headset" until step 4)
Also add your device in udev rules: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Android_Debug_Bridge#Adding_udev_rules
Then connect the device via usb to your computer and execute the following commands
# Start adb server
adb start-server
# Check if the device is connected
adb devices
# Install apk
adb install build/outputs/apk/standard/release/WiVRn-standard-release.apk
# When you're done, you can stop the adb server
adb kill-server