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File metadata and controls

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Ecovacs Protocol

Depending on the device there are a few different protocols involved in the communication between the client and Ecovacs systems. There are a series of HTTPS requests used to log in and find devices. Once logged in, you get a token that is used for connecting to different services. In many cases this involves connecting to an XMPP server, which mediates communication with the vacuum. That's right, your robot housecleaner, like an errant teen, spends all its free time hanging out in an internet chat room.

This is all taken from MITMing the Android app. The iOS app appears to follow the same protocol conventions.


It appears that Ecovacs have broken up their API servers by location. Some are designated by country, others by continent. All appear to use the two-letter ISO codes, but at this time it doesn't look like all codes map to valid servers.

The HTTPS and XMPP servers do not appear to be following the same convention. For example, a Canadian user must authenticate on country-specific HTTPS server, but XMPP commands work both on the worldwide server and the North America server (


There are two sorts of URLs in the basic login flow. The first set use a format like this:


They also have a complicated API request signature that seems overelaborate to me. See the Python code for more details.

  1. GET ... common/checkVersion - appears to just check the app version

  2. GET ... user/login - Sends encrypted versions of the username and password. The response is some json containing a uid and access token.

  3. GET ... user/getAuthCode - sends uid, accessToken; gets back an auth code

    Under mysterious circumstances, for some people the getAuthCode call will return a different userId than is passed in. In that case, apparently the new userId should be used for future calls, or an Auth 1004 error results.

Now we switch to posting to a different server, and the request and response style change substantially. I think of this at the user server, or perhaps the XMPP/device server.


There are a few different endpoints within the API that have been seen and are used in the library:

Endpoint Description
/users/ Handles user / account functions
/iot/ Provides a RestAPI that handles sending commands to "IOTMQ" devices
/pim/product/getProductIotMap Provides a listing of "IOT" Products
  1. POST loginByItToken - trades the authCode from the previous call for yet another token
  2. POST - not sure what this is for; my script skips this and seems to work fine
  3. POST GetDeviceList - Using the token from step 4, gets the list of devices; that's needed for talking to the vacuum via XMPP
  4. POST getProductIotMap - Provides a list of "IOT" products, it isn't clear what the app uses these for at this time, possibly for determining how to get updates.

At this point depending on your device you will connect to either an XMPP server, or an MQTT server.

"IOT XMPP" Products "IOT MQ" Products
Connect to an XMPP server to send commands to devices and receive status results Connect to an MQTT server to subscribe to status messages and results. A Rest API is utilized to send commands to devices, but can also be used to obtain statuses.


The app establishes a connection to an XMPP server and logs in using a secret that comes from the earlier HTTPS calls. It then sends XMPP IQ commands. It describes them as queries, but they all contain "ctl" elements that appear to be commands.

The Android App uses the following XMPP messaging servers:

Country URL
Any other


The app establishes a connection to an MQTT server and logs in using a secret that comes from the earlier HTTPS calls.

It then subscribes to a topic where various status and result messages are published by the device. The topic looks like this:


It is believed the MQTT servers mirror the XMPP servers, but only the NA and WW have been tested so far.

Country URL

Rest API - ("IOT MQ")

For IOT MQ devices the app sends commands to the device over a Rest API utilizing the secret that comes from the earlier HTTPS calls. This API has only been tested from an "IOT MQ" device, but could possibly work for other devices as well.

The Rest API utilizes the same portal URL as used previously, but with the iot/devmanager endpoint: https://portal-{continent} Commands are sent via POST in the format of:

    "auth": {
    "realm": "",
    "resource": "resource",
    "token": "token",
    "userid": "userid",
    "with": "users",
"cmdName": "",
"payload": "cmd.args",            
"payloadType": "x",
"td": "q",
"toId": "vacuum.serial",
"toRes": "vacuum.resource",
"toType": "vacuum.class"




  • <ctl td="Clean"><clean type="auto" speed="standard"/></ctl>


  • Request <ctl td="GetCleanState" />
  • Response <ctl td="CleanReport"><clean type="stop" speed="standard" /></ctl>
    • type auto automatic cleaning program
    • type border edge cleaning program
    • type spot spot cleaning program
    • type singleroom cleaning a single room
    • type stop bot at full stop
    • type SpotArea cleaning a mapped room (mapping robots only)
    • speed standard regular fan speed (suction)
    • speed strong high fan speed (suction)



  • <query xmlns="com:ctl"><ctl td="Charge"><charge type="go"/></ctl>
    • go order bot to return to charger


  • Request <query xmlns="com:ctl"><ctl td="GetChargeState" />
  • Response <ctl td="ChargeState"><charge type="SlotCharging" /></ctl>
    • Idle not trying to charge
    • Going trying to return to charger
    • SlotCharging currently charging in dock
    • WireCharging currently charging by cable

Battery State

Battery charge level. 080 = 80% charged. State is broadcast continously when the robot is running or charging, but can also be requested manually.

  • Request <ctl td="GetBatteryInfo" />
  • Response <ctl td="BatteryInfo"><battery power="080" /></ctl>

Component lifespan

The remaining lifespan of components. Based on an internal counters that can be reset with command ResetLifeSpan (untested).

It's presumed that the timers need to be reset manually.

  • Request <ctl td="GetLifeSpan" type="Brush" />
  • Response <ctl td="LifeSpan" type="Brush" val="095" total="365" />
    • Brush
    • SideBrush
    • DustCaseHeap

Manually moving around

Command Control
Move forward <ctl td="Move"><move action="forward"/></ctl>
Move backward <ctl td="Move"><move action="backward"/></ctl>
Spin left 360 degrees <ctl td="Move"><move action="SpinLeft"/></ctl>
Spin right 360 degrees <ctl td="Move"><move action="SpinRight"/></ctl>
Turn 180 degrees <ctl td="Move"><move action="TurnAround"/></ctl>
Stop the ongoing action <ctl td="Move"><move action="stop"/></ctl>


Set/get robot internal clock

  • <ctl td="SetTime"><time t="1509622697" tz="+8"/></ctl>
  • <ctl td="GetTime"></ctl>
    • Time is specified as a UNIX timestamp and timezone + or - UTC offset.

Get firmware version

<ctl td="GetVersion" name="FW"/>

Get robot logs

<ctl td="GetLog"></ctl>

Get/Set option value

Gets or sets value for option (0==Off, 1==On)

  • Do Not Disturb - <ctl td="GetOnOff" t="b"/>

  • Continuous Cleaning - <ctl td="GetOnOff" t="g"/>

  • Silence Voice Report - <ctl td="GetOnOff" t="s"/>

    Returns <ctl ret='ok' on='1'/>

  • Do Not Disturb - <ctl td="SetOnOff" t="b" on="0"/>

  • Continuous Cleaning - <ctl td="SetOnOff" t="g" on="0"/>

  • Silence Voice Report - <ctl td="SetOnOff" t="s" on="0"/>

    Returns <ctl ret='ok'/>

Mopping Water Amount

Models with mopping capability (Ozmo) allow for changing the amount of water dispersed. The value ranges from 1 (low) to 3 (high).

<ctl td="SetWaterPermeability" v="1"/>



<ctl td="GetSched"/>

Gets any schedules for the robot.

  • No Schedules
    • <ctl ret='ok'/>
  • Schedule
    • <ctl ret='ok'><s n='FRASITLP' o='0' h='13' m='2' r='0000000' f='p'><ctl td='Clean'><clean type='auto'/></ctl></s></ctl>


The bot broadcasts error codes for a number of cases.

<ctl td="error" error="BatteryLow" errno="101"></ctl>

The latest error can be requested like so:

  • Request <ctl td="GetError" />
  • Response <ctl ret="ok" errs="100"/>

However in some cases the robot sends to code 100 shortly after an error has occurred, meaning that we cannot trust the GetError request to contain the last relevant error. For example, if the robot gets stuck it broadcasts 102 HostHang, then proceeds to stop and broadcasts 100 NoError.

Known error codes

Code Description
100 NoError: Robot is operational
101 BatteryLow: Low battery
102 HostHang: Robot is off the floor
103 WheelAbnormal: Driving Wheel malfunction
104 DownSensorAbnormal: Excess dust on the Anti-Drop Sensors
105 Stuck: Robot is stuck
106 SideBrushExhausted: Side Brushes have expired
107 DustCaseHeapExhausted: Dust case filter expired
108 SideAbnormal: Side Brushes are tangled
109 RollAbnormal: Main Brush is tangled
110 NoDustBox: Dust Bin Not installed
111 BumpAbnormal: Bump sensor stuck
112 LDS: LDS "Laser Distance Sensor" malfunction
113 MainBrushExhausted: Main brush has expired
114 DustCaseFilled: Dust bin full
115 BatteryError:
116 ForwardLookingError:
117 GyroscopeError:
118 StrainerBlock:
119 FanError:
120 WaterBoxError:
201 AirFilterUninstall:
202 UltrasonicComponentAbnormal
203 SmallWheelError
UNKNOW "unknow"

These codes were gathered from the Android app source, but may differ between models.


Different sid "Sound IDs" will play different sounds. If the vacuum has Voice Report disabled, these won't play. The table below was compiled by testing against a D900 series.

<ctl td="PlaySound" sid="0" />

SID Description
0 Startup Music Chime
3 I Am Suspended
4 Check Driving Wheels
5 Please Help Me Out
6 Please Install Dust Bin
17 Chime / Beep
18 My Battery Is Low
29 Please power me on before charging
30 I Am Here
31 Brush is tangled please clean my brush
35 Please clean my antidrop sensors
48 Brush is tangled
55 I am relocating
56 Upgrade succeeded
63 I am returning to the charging dock
65 Cleaning paused
69 Connected please go back to ecovacs app to continue setup
71 I am restoring the map please do not stand beside me
73 My battery is low returning to the charging dock
74 Difficult to locate I am starting a new cleaning cycle
75 I am resuming the clean
76 Upgrade failed please try again
77 Please place me on the charging dock
79 Resume the clean
80 I am starting the clean
81 I am starting the clean
82 I am starting the clean
84 I am ready for mopping
85 Please remove the mopping plate when I am building the map
86 Cleaning is complete returning to the charging dock
89 LDS Malfunction please try to tap the LDS
90 I am upgrading please wait


For bots with mapping capability this tells a bot to clean specified rooms.

For the CLI - the area command takes a csv of ints - ex area 0,1

You can add the option --map-position or -p to clean a specified map coordinate - ex area -p "-602,1812,800,723"

For the Library - you could use'start', '0,1'))

"0,1" is a list of mapIDs the bot should clean. Each of these corresponds to a room or area the bot mapped. In the app, these are what show the letters over rooms mapID (0) == room ("A"), (1) == "B", etc.

If you want to see your MapSet areas, you can use the library. Set --debug for ozmo and then use a custom command:"GetMapSet", {"tp":"sa"}))

You'll see in DEBUG something like:

ozmo DEBUG got {'id': 'ralnsy', 'ret': 'ok', 'resp': "<ctl ret='ok' tp='sa' msid='11'><m mid='0' p='1'/><m mid='1' p='1'/><m mid='2' p='1'/><m mid='3' p='1'/><m mid='4' p='1'/><m mid='5' p='1'/><m mid='6' p='1'/><m mid='7' p='1'/><m mid='8' p='1'/></ctl>"}

This tells you I have 9 rooms mapped (mid= 0 - 8) or A-I, but you should be able to compare to the map in the app now to know which mid == what room.

SpotArea Friendly Names

For bots with mapping capability the app automatically names areas (rooms) A-Z. You can rename these to "friendly names" - something the app won't let you do natively.

Use the above "GetMapSet" custom command and then convert the xml to json:

<ctl ret='ok' tp='sa' msid='11'><m mid='0' p='1'/><m mid='1' p='1'/><m mid='2' p='1'/><m mid='3' p='1'/><m mid='4' p='1'/><m mid='5' p='1'/><m mid='6' p='1'/><m mid='7' p='1'/><m mid='8' p='1'/></ctl>



Now you need to add a "n" attribute which contains the friendly name:

{"ctl":{"ret":"ok","tp":"sa","msid":"11","m":[{"mid":"0","n":"Entry"},{"mid":"1","n":"Master Bath"},{"mid":"2","n":"Master"},{"mid":"3","n":"Office"},{"mid":"4","n":"Play Room"},{"mid":"5","n":"Craft Room"},{"mid":"6","n":"Kitchen"},{"mid":"7","n":"Sun Room"},{"mid":"8","n":"Garage Entry"}]}}

Remove the api response details ("ctl" and "ret"):

{"tp":"sa","msid":"11","m":[{"mid":"0","n":"Entry"},{"mid":"1","n":"Master Bath"},{"mid":"2","n":"Master"},{"mid":"3","n":"Office"},{"mid":"4","n":"Play Room"},{"mid":"5","n":"Craft Room"},{"mid":"6","n":"Kitchen"},{"mid":"7","n":"Sun Room"},{"mid":"8","n":"Garage Entry"}]}

Lastly use the below command to issue the rename:"RenameM", {"tp":"sa","msid":"11","m":[{"mid":"0","n":"Entry"},{"mid":"1","n":"Master Bath"},{"mid":"2","n":"Master"},{"mid":"3","n":"Office"},{"mid":"4","n":"Play Room"},{"mid":"5","n":"Craft Room"},{"mid":"6","n":"Kitchen"},{"mid":"7","n":"Sun Room"},{"mid":"8","n":"Garage Entry"}]}))

You should then see the friendly names in the app when selecting an area to clean.

Note: You cannot use the friendly names when starting a clean, you must use the mid.