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Just nothing.


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Build Requirements

  • Unity Hub - The project manager for Unity projects.
  • Unity Editor 2020.3.12f1 - The Editor for Unity projects.
  • Build Modules - Any modules you plan to build with (Ex: Windows, MacOS, Linux, WebGL, etc.). See, Add modules to the Unity Editor, for instructions.

How to Build

1. Clone the repo

  • CD to the directory of your choice. cd path/to/project
  • Clone to your current directory. git clone (Note: you may have to rename the cloned folder to remove the . otherwise, the project will not open).

2. Open in Unity 2020.3.12f1

  • Open Unity Hub and make sure you have Unity 2020.3.12f1 installed.
  • Click Add in the top-right corner of the window.
  • Navigate to the cloned repo and open it.

3. Build!

  • Click File > Build Settings in the toolbar of the Unity Editor.
  • Choose a platform to build with (This platform must be installed as a Module in the editor version listed in Unity Hub).
  • After changing any settings, click Switch Platform (This may take a while... If it is already on the platform you want, this step can be skipped).
  • Once that is finished, click Build, choose a directory to save the build to, and go grab a coffee!
  • Once the previous step is done, you should be able to run this build! Congrats!