1) Guardian approve
1)ecdsaSignature update to `eth_signTypedData_v4` use method `sendAsync`
1)Internal browser contract signarue support
2)referral signature at active account
3)referral reword
4)Explorer Collection related Entry and feature optimization
5)insufficient quota reminder for Dual Invest
6)Add tutorial on Block trade
1)Change Ecrecove function
2)Stop limit
3) Red Packet
4) Block trade
1) GLOBAL information update
1) BlindBox Redpacket
1) LRC staking
2) signature bug fix
1) hardware wallet last digital match / hard-code
generateKeyPair(_, publicKey: { x: string; y: string } | undefined = undefined)
1) dual API update (support for Partial order)
2) red Packet feature
3) amm redeem mini order
1) reformate Error throw code states
2) new feature for collection group
3) method split for localStorage
1)collection feature
2)investment feature
1) submitForceWithdrawals
2) return a result hash
3) order/swap demo
1) ipfs cid to nftId startWith 0
2) server-side retturn nftId startWith 0
1) add deposit to
2) get Account by account id
3) add HEBAO_META_TYPE deposit_wallet
1) Fix isMobile
1) mintNFT nftData
1) payPayeeUpdateAccount
2) fix generateApiKey error
1) update poseidon
1) Demo update
1) getAllowances formatter update
2) getTokenBalances formatter update
3) unit test update
1) add is Mobile in personalSign
1) remove Authereum & walletLink
1)Update web3_defs.ts CREATION_CODE
2)submitDeployNFT transfer.maxFee tokenId: transfer.token.tokenId,
1)getAmmPoolTxs V3
1) nftMint NFTCounterFactualInfo
1) Doc update,UT update
2) AMM Bug
####v1.6.6 1) NFT MINT IPFS
####v1.6.5 1) The eddsaKey is generated by a keyseed, default format is 'Sign this message to access Loopring
####v1.6.3 1) Error format bug fix {code:number,message:string}
1) Error format {code:number, msg|message: string}
####v1.5.7 1) 721 NFT URI function
1) submitDeployNFT
1) NFT deposit
1) Counter Factual check
2) updateAccount
1) CF wallet action sign update
1) fix unlock FC wallet
1) bug fix for NFT get contractMeta
2) FC wallet connect signature
3) Error code
1) update activity
1) Add recognizing header for web
1) Update getLatestTokenPrice url
1) SDK update for error type
1) add computeNFTAddress
2) add eslint and prettie for the code format
1) Fix some bug
2) Update withdraw NFT unit test
formatter Uint8Array support
# !!! revert