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Adding compatibility with Ultracube for your mod that adds new technologies or recipes

Since Ultracube features different science packs to the base game and is missing many standard resources and intermediate products, mods that add their own technologies and recipes need to be adapated for compatibility. Ultracube takes a similar approach to Nullius by hiding technologies, recipes and items unless they have been specifically marked as Ultracube-compatible, since they likely wouldn't work correctly otherwise anyway.

You can see examples of the kind of tweaks that are needed in existing compatibility files here.

Where to add compatibility code

Compatibility code can be added either in your mod (let me know so I can add it to the list of compatible mods in the description) or Ultracube itself (by opening a pull request).

You can add compatibility code in your mod by checking for the presence of Ultracube and making adjustments. This should ideally be done in data.lua to be sure the changes have been made in time for Ultracube to see them when it does compatibility checks in its data-updates.lua.

// in YourMod/data.lua
if mods["Ultracube"] then
  // tweak things

Alternatively, you can add compatibility code in Ultracube by checking for the presence of your mod:

// in Ultracube/updates/compatibility/your_mod.lua
if mods["YourMod"] then
  // tweak things

// in Ultracube/data-updates.lua

Note that:

  • If your mod only does things like make modified copies of existing prototypes, you might not need any extra compatibility code.
  • Anything done in data-final-fixes.lua will bypass Ultracube's compatibility checks.


Technologies will be hidden unless they are researched with Ultracube science cards and depend on Ultracube technologies.

You'll need to modify the unit field of your mod's technologies to use Ultracube science cards.

A helper function is available if you require("__Ultracube__/prototypes/lib/tech_costs") (available automatically if adding compatibility code in Ultracube). tech_cost_unit(LEVEL, 60) gives standard research costs for various levels of science, with the LEVEL argument as follows:

LEVEL meaning
"0" grey card research
"1a" early green card research
"1b" late green card research
"2" blue card research
"3" purple card research
"4" black card research
"5" purple and black card research
"6" endgame (all cards) research

You'll also need to set appropriate Ultracube prerequisite technologies (unless there are none), since no vanilla technologies are researchable in Ultracube.


local tech =["cybersyn-train-network"]
tech.prerequisites = {
tech.unit = tech_cost_unit("1b", 120)

Recipes, items and entities

  • Recipes will be hidden unless any of their name, order, subgroup or category fields begin with the prefix cube-.
  • Items will be hidden unless any of their name, order, or subgroup fields begin with the prefix cube-, or there is a compatible recipe as above with the same name.
  • Some kinds of entities will be hidden unless any of their name, order, or subgroup fields begin with the prefix cube-, or there is a compatible item or recipe as above with the same name.

Most likely you'll want to set at least a recipe's category to an Ultracube recipe category so that the recipe can be crafted. cube-fabricator-handcraft is the most common category for items that can be made either by handcrafting or in the fabricator. You'll also need to change the ingredients to use items and fluids that are available in Ultracube.

You might want to set the order and subgroup fields of an item to move the item to a sensible place in the GUI, or just add a cube- prefix to normal order.


local recipe = data.raw.recipe["cybersyn-combinator"]
recipe.category = "cube-fabricator-handcraft"
recipe.ingredients = {
  {"copper-cable", 20},
  {"cube-electronic-circuit", 10},
data.raw.item["cybersyn-combinator"].order = "cube-" .. data.raw.item["cybersyn-combinator"].order

Mystery furnace

There's a furnace that can burn any item and give a different result. Often it gives a cheeky downgrade or ingredient, but sometimes it's a surprise. If you'd like to make your modded items compatible you should require("__Ultracube__/prototypes/lib/mystery") (available automatically if adding compatibility code in Ultracube) and call add_mystery_recipe like this:

// First parameter scales the crafting time.
add_mystery_recipe(1, "your-mod-item", "your-result-item")

Adding compatibility with Ultracube for your mod that messes with machines or inventories via script

Ultracube is quite sensitive to other mods modifying entities in unexpected ways at runtime via script. To work correctly it needs to track the location of limited items such as the cube, and to do this in a UPS-friendly way takes some complicated infrastructure that can break down if things are changed out from underneath it. To avoid your mod causing script errors you need to be careful in the following situations:

Destroying, creating, or moving or teleporting any entity that could ever concievably contain a cube

Ultracube needs to know when this happens so it can update its internal caches. You need to make sure you:

Failing to do this could crash the game with script errors and make your mod incompatible.

Teleporting items

If your mod provides some new means to teleport or transfer an item, and that item could be a cube, it's good to tell Ultracube about it. Failing to do this shouldn't crash the game, but will print a warning if Ultracube has to fall back to inefficient UPS-unfriendly search methods. You can do this by calling the remote interface and passing a hint about the entity into which the item was moved, to prioritise checking in and around the given entity next time Ultracube updates:"Ultracube", "hint_entity", some_lua_entity)

This will happen automatically when triggering script_raised_teleported and so on, so you don't need to do it in that case.

Manually taking ownership of cubes temporarily

If your mod does something more advanced with items which means they no longer physically exist in the world (or at least don't exist anywhere Ultracube can) find, you might be able to use the ownership token system in Ultracube's remote API. This allows a mod to remove an item from the game temporarily while promising to Ultracube that it's still keeping track of it (and will put it back somewhere later). This API is a little experimental still, but is documented in Ultracube's control.lua.

Creating duplicated cubes, for example in lab surface mods

This isn't well supported yet and needs further investigation.