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Minecraft build plugin, Expert-Build Documentation

Spigot LatestVersion



-> * New Patter, click here

-> * New command /areatimer, click here

-> * New brush Clipboard3D, click here

-> * New command /painting, click here

-> * Update the clipboard brush, with new functionality, click here

-> * New inventory, open with left click using honeycomb ! click here


Mc Version Supported



1 / Insert plugin in folder plugins,

2 / Use FAWE plugin,

3 / Use java version : 16 minimum,




  • All commands and brush using Fawe editSession, All commands and brush can be //undo, //redo !!!

/painting :

This command allows you to create a painting based on the light of the blocks

permission : exp.command.painting

Command : /painting [length] [ block ]

Example : /painting white_concrete stone


The first 2 server arguments define the start and finish block of the gradient. The 3rd argument (optional) indicates the number of blocks to place in the gradient (between 0 and 15; by default 15). The 4th argument (optional) will force the gradient to pass through the block defined in the middle

/1 or right click using wand :

Execute //pos1

permission : exp.selection.airpos

/2 or left click using wand :

Execute //pos2

permission : exp.command.tool and permission : worldedit.selection.pos


shift click :

Execute //sel

permission : exp.command.sel and permission : worldedit.selection.pos

/terra aliases t :

Give terraforming tools

permission : exp.command.tool

/vox :

Give voxel tools

permission : exp.command.tool

/plume :

Give GoPaint tool

permission : exp.command.tool

/silex :

Give GoBrush tool

permission : exp.command.tool

/pos :

get position location

permission : exp.command.tool

/getcommand :

displays the command of a Block command by looking at it from a distance

permission : exp.command.tool


/c :

shortcut for execute //copy

permission : exp.command.tool permission : worldedit.clipboard.copy

/cube :

set cuboid selection mode

permission : exp.command.tool

/poly :

set polygone selection mode

permission : exp.command.tool

/convex aliases /conv:

set convex selection mode

permission : exp.command.tool

/repeater or /rt :

preset a tick to the repeater when you set it

permission : exp.command.tool

/schemtrans :

deactivate to be reworked

transfer schematic on other sftp server

permission : exp.command.schemtrans

/timelapse :

This allows timelapses to automatically deconstruct a selection layer by layer according to our desires.

WARNING, this command is not compatible with //undo and //redo. Your selection is copied to your clipboard !

Command : /timelapse [ block per tick = 1 ] [ shape destroy block = fawe saving ] [!air]

Example : /timelapse start 5, /timelapse stop

permission : exp.command.timelapse


/areatimer :

This command allows you to define a zone using a WE selection. Then the plugin will count the time you spend in this zone.

This can be very practical when you want to estimate the time spent on a project, Or charge a commission for the time spent on it !

Command : /areatimer <create/delete/info/stop/resume> [ area-name ]

Example : /areatimer create my_new_project, /areatimer info my_new_project

permission : exp.command.areatimer


/perlin :

deactivate to be reworked

generate perlin, predefined for the hair

permission : exp.command.perlin

/autocb :

pastes all commands separated by a semicolon into a command block. Then execute the command by looking at the command block this will allow when the cb to automatically include the command

permission : exp.command.autocb

/expbuild aliases /exp :

general command for reload config, need help, and more

permission :


/flower aliases fw:

argument : melt, lift, fill, smooth, floatclean, blendball, clipboard, cube, sphere, 2dCube, drain, line, none, overlay, spike, biome, erodeblend


General brush command,

  • material : set pattern

    permission : exp.command.flower

  • radius : set radius

    permission : exp.command.flower

  • clipboard3D : Paste your clipboard according to the angle of your view on the block you clicked

    permission : exp.brush.clipboard3d

  • melt, fill, fill, smooth, floatclean, erodeblend : voxel brush, permission : exp.brush.erode and exp.brush.erodeblend

Change the radius : /fw radius

Change the shape : /fw shape <shape (sphere, cylinder)>

  • clipboard3D : Place a clipboard depending on the direction of the head

    permission : exp.brush.clipboard3d


  • clipboards :

    • < add > : Add a clipboard to the brush (flag : -a, -e, -c -b)
    • < remove > : Remove a clipboard from the brush
    • < removeAll > : Remove all clipboards from the brush
    • < autoRotation > : Paste the clipboard with a random rotation of 0, 90, 180 or 270

    permission : exp.brush.clipboard



  • cube : cube brush

    permission : exp.brush.cube

  • 2dCube : place a cube with an angle corresponding to the angle that the player has

    permission : exp.brush.2dcube


  • sphere : sphere brush permission : exp.brush.sphere

  • line : line brush

    permission : exp.brush.line

  • overlay : overlay brush

    permission : exp.brush.overlay

  • drain : drain brush

    permission : exp.brush.drain

  • drain : drain brush

    permission : exp.brush.eraser

  • biome : biome brush

    permission : exp.brush.biome

  • spike : generates a spike from your position to the brush point

    permission : exp.brush.spike


  • blendball : blend terrain

    permission : exp.brush.blendball

  • updatechunk : update chunk

    permission : exp.brush.updatechunk

  • none : disable brush

    permission : exp.brush.none

If you are an operator on the server, you will still be able to execute all commands


Open the inventory with a left click on the honeycomb

  • By selecting the bone you open the configuration interface of humanoid organics

permission : exporga.use

By default the switch is on the BARRIER_BLOCK > in mode: Activation / deactivation of members


This allows you to choose to deactivate / activate certain body parts (by default all parts are activated)

By clicking on the X head (Switch to X) you can modify the pitch of each member of the organic, and you can do the same thing by clicking on the Y head, which will change the yaw of the members of the organic


Now you are ready to pregenerate your organic, by clicking on the first ARMOR_STAND. Of course you can modify the direction of the members at any time and see the modification live!!!


Finally by clicking on the second ARMOR_STAND you can generate your organic!!! Congratulations


  • By selecting the leather chest-plate you open the configuration interface of custom leather


Click or shift click on the dyes to change the colors of the tonics,

Click on the tunic to be able to put them in your inventory

  • By selecting the sunflower you open the configuration interface of flower brush

Place the items present in your inventory in place of the barrier blocks

By clicking on the yellow flags, you can modify the properties of the block or the item

For example if you want to put the upper part of the rose_bush, or modify (upper / lower / double) the slabs, or put persistent leaves, or choose the number of candles to put...


By clicking on the black_glass present above, you can modify the quantity of the item in the brush


Clicking on the bottle modifies the amount of air present in the brush,


Finally, don't forget to click on the honeycomb to activate the brush; You can now apply your brush by right-clicking with the honeycomb

And press a second time on the honeycomb to deactivate the brush



A new Pattern has appeared, #brick[block,block][length][width][border thickness][offset], This pattern was designed to facilitate the creation of brick grace with different parameters allowing a personalized result.

Example : //set #square[10][3][1][5]



A new Mask has appeared, #onground[][] It was designed to easily place vegetation.

Example : //gmask onground[grass_block][air]



execute /expbuild reload ; to reload the config file.

default file config :


For the player to use the plugin tools, it is necessary to give him permission: exp.register This will allow him to create a “BrushBuilder” profile for him.

Depending on the commands you wish to authorize it to execute, the permission is of type: exp.command. (see permission command)

Same for brushes, the player cannot apply his brush if permission is not assigned to him, (see permission brush)

For the use of gui, the operation is identical: exp.gui.

You have 4 associated permissions:

  • exp.gui.main (for opening the main menu)
  • exp.gui.leather (for opening gui leather)
  • exp.gui.orga (for opening the organic generation gui)
  • exp.gui.flower (for opening flower brush mistletoe)

For any information or difficulty raised, do not hesitate to contact me x)