+Modul B.Inf.1247 - Version 1 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Modul B.Inf.1247: Introduction to Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing English title: Introduction to Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing6 C 4 SWS Lernziele/Kompetenzen: After successfully completing the course, students should be able to: •Summarize major IR and NLP applications •Explain important IR and NLP algorithms and data structures •Determine the conceptual requirements of specific IR and NLP problems •Compare the suitability of algorithms and data structures for specific tasks •Devise solutions for complex IR and NLP tasks by implementing and adapting suitable algorithms and data structures •Evaluate IR and NLP methods and systems quantitatively and qualitativelyArbeitsaufwand: Präsenzzeit: 56 Stunden Selbststudium: 124 Stunden Lehrveranstaltung: Lecture Introduction to Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing (Vorlesung) Inhalte: The lecture will cover the following topics: •Basics: Background, Text Preprocessing, Documents, Terms, Vocabulary, Inverted Index •Boolean Retrieval, Positional Retrieval, Tolerant Retrieval •Efficient Index Construction, Index Compression •Term Weighting, Relevance Scoring, Ranked Retrieval •Semantic Text Analysis, Link Analysis •Complete Retrieval Systems •Results Visualization and Exploration •Evaluation of Retrieval Systems Please visit www.gipplab.org/teaching for details on this course.2 SWS Prüfung: Written test (90 min.) or oral exam (approx. 20 min.) Prüfungsvorleistungen: Successful completion of the examination in the practical course component of this module. Prüfungsanforderungen: •Knowledge of major IR and NLP applications •Ability to explain important IR and NLP algorithms and data structures •Ability to analyze the conceptual requirements of specific IR and NLP problems •Ability to compare the suitability of algorithms and data structures for specific tasks •Ability to evaluate IR and NLP methods and systems quantitatively and qualitatively2 C Lehrveranstaltung: Practical Course Introduction to Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing (Laborpraktikum) Inhalte:2 SWS Amtliche Mitteilungen II der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen vom 11.10.2022/Nr. 9 V7-WiSe22/23 Seite 10996
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