Extensive C++ Course notes that focus basic and advanced programming, and a bunch of problem solving with the language.
Topics in Course:
- Programming Fundamentals: Operators, Loops, Control Flow, Recursive Functions, Array (1D, 2D, ND).
- Advanced Topics: Pointers, STL, Templates, Headers, Error Handling, and Compiltation Process.
- OOP: Objects, Classes, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Operator Overloading. Also, Embedded in Homework, and Serveral Design Principles & Patterns.
- Modern C++ 11/14/17: Move Semantics, Perfect Forwarding, Variadic Template, Folding Expressions, Smart Pointers, Lamda Expressions, Types Wrappers, and more.
Good Problems to review:
- 10th sec - tic tac toe's doc solution
- 12th sec(recursive)
- get_3n_plus_1_length - learned
- array avg - hard - I just could solve it with an external(global) variable that I was updating with every call
- array_right_max - couldn't solve it
- 13th sec(STL) - while my solutions might've been intuitive, the slides solutions were better:
- Stack problems seem to be tricky, but have simple solutions.
- Check homeworks 1 & 2 solutions.
- This ad-hoc problem is kinda hard, but worth checking: https://leetcode.com/problems/next-greater-element-ii/description/