- Introduction
- Elements
- Button
- IconButton
- ApplicationWindow
- Page
- PageHeader
- Screen
- ProgressBar
- BusyIndicator
- Slider
- Switch
- TextSwitch
- Label
- SectionHeader
- TextArea
- TextField
- SearchField
- Dialog
- ComboBox
- TopMenu
- MenuItem
- BackgroundRectangle
- VerticalScrollDecorator
- Scrollbar
- Popup
- PlatformFlickable
- PlatformListView
- PlatformImagePicker
- PlatformVideoPicker
- Adding a new element
- Adding a new element property/signal/method
This document specifies the unified API provided by Universal Components. Names of the provided elements as well as their properties, signals and methods are listed.
If a backend provides all elements listed in this document with all listed properties, signals and methods it can be considered as fully supporting the UC API.
A button with text label.
- text : string
- The button label.
- pressed : bool
- True if button is pressed, else false.
- clicked()
- Triggered when the button has been clicked.
A button with an image instead of text.
- iconSource : url
- URL to the icon image to be shown on the button.
- pressed : bool
- True if button is pressed, else false.
- clicked()
- Triggered when the button has been clicked.
The main application window.
- title : string
- Window title - will be displayed on window header on platforms that have one.
- inProtrait : bool
- True if the application window is in portrait, else false (landscape).
- inverted : bool
- True if the application window is in inverted portrait or inverted landscape, else false.
- rotatesOnOrientationChange : bool
True if the ApplicationWindow itself rotates on device orientation change, else not.
In general even if the ApplicationWindow does not rotate, the page stack and it's content does.
At the moment:
- QtQuick Controls ApplicationWindow rotates
- Sailfish silica ApplicationWindow does not rotate
- pageStack : native page stack
- This property provides access to the native page stack - currently StackView for the Controls backend and PageStack for the Silica backend. While both elements share a considerable amount of properties and methods (push(), pop(), clear(), find(), the busy property, etc.), they are not 100% API compatible and even the method signatures might differ. And it is also possible that a future backend might introduce yet another page stack implementation with yet another slightly different API.
- pushPage(Item pageInstance, object pageProperties, bool animate)
- Push pageInstance to the page stack. The optional properties parameter specifies a map of properties to be set on the page. The animate parameter controls if the page push should be animated (true) or not (false). Also note that the pushPage() method returns the page instance that has been pushed.
The Page type provides a container for the contents of a single page within an application.
- isActive : bool
This property reports if the given page is the current active page - it is visible and can be interacted with. A few things to note about the isActive property:
- stays true even if device screen is turned off with Silica backend
- it has not yet been tested if the same thing happens with Controls 2 on Android
If you want stop processing when the application is not active, use the Qt.application.state property, possibly combined with the isActive page property.
- isInactive : bool
- If true the page is not the active page, is not visible and can't be interacted with.
- isActivating : bool
- If true the page is about to become the currently active page.
- isDeactivating : bool
- If true the page is about to become inactive.
- wasOnPageStack : bool
- If true the page was at least once on the application page stack. If reset from true to false will be true agan next time the page is put on the page stack.
- isOnPageStack : bool
- If true the page is currently on the application page stack.
A header for use in a Page.
- title : string
- The text to display in the header.
- color : color
- Header color.
- titlePixelSize : int
- Pixel size of the title text.
- headerHeight: int
- Height of the header in pixels.
NOTE: The color, headerHeight and titlePixelSize properties currently don't do anything effect with the Silica backend and are provided for compatibility with the Controls backed PageHeader, where all these properties are effective.
Provides device display attributes.
- width : int
- Display width.
- heigh : int
- Display height.
NOTE: Currently with the Controls backend width is always 800 and height is always 600.
A progress indicator.
- indeterminate : real
- This property toggles indeterminate mode. When the actual progress is unknown, use this option. The progress bar will be animated as a busy indicator instead. The default value is false.
- maximumValue : real
- The maximum value of the progress bar (default: 1.0).
- minimumValue : real
- The minimum value of the progress bar (default: 0.0)
- value : real
- The current value of the progress bar.
Indicates background activity, for example, while content is being loaded.
- running : bool
- This property holds whether the busy indicator is currently indicating activity.
A horizontal slider.
- maximumValue : real
- This property holds the maximum value of the slider. The default value is 1.0.
- minimumValue : real
- This property holds the minimum value of the slider. The default value is 0.0.
- stepSize : real
This property indicates the slider step size.
A value of 0 indicates that the value of the slider operates in a continuous range between minimumValue and maximumValue.
Any non 0 value indicates a discrete stepSize. The following example will generate a slider with integer values in the range [0-5].
Slider { maximumValue: 5.0 stepSize: 1.0 }
The default value is 0.0.
- value: real
- This property holds the current value of the slider. The default value is 0.0.
- pressed : bool
- True if the slider is being pressed, else false.
A Switch is a toggle button that can be switched on (checked) or off (unchecked).
- checked : bool
- This property is true if the control is checked. The default value is false.
Like a Switch, but with a text label.
- checked : bool
- This property is true if the control is checked. The default value is false.
- text : string
- The text shown alongside the switch.
In addition to the normal QtQuick 2 Text element, Label follows the font and color scheme of the given platform. Use the text property to assign a text to the label. For other properties check the Text element.
- text : string
- Text to be displayed on the label.
Heading text for the start of a section on a page. Uses the SectionHeader element with Silica backend and a bold horizontally centered Label with the Controls backend.
- text : string
- Text to be displayed on the section header.
Displays multiple lines of editable formatted text.
The TextArea width and height should generally be set, otherwise the area will be sized to fit the entered text.
- text : string
- The text to be displayed in the TextArea.
- readOnly : bool
- Holds whether the text field is in read-only mode. If set to true, the user cannot edit the text.
- validator : Validator
- A Validator that validates any entered text. By default, a text field does not have a validator.
- acceptableInput : bool
Returns true if the text field contains acceptable text.
If a validator was set, this property will return true if the current text satisfies the validator as a final string (not as an intermediate string).
The default value is true.
- wrapMode : enumeration
Set this property to wrap the text to the TextEdit item's width. The text will only wrap if an explicit width has been set.
- TextEdit.NoWrap - no wrapping will be performed. If the text contains insufficient newlines, then implicitWidth will exceed a set width.
- TextEdit.WordWrap - wrapping is done on word boundaries only. If a word is too long, implicitWidth will exceed a set width.
- TextEdit.WrapAnywhere - wrapping is done at any point on a line, even if it occurs in the middle of a word.
- TextEdit.Wrap - if possible, wrapping occurs at a word boundary; otherwise it will occur at the appropriate point on the line, even in the middle of a word.
The default is TextEdit.NoWrap. If you set a width, consider using TextEdit.Wrap.
- selectByMouse : bool
If true, the user can use the mouse to select text in some platform-specific way.
- NOTE: The selectByMouse property has no effect on Sailfish OS, but can be safely set
- for compatibility purposes.
The default value is false.
TODO: The assured API currently provided by UC for the TextArea is quite basic at the moment and it would be a good idea to extend it in the future - while keeping requirements realistic given backend variations.
Displays a single line of editable plain text.
- text : string
- The text to be displayed in the TextField
- placeholderText : string
- This property contains the text that is shown in the text field when the text field is empty.
- readOnly : bool
- Holds whether the text field is in read-only mode. If set to true, the user cannot edit the text.
- validator : Validator
- A Validator that validates any entered text. By default, a text field does not have a validator.
- acceptableInput : bool
Returns true if the text field contains acceptable text.
If a validator was set, this property will return true if the current text satisfies the validator as a final string (not as an intermediate string).
The default value is true.
TODO: The assured API currently provided by UC for the TextField is quite basic at the moment and it would be a good idea to extend it in the future - while keeping requirements realistic given backend variations.
A text field for entering a text search query.
NOTE: Currently this provides access to a native SearchField (has a search & clear buttons) on Silica and is just a normal TextField on Controls. It might be a good idea to add the clear buttons also on Controls and other backends that don't provide a native SearchField equivalent.
- text : string
- The text to be displayed in the TextField
- readOnly : bool
- Holds whether the text field is in read-only mode. If set to true, the user cannot edit the text.
- validator : Validator
- A Validator that validates any entered text. By default, a text field does not have a validator.
- acceptableInput : bool
Returns true if the text field contains acceptable text.
If a validator was set, this property will return true if the current text satisfies the validator as a final string (not as an intermediate string).
The default value is true.
A dialog element.
TODO: Specify a common UC dialog API.
A combo box control for selecting from a list of options.
Menu items are added with a ListModel to the model property, which dynamically adds them to the context menu. Once an item is clicked, its underlying ListElement is returned so onCurrentItemChanged is triggered.
ComboBox { currentIndex: 2 model: ListModel { id: cbItems ListElement { text: "Banana"; color: "Yellow" } ListElement { text: "Apple"; color: "Green" } ListElement { text: "Coconut"; color: "Brown" } } width: 200 onCurrentIndexChanged: console.debug(cbItems.get(currentIndex).text + ", " + cbItems.get(currentIndex).color) }
The Universal Components ComboBox also supports localization via the QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP macro with a "ComboBox" context. Using just the QT_TR_NOOP macro would give the string context of the file where it has been found, which would not work as the ComboBox element is defined in a different file.
ComboBox localization example:
ComboBox { currentIndex: 1 model: ListModel { id: cbItems ListElement { text: QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("ComboBox", "foo"); color: "white" } ListElement { text: QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("ComboBox", "bar"); color: "black" } } width: 200 onCurrentIndexChanged: console.debug(cbItems.get(currentIndex).text + ", " + cbItems.get(currentIndex).color) }
Two strings - "foo" and "bar" will be marked for translation with the "ComboBox" context, which makes sure the qsTranslate() call in the ComboBox implementation matches them correctly.
- label : string
- A short single-line label describing the combobox.
- description : string
- A longer (possibly multi-line) description of the combo-box. Can be useful for describing the currently selected element by switching between description texts when the selected item changes.
- model : var
- Data model for the ComboBox.
- currentIndex : int
- Index of the selected item in the data model.
- currentItem : var
- Currently selected item.
The TopMenu element provides a multi platform menu that will generally be shown somewhere at the top of a Page using the appropriate native presentation method. Currently this translates to a PullDownMenu with with the Silica backend and to a Menu in popup mode with Controls. In the future the advanced Glacier pull down menu should also be supported.
The easiest way to use the TopMenu is to place PageHeader into a PlatformFlickable or PlatformListView in your Page and assign the TopMenu into its menu property:
import UC 1.0 Page { PlatformFlickable { PageHeader { : menu : TopMenu { MenuItem { text : "option 1" onClicked : {console.log("1 clicked!")} } MenuItem { text : "option 2" onClicked : {console.log("2 clicked!")} } } } } }
The top menu makes sure that the TopMenu can be activated when needed, either in a platform specific way (pull down gesture with Silica) or by showing a button (with Controls).
The TopMenu can be also used inside a standalone PlatformFlickable or PlatformListView, but users will need to provide custom triggering for the TopMenu (calling its popup() method) when not using the Silica backend.
- popup()
Opens the menu.
NOTE: Only actually does something on the Controls backend and is currently provided in onther backends only due to API compatibility.
A menu item for use with the TopMenu.
- text : string
- Text displayed in the menu item.
- clicked()
- Triggered when the Menu item has been clicked.
A simple item inheriting MouseArea that can be used as as a clickable background item with press highlighting for items in a ListView, special buttons or other interactive user interface elements.
When when preset, the color of the BackgroundRectangle will switch to highlightedColor and back to NormalColor when no longer pressed.
- highlightedColor : color
- Color used when the background rectangle is pressed.
- normalColor : color
- Color used when the background rectangle is not pressed.
- borderColor : color
- Color of the background rectangle border (if any).
- borderWidth : int
Width of the border rectangle border.
The default value is 0 (no border).
- cornerRadius : int
Radius of the background rectangle corner radius.
- NOTE: cornerRadius != 0 enables antialiasing for the given background rectangle,
- which is generally needed to make round corners look reasonably good in most cases
The default value is 0 (right angle corners).
- pressed_override : bool
- Makes it possible to simulate pressed state even if background rectangle is not physically pressed.
Adds a vertical scroll decorator to flickables and list views.
ListView { id: listView model: myModel delegate: myDelegate VerticalScrollDecorator {} }
Adds a vertical scroll decorator to flickables and list views.
- NOTE: Currently only provides functional scroll bar with the Controls backend,
- the Silica implementation is just an API compatible shim without any functionality.
ListView { id: listView model: myModel delegate: myDelegate VerticalScrollDecorator {} }
- horizontal : Scrollbar
- Used to automatically attach a horizontal Scrollbar to a Flickable.
- vertical : Scrollbar
- Used to automatically attach a horizontal Scrollbar to a Flickable.
A notification popup.
NOTE: The popup will automatically close when clicked.
- title : string
- Text of the notification popup.
- timeout : int
- How long should the popup by displayed in milliseconds. The default value is 5000 milliseconds.
- background : color
- Color of the notification popup background.
- hide()
- Hides the popup.
- show()
- Shows the popup.
- notify(text, color)
- A shortcut function for showing a popup notification with given text and color.
This element provide access to an enhanced platform specific flickable (SilicaFlickable can have a pull-down menu attached, etc.). With backends that don't have such enhancements a normal Flickable is used.
This element provide access to an enhanced platform specific list view (SilicaListView has fast scroll support, etc.). With backends that don't have such enhancements a normal ListView is used.
This element provides access to a platform specific multiple image picker. A common API is provided, but applications might in some cases want to use the detailed platforms specific API that might not always be possible to fully abstract.
- selectedFiles : array
- An array containing file:// URLs of the selected files.
- selectMultiple : bool
- Controls if multiple images can be selected. The default value is false.
- run()
- Shows the image picker. Depending on the platform, this might manifest as separate picker dialog window showing up or a picker page being pushed to the page stack.
This element provides access to a platform specific multiple video picker. A common API is provided, but applications might in some cases want to use the detailed platforms specific API that might not always be possible to fully abstract.
- selectedFiles : array
- An array containing file:// URLs of the selected files.
- selectMultiple : bool
- Controls if multiple videos can be selected. The default value is false.
- run()
- Shows the video picker. Depending on the platform, this might manifest as separate picker dialog window showing up or a picker page being pushed to the page stack.
When a new element is to be added to Universal Components, the following actions should be done:
- add the element to all backends or at least to as many as possible
- add the element the qmldir files for all backend where it was added
- add the element specification to this document, but only if supported by all non-experimental backends
Backends currently considered non-experimental:
- Controls
- Silica
Experimental backends:
- Glacier
- Ubuntu Components
When a new property/signal/method is to be added to the Universal Component API, it should be added to the element in all backends if possible.
If should be also added to this document, but only if implemented by all non-experimental backends (see the section above for a list of non-experimental backends).