Allows mindustry mods to easily check for updates and notify the user about them.
Add the following line to the dependencies {}
block of your build.gradle
or build.gradle.kts
You must specify the following lines in your mod.(h)json
file. The file must be placed either in the root of your mod or in assets folder.
#!VERSION version
#!REPO "author/repo"
The first line specifies the version which will be used for comparisons (must be a number), the second specifies the mod repo. Note that if the local and remote metadata files have differet repo values, the library will download a release from the repository specified in the remote metadata file
Optionally you can also specify the branch and a "no update" token:
The first specifies the branch which will be used to check updates.
If the latter is present in the REMOTE (on the github repo) metadata file, the mod will NOT be updated even if the repo has a newer version. You can use this to prevent the library from showing phantom update notifications during some maintenances.
#!BRANCH "target_branch"
example of a mod.hjson file:
#!VERSION 2.4 (can be an integer or a float, should be increased upon every release)
#!REPO "MHeMoTexHuK/New-controls" (checking
#!BRANCH "master" (checking the master branch)
#!NO_UPDATE (updates will be performed)
...normal mod info...
Anything after the value of the token is ignored, i.e. you can type "4.2beta" and it'll be interpreted as "4.2" (float)
Call Updater.checkUpdates(currentMod) after the client load event and it'll check whether the repo contains a newer version. If it does, the library will prompt the user to automatically download & install the updste.
Note that the library checks the latest commit, but downloads the latest release. If there's a mismatch between these two, the user may receive phantom update notifications!
The control tokens can be placed in any order in any place of the metadata file.