There are many resources available on the web to learn coding. Different formats work for different people, but here are a few websites you can visit to learn:
These sites offer a variety of programming languages!
Codecademy is a great plat to start. It offers a variety of courses based off of interactive coding challenges. This is a free resource!
Treehouse is another great website. It offers a bigger selection than Codecademy, and goes a lot more in-depth in some topics. Courses are made up of a collection of short videos. Every few videos, you take a quiz or a coding challenge! This is NOT a free resource, but you can contact Michael Gira to get the credentials to a paid group Treehouse account.
A great resource for people already experienced with programming to pick up another language. This site offers over 100 text-based tutorials that will teach you the basics and provide links to continue your learning!
Angular is a JavaScript library used to build powerful single-page applications. It can also be used for other platforms, such as the Ionic framework to build mobile apps!
The Angular University is a great resource for learning Angular 2. It has simple to-the-point videos that are only a few minutes long each. While there are some videos that are free, you must pay in order to access the full library of videos.
Awesome Angular 2
Awesome list of Angular 2 seed repos, starters, boilerplates, examples, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else in the Angular 2 ecosystem
Awesome Lists
Lists of Awsome topics and resources. For each topic there are many resources that are picked out to be the most useful.
There are almost infinite amounts of Youtube channels dedicated to various programming topics. Just search for tutorials. Crash Course, while known for other things has a computer science course dedicated to how computers work.
Please reference this guide to learn what Git and GitHub is.
- Codecademy
- Treehouse Courses
- Git - the simple guide
- GitHub Training & Guides
- GitHub Hello World
- Git Immersion
- How to Use Git and GitHub
- Git Branching
Just like a good piece of software, this tutorial must be dependent on other lists.
- Developer-Y videos
- CodinGame
- CodeFights
- OpenProcessing
- Carnagie Mellon Videos on Theoretical Computer Science
- Great Article on Networking
- Git in 20 minutes
- Free Ebooks from Oreilly
- University of Waterloo online courses
- The ultimate collection of free Udemy courses to learn different programming languages
- Github Repo full Of Papers
- Reddit Post with 1000+ PDFs on programming
- 40+ Professional free PDFs