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Countdown or countup for events

This module is revamped from the scratch. If you are using the previous version, you may need reinstall again.





  • Count up / down to specific date/time
  • Various formatting & custom template
  • Auto repeat : yearly, monthly, daily, hourly.
  • Callback functions for updating or passing the event.


cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-CountEvents
npm install

This module needs MMM-CustomElementTime module also. It would be installed by execution of Usually This script will be run automatically by npm install but, when that is not executed properly, do it by manual.

# In some environments, you may need to allow permission
chmod 755 ./

sh ./
# OR

But when you have still a problem, you can install that module also by manual.

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone



You should include MMM-CustomElementTime also in the config.js

  module: "MMM-CustomElementTime" 
  module: "MMM-CountEvents",
  position: "top_right",
  config: {
    events: [
        title: "To Christmas",
        targetTime: "25 Dec 2024",

Simplest Example

  module: "MMM-CountEvents",
  position: "top_right",
  config: {
    events: [
        title: "To Christmas",
        targetTime: "25 Dec 2024",

Detailed (and default)

  module: "MMM-CountEvents",
  position: "top_right",
  config: {
    /* Common default properties */
    locale: null,
    refresh: 1000 * 60,
    unit: "auto",
    repeat: false,
    ignoreBefore: false,
    ignoreAfter: false,
    className: "default",
    output: `<dl><dt class="title"></dt><dd class="output"></dd></dl>`,
    numericAlways: false,
    reverse: false,
    numberOnly: false,
    numberSign: false,
    useQuarter: false,
    onPassed: null,
    onUpdated: null,

    events: [
        title: "To Christmas",
        targetTime: "2024-12-25",
        repeat: "yearly",
        ignoreAfter: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,

Config values for common default properties

These properties in config:[] will be applied to each event by default. You can reassign specific property in each event again.

Property default value Description
locale MM's default locale or system locale BCP-47 format locale identifier. It needs for displaying format by user's locale.
e.g. "de", "en-CA"
refresh 60_000 (ms) self-refreshing interval of the event. 0 means no refreshing.
unit "auto" Available values: "auto", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second" and "quarter"
"years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" would be available also.
repeat false Available values: "yearly", "monthly", "daily", "hourly" or false
When the event is a kind of recurred events.
"minutely" and "secondly" are not supported. It sounds weird and out-of-sense.
ignoreBefore false Available values: false or (miliseconds)
If you set 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, this events will not be displayed before 7days from targetTime.
ignoreAfter false Available values: false or (miliseconds)
If you set 1000 * 60 * 60, this events will not be displayed after 1 hour from targetTime.
className "default" You can assign specific CSS class name to the event.
output HTML Template You can modify the output of the event displaying. The element with title class and output class will be fulfilled with event title and the count result.
numericAlways false The result will be various depends on the locale
false: "tomorrow"
true: in 1 day
reverse false By default (false), the displayed time would be counter to the targetTime from now. When true, vice versa. }
numberOnly false Wheter displaying only number (without literals) or not.
false: "in 12 hours"
true: "12".
numberSign false Displaying + or -
This will be valid only with numberOnly: true options.
useQuarter false Add quarter unit into the unit: "auto" options.
onPassed callback function (event, element) When the targetTime is passed, this callback function would be called. Usually this will be used for an alarm function. See the [Examples]
- The check for passing moment is depending on the refresh interval.
- When if the event is repeated, this function would be called again at a time.
onUpdated callback function (event, element) When the event is refreshed by refresh option, this callback function would be called. Usually this will be used for modifying the result on real-time. See the [Examples]
events [] Array of event objects to display.

Event object

Property default value Description
title "nonamed" The title of the event. This value will be injected into the first class="title" element in output template of the event.
targetTime "2025-01-01" The target time of the event.
Available Types
- Unix Timestamp
- Date-like String: See the below [[Time format]]
- Javascript Date Object

All common default properties could be used and reassigned for the specific evnet object.

CSS Styling

The displaying result of this module woule have the HTML like this. (with default output template)

<div id="module_13_MMM-CountEvents" class="module MMM-CountEvents MMM-CountEvents">
  <header class="module-header" style="display: none;">Module Header</header>
  <div class="module-content">
    <ul class="CE" id="CE_module_13_MMM-CountEvents">
      /* event begin */
      <li class="default"> /* className of the event */
        /* output template begin */
          <dt class="title">Daily Closing (Repeating)</dt> /* title injection */
          <dd class="output"> /* result injection */
            <mm-time relative locale="en-US" time="1723128780000" decouple data-numeric="auto" relative-unit="auto" refresh="1000" class="future default"> /* mm-time custom element to display the targetTime */
              <span class="mm-time-parts literal">in </span>
              <span class="mm-time-parts integer hour">23</span>
              <span class="mm-time-parts literal"> hours</span>
        /* output template end */
      /* event end */

You can handle CSS to style for your purpose.


Various configs


  module: "MMM-CountEvents",
  position: "top_right",
  config: {
    events: [
        title: "To 2025 New Year (German, days)",
        targetTime: "2025-01-01",
        locale: "de-DE",
        unit: "days",
        title: "To 2025 New Year (Korean, hours)",
        targetTime: "2025-01-01",
        locale: "ko-KR",
        unit: "hours",
        title: "To 2025 New Year (Custom template)",
        targetTime: "2025-01-01",
        locale: "ja-JP",
        numberOnly: true,
        numberSign: true, 
        unit: "days",
        output: `<div>D <span class="output"></span>(<span class="title" style="color:gold;"></span>)</div>`,
        title: "From 2024 New Year",
        targetTime: "2024-01-01",
        title: "Daily Closing (Repeating)",
        targetTime: "2025-01-01T17:00:00",
        repeat: "daily",
        refresh: 1000,

onPassed example for notification alert


  module: "MMM-CountEvents",
  position: "top_right",
  config: {
    events: [
        title: "Daily Closing (Repeating)",
        targetTime: "2025-01-01T16:53:00",
        repeat: "daily",
        refresh: 1000,
        onPassed: (event, element) => {
          const self = MM.getModules().withClass("MMM-CountEvents")[0]
            { type: "alert", title: "Daily Closing", message: "It's time to close the shop.", timer: 60_000 },

onUpdated example for displaying Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds

This module doesn't provide "OO years, OO months, OO days, OO hours, OO minutes, OO seconds" format, however, you can hook the result with onUpdated callback function.


/* event object definition*/
title: "To Christmas",
targetTime: "2024-12-25",
repeat: "yearly",
onUpdated: (event, element) => {
  const pluralMap = { 
    // In 'english-something' locales, 'one' and 'other' are only used. 
    // However, other locales may have more. ('zero', 'two', 'few', 'many' in 'arabic' locale. 'Chinese' locale has only 'other')
    // You need to modify this map according to your locale.
    "year": { one: "year", other: "years" },
    "month": { one: "month", other: "months" },
    "day": { one: "day", other: "days" },
    "hour": { one: "hour", other: "hours" },
    "minute": { one: "minute", other: "minutes" },
    "second": { one: "second", other: "seconds" },
  const pluralRules = new Intl.PluralRules(event.locale)
  const methodMap = {
    FullYear: "year",
    Month: "month",
    Date: "day",
    Hours: "hour",
    Minutes: "minute",
    Seconds: "second",
  const method = (type, name) => { return type + name }
  const upTo = (start, upto, unit) => {
    let count = 0
    const s = new Date(start.valueOf())
    do {
      s?.[method('set', unit)](s?.[method('get', unit)]() + 1)
    } while (s.valueOf() < upto.valueOf())
    return count - 1
  const [small, big] = [element.time,].sort((a, b) => a - b).map(v => new Date(v))
  const moment = new Date(small.valueOf())
  let result = ""
  for (const m of Object.keys(methodMap)) {
    const u = upTo(moment, big, m)
    if (u > 0) {
      moment?.[method('set', m)](moment?.[method('get', m)]() + u)
      result += `<span class="mm-time-parts integer ${methodMap[m]}">${u}</span> <span class="mm-time-parts literal">${pluralMap[methodMap[m]]?.[]}</span> `
  element.innerHTML = result

Time format

For targetTime, ISO 8601 and RFC 2822 available.

[RFC 2822]

6 Mar 17 21:22 UT
6 Mar 17 21:22:23 UT
6 Mar 2017 21:22:23 GMT
06 Mar 2017 21:22:23 Z
Mon 06 Mar 2017 21:22:23 z
Mon, 06 Mar 2017 21:22:23 +0000

[ISO 8601]

2013-02-08  # A calendar date part
2013-W06-5  # A week date part
2013-039    # An ordinal date part

20130208    # Basic (short) full date
2013W065    # Basic (short) week, weekday
2013W06     # Basic (short) week only
2013050     # Basic (short) ordinal date

2013-02-08T09            # An hour time part separated by a T
2013-02-08 09            # An hour time part separated by a space
2013-02-08 09:30         # An hour and minute time part
2013-02-08 09:30:26      # An hour, minute, and second time part
2013-02-08 09:30:26.123  # An hour, minute, second, and millisecond time part
2013-02-08 24:00:00.000  # hour 24, minute, second, millisecond equal 0 means next day at midnight

20130208T080910,123      # Short date and time up to ms, separated by comma
20130208T080910.123      # Short date and time up to ms
20130208T080910          # Short date and time up to seconds
20130208T0809            # Short date and time up to minutes
20130208T08              # Short date and time, hours only

2013-02-08 09  # A calendar date part and hour time part
2013-W06-5 09  # A week date part and hour time part
2013-039 09    # An ordinal date part and hour time part

2013-02-08 09+07:00            # +-HH:mm
2013-02-08 09-0100             # +-HHmm
2013-02-08 09Z                 # Z
2013-02-08 09:30:26.123+07:00  # +-HH:mm
2013-02-08 09:30:26.123+07     # +-HH


2.0.0 (2024-08-07)

  • Revamped
